HonorableR. T. saber, President
Texas Boaxd of Dental Examinrre
1014 #orwood Building
AtWtti, Texas
Dear Sir:
above stated qua-
thi8 depatanent.
oux opiaion ‘wepuQt*
f be am&red that we
theroin presental.
Bleator the &fate
Dr. W. A. $uckuer,
Boat& or Doatal
hi* ecaploy~
d eonduotm
lag Couaty Health UnlOs
the d.urtirtain that
08 are one-half adaaatlCma1
Mb, Chapter 9, Title 91 of the
1 Statutea, Acts 1919 a8 aaeaded by
;?cta1996.4&h Legislature;and, Arblela 949,
Uhapter 7, ~Titlo18 of the Penal Code of 19ILb,
Acts 1919 as amendid by .iots1995 44th Legiula-
tura require that the praotitionrrein the State
or ~eras #hall reoord their liseaea in the Oi-
rice or the Q0uM.l Clark or eaoh and everp oak-
ty in whioh the$ graotfoe, and requbws the
EonorableR. T. Webar, Pago 2
pciyaeat 0r rlrty (sag) oenbsror suoh recorda-
VU11 it be aeoarrsuy tar Dr. Buokmr aa
aa employee0r the Stat0 0r Texa8 to rimt reg-
iaer and reoord him 1160~0 before ha may eon-
duot the arralr8 laoidmnt to hlr employmeat?
Who aunt pay the a4 if the above is axe-
wered in the arrlraatfre?*
Further, it lb our undor6tanding that the aclnitw
rendered by thlo olini& to indigaat permnm, seleotitoly
ohoaen, are free; that they are eonduoted pursuant to the
duty Imposed upon the State Eealth Dopiutnmnt, by &%icle
Ul4a; viz.,
*TO better proteot and promto the health
0r the people 0r a-8 * * **;
and that the polioy b.lUd, an4 the exaum for the existennoo
0r this trarollng ollaio ia to pronot a general publlo OM-
eoioarne08 or nantax hygiuie.
wBvu~y peraea to whoa a lioumo ia ismed
by the State Board of Dental Rxamlnu8&all,
belore beginning the praetiao ef doatiotry at
say place la this Stat., prerenti Iikem to
the County Clerk of the ootm8y In Web he
realde8 aad offer8 to praatl8e. aad tot&
Ooanty Clerk of eaoh'knd every othu oounty
in whioh he slaypraetloe or offer to praotisr;
addCounty Clerk &all rooard aaid lioeanee&a
a book provided for the purpou, and reamhe
rirty (5og) oontrrtherefar. * * +*
Artlola ‘149, Vuaoa*a &motat@ Penal Qodr, la oouahbd
in the ldentltihl
U&w*; thua r&@riag its quotationanmae-
eaimry hem.
A a010 456x6 revidea rrbs@hall be aoaalbsredaa
praotfuiag iientistry withii the meaning of the rariotm atat-
utory provision8 rigalating that proi688i0n. s8otion S tar