Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

--Y OFFICE OFTHEAIl-ORNEY GENERALOFTEXAg AU8TlN riioa or thir am- stated ha8 b4aa tatloo maa pro&m cUa- llmlt& tie1iIpar- taent 84Oll1emnd cl&e a, thamr0n, SW itIt 8 taalaing 8ehool rowaga plant operatorm wh4 aA-0 c.h*r~rlouo ntar on6 8wag;O utfl- h4ut th4 stat** wAfthoagh thir 8ohfaolts voluntary, the ~mponiro has bean far boyend ex~6tationl. A8 l sattierof r80t, it a0 so nil rOorfvr6 that wa4 thirtr 41" f4rtp otlla* eater have 14llorpd this aru~p;leset br Tam.. It lms baoon# 10 lartjpthat ooo~~rative rrrmgom*nta w41e work- a6 out with .A. 6: M. Coll#& for holdin@ tha - .- ._ sahool at their Institution. The State Cepart- sent oi Vocational Eduoatlon was also invited into the pfature to assist with the instructlon- al k3ork. *The aoxt sahool sponsored by this Sapart- ment will be halb at Colleqe Ctation "ebruary 19- es. The lectures lnolude such top108 as sanitary problems or itcpoundingressrvolr~~,the wntrol of mlarosooplo organisms in watar reservolm, conservation of 5ur vetor res~~roos, stream pol- lution by 1. C. .:ultivanof the 3. I;,. Fubllo Bealtb Ceruioe; legal aspacts of strsam pollu- tion, preparing for (~llt~~‘~wboles, the watsr works ratingi systcur or tha state Dqmrtnsnt af Health, luono~Ios of water troatmat, water treatment problefssin sulphur produotion, coaSulatlon ax- gdrlbnoaa, iron rhmoval,0aonMAon of vmtar, various sewage problms, laboratory praotioes la a writteh lx&&lation. *This mss method of taking the Stats Board of Health sanitation and health proteatlon pro- gxwm to the rater works and. sowage works fntar- nity or this State is, as we latsrpret it, In lfn8 with ths dutfs lrsel&asQ to the Stste Roard 0r malth in th8 pnv4ntioa and spread 0s air- ease and has bean iouna to be ths moat praotioal ana feasible one progru8 yet d0w0pea. ‘Instruotl08 Is not gir8n only by mm fro& the State Depa+tzmt Health but al80 other of qualified men seleotod who are specfalists Fn their line. Ths sttauhe4 prq,ram oo~ers mars fully the variorrssaglss a? tks mter and ssvmgs instruction that 18 to bs off6re4. You ~111 further not@ that the meals tor the attendaat8 or students will ba aervod lo ths collegs mss Ball an4 Eomltory apa haa bean made avall- able for the attenCants. All olauses will be held in the classroom of the college buildings and college laboratory. *?lnc~ sane question has arisen about ox- psnaes to conventions and sime this is .striot- ly a school ah& in no aeosa a Qohveution, m Ekmonblo Oaor68 pi.COX, Pa&a b are writing to ln~uIro v&other or not In your opinion the exponoso~laourrod la holding thlo 00~001 OS oerrylag tax-ward thio progran or pro- ventloa and spread 0r water-born0 Ulaoaoee 10 1ogitImate. The only expense Incrirnd by the State Em~rtaent of lioolthI0 the travollIng OS~~MOS 0r the peroonnol or the zeprrtient OX- gaged and participating In conducting thI0 oohool." Ko puot8 iron pur letter or February 16, 1.010, 8~ r0lf0m2 ~~d~~O0~ is rmrds to ay letter to YOU or ootobor 31, lcw, In ahloh a000ription0 0r ao- tlvltioo of oertaia dlvIoIono or the SltatoRoalth Dop8rtmoat wore givan. Among thee8 otatolunto we oao Mrkod K, ssllk .SooiInw. A8 the tIao 10 near at hand r0r the openlag of tCl0 %siIaor in Dallas 4~ Earoh 4, It booomoo aoooooary to &ok your opialoa on the quootion of whether or not oo,playoooof thI0 Lwp utwntlttondliq thio sunbar a0 i.astruotoroaad otudoats ~111 bo al- lowd their oxponooo rcr thia purpooo. “For your frrrtherlnformatian, there lo ln8lo~od 4 Pl-OgN af thI& Saninar rhloh io bo-. lag oonduotod JoIat&$ BJ the a. 3. Fublia Realth .2orvIao,Texas 9tak'~soard of 3oalth and the Dali- City RoUth r)sprrtmnt. Thr ~S~OOO of the 8asIn~r la to afford olty and oouaty beinlth orriolals, iaapooton and Etilk oupw~l~ro, a8 ~11 ao @t&or pormoao lntorootod In allk Oulta- tioa, an opportonlty to obtain Instruotions wlth- out ooot or tu1tioa trsm oxperto in thlr pwtlo- liar rim. The pro@8ku a,rnn&ed. i# vary OPIP- prehensive and 0111 oarmum all tho tImo allotted for holding the SmInar. Entortaimaeat foataroo ouch as are umall~ round at conveatlono an not jxovlded ior oithsr br raising noeossery flnanaos or tho allotment of tIm. Thio 18 otriotly a 8ChOOl and in a0 OO~eO a oonvS!at~on~ *AS this Reafnar la ror tho sol4 purpooe or dk000d~atiag tir0r~ti0a to porsoao eaeptged la publie hoaltb work In rohatiao to tranouAo6Ion of di06aoe through Illilk aad titimatoly arrordiryp a wane or *prsvention or lnreotlon or a conta~1ouo Honorable oo+rga ?p.Cox, Fw50 4 dlooooa offectlag the livoo 0r eitlomo within tho Sot.', It IO believed that Artiolo 4419 of the Eevleed Civil ftatutoo Or 1985 arrordo ample authority for enployooo or the State Eealth Ds- partamt gartIolpatIng thoroln.- Artfolo 4419, Vernon*8 bnaotated Girl1 ,Ftatutoo, above roterred t.0 in your letter0 or Inquiry, read8 an r0z- low : 'The state Bcnrd 0r Eeolth elm11 have gonor- al soporrIslon mindoontrol 0r all mottaro por- talnlng to the healtt or c~tioeno 0r thlo State, as provided heroin. Zt shall make a ltudy of th0 OaUOOO OBd p~YWtiOB Or infOOtiOn Of OOo- tagi0w di00a000 aireating the live0 or 0itio0w nlthln this Stoto oml exaept lo othmwloe provided In thlo shaptsr oh611 &arm Ulmotlon and oontral of all &otter8 of qwrontiao rygulotloao and on- rorooaoat and ohol2 bore fall power and author- ity to prevent the lntronoo o? luoh dIooaooo ?rtm point8 without tha Soto, and oholl have dlrootlon and oontml o ver lanltory on4 quoron- tine soooureo for dealing with all CIo~ooo with- in the Sata and to aupprooo or&o mid provoat their lp r o a d.The prooldosit oi the board cboll. hove charge of aad otqmrlatond the admlaiotn- tlon of all neattore .partainingto State paarea- tiao.* Uador the heading bf Ealataaonor lnd Elomllanrouo 0r the Om.eral rpproprlation Bill (smite Bill 80. 467, Aot8 Of tha 46th iegfolaturo) for the stat8 Board and Departrcoat 0r Boalth we rind the rOii03fiagr ~kcalatoaanaeaad uiocolloaeouo For thoBor8 md5.q August Sl, P1ugwt 81, 1940 1841 1. zxtsplieaand equtpont ror salaria I-ropocotlcmto bo used In oooperatfoa with the stat0 50tm 0f c0ar0i r0r trsatment of the lmaao. . . .$ l,Q65.00 8 l,OW.OO E. sup~liro ror Indexing Birth and Death CsrtifIeat6c aad contlngoncieo to be aapple- mental by Xorko Progreos Ad+, miol5tratiMi In the ammnt 0r (~so,ocm.oo) . . . . . . 2,SQQ.QO f,SQo.oQ .w? ,. 3. 3 E,600.00 4. Root on Tabulhtiag ::aohlne. . 1,500.00 5. traveling ~xperi~~ea, mtiro i?e- partiaont. . . .>. . . . . . . 27,080.oo 6. Fostage . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,500.QO 7. :.urttpgone . . . , . . . . . . 100.00 8. support, mdmmano~ ana artra P;elpfor Laboratory, 1108alary to srosed 3100.00 9er month and fator mklng and dlstrlbutlng Tor- 018, typhoid Yaoalne and antl- rabim Vsooino . . . . . . . . 14.Y50.00 14,950 lo o 9. rrint:n(b. . . . . . . . . . . 2,%30.00 & ,500.00 10. orriot :xq~Uea and xqu~ipuent, Pela9hoae. Tole@aph, treight, cartage, xxpresa, Box Rent and Contingwloior. . . . . . . . . s,wo.oo 11. 5aer~ Fiopalr,fmIerp1 Plant . . . . . . . . . . . . aoo.00 ia. 3~s a~4 %b8oriptions . . . . 800.00 13. Educ~tloual, ~*&luel, t*uclor;l, Janitorand Oenor81 Cpenting .'rU99liO%. . . . . l . . . . . l E.S.00 14. ::ar;plea colhoted by Food ancl xug xnepeotor*. . . . . . . . 300 .oo 1s. mxpsnees for csollratlngand aa- mmbllng suah teohnioal iafcirmk tion a6 la esl8ontialto the oon- trol of salt water gollutioa at- faotlng the AngeliAn, Neofaerand ;SabFns F ivsrs. . . . . _ .~ .a~ . :- s,000.00 I Ronorablo Goor In the gelleial ridor of the oenaral Approprla- tfon Bill, under the heading *Tra~4ll~g Xx945404w, w8 ?l~d the last pragra9h o? S4ctIoA 3, proriding: %o monsp her4i.Aappropriated shall ltor be e&ant to Ppy th4 traveling of an7 lx p o A888 Stats 41nplo744to 4~7 t794 of oomratlon wlth- iA this St4t4 pr without th8 Stat8." headlng SubdirIQion(j) under th8 841114 of *Travel- iBg Expe54.e", provide4 a4 r0iionr; “Bxaept a8 Oth4Nl88 4pmlfIA4ll7 8xempt08, the prorIaio~# of this Aot ah411 al40 apply to Npartraent h44d8 aAd iwmbera of Cofw4I8410n8." ‘se quote from our opinion Ro. O-1198, written bjr BoAOrabl4 R. W. Fairchild, A84iStMt AttOrA67 OlAerti, di- rooted ta RoAOrabl4 Clifford 3. JOA44, FF44id4At, %X44 T8OhnOloglO41 C0114g0, LUbboOk, Tour, ae iollmn~ "fn d4t4ml~ing whot&r rsImbtm44rmat m47 be 5lAd4for tr4vo11n$ expa4e4 IA 4A7 event, it mU8t b4 ~OO~AiZiOd tht I)0 ~iJXbtU4OSl4flt IEef b4 had unl.84 th8 9urpo40 of the trl9 opoa whleh ruoh erpekkm.8wore iA0Wr.d -8 the aooom9llrh- ment or *Stato*a bu8ine88.’ -*State*8 buaInoOas,*48 relaks to the au- thorit of a 64prtmnt to inour travoliag ox- pan404 to be paid by the 8tato, 8sems to tll to 4Icbpdy at 14aot th4 followlag ele&oAtrr -1. A r448emablo. 8ub8t8&ial, and dirvot relation betwosn the bruin448 to b8 truurOt46 011 th6 trip and th0 Mt3O~JiiiUhM5t Of th0 fUB8tiOB4 0r gorfmuuent oAtrwt4d ta tho particular deprt- merit. -3. R rea8onabl4, substacItia1, and Ulnct r4latioAship bbtW4OA the slsthodb7 whlsh th8 gartlcular bu8in484 Is intended to aooonpli8h th4 function oi Owerrm&nt entru4tsd to the do- part&ant, ant?the powers &Fant%d the Q49amt br law for the eoooaplI8hmont of sluoh fu5ction4.n E:aquote iMpp OpiAiOB WO. O-1737, WrittOA b7 ROAAr- abls I. 7;.Bairahlld, Weeiatant Attome $oA4r41, aMre448d to tBs stats nepsrtment of Muoation, Awtln, Texa4, as fol- 10w4: FZnorabls tiorge %:.Cox, page 7 Vbvlousip It oould not have been Intended by the Legislature that the restrlatlon against PyiAg treive11ngex~enaee to ooavcntions 4hou1e apply to authorize6 meetings called by at;enciee cifgcvornmmt for the purpose of accorapllahlng ths fUAOtiOA4 Of ~Overn&iOALi.U$OS8dUpOA thW. To apply suoh a coA4truotioA would be to impute to tho Legislature the Intent to paralyze by in- direction the admIAistr4tioA of the very 4??4iX0 of goverAzeAt for whfoh appropriations were a4d4 at length In "anate Bill 4%Z7of the 46th Legis- lature. ;feare impelled, therefore, to the con- clu5lon that the LeglSlature used the word '*uon- vent iQA' ln its oopeaial or poptiaC, rather than lt~ brcmd, 4IgAIfIcanos, oo~vsyi5g the 1408, generally, of a 8mrttIAgof membors or delegates or 4 private org8nlutfon, party, olub, soolety, or the like, for the ao8omplIshmoAt of 4~18 eom- &OA object." You st4te In your lstters of inquiry that the an17 4xp4544 loaurred by the State Dep8rtment of Realth wotid be the trrveling lx9ons44 of the personnel of the zop8rtiont engaged in and flrtlalpting IA conduotlng theso schools. icebelieve that the purposes or the trip8 abave fh0KitiOA.d and the oondwting of 44id 40hoo14 whenb7 suoh lx~4n444 ue inourr4d would b4 ths aooompllshmsnt of *,3tat4*8 business". Futhermre, a reaSon8ble, substantial, and dl- reot relation 4xist4 bstwwn the busInes4 to be traAsa0tad on these tripe and the seoomplIshment of the fnnotlonr.of ~or4rzamnt entrust46 to your partloulsr departtwnt. Therefore, 704 are ratapeotfully adrisod that it la the opinion of this dspartoont that your question as presented in your letter of February 15, 1940, and a Sl.mI- 14r pueStloA pre4onWd in your letter of Februclry16, 1940, must he answered ln tho affirmative. frU8ti5@ that the foregoing fully e5mwer4 your Inquiry, we remain ApPROVEj?~~ 27, 1940