Honorable Bort Ford, Administrator
Texas Ldquor Control Board
Austin, Texas
Dear Kr. Ford:
eipt of your letter
of llwenber 7 opLl.donfrom this
departmnt mi 8 oaptionsd subjeof
matter, rhioh
r&bed as follows:
quently a IlsekageStore Penait uas is-
auedwldlla&1edt0the appuaant.
*On Oatober 7, 1940 we reoelrsd
notice from the IPtateTreasurer that
aaid oheok had br)sn lost in the mail
and obar@d back to the aeoount bf
this Board. We i.medlately referml
the matter t,ow. L. tdoody0 Gompany,
HO&ikrt ?ora, ngr 2
zoquratlng that thag iaaur a duplipatr
ahaek. -Thay hatr lnfonuad ua fhet thr
will~.lam~no duplloatr aaahlrr*s &*a E
until thar ham born iumlahaQ4vith in-
dmnlty bond tor double thr,.adiount
tha aheak.
"I do not ballevr.,that thir Board
lbwatrd with lag&I. ,authorltyto make
an idrmnity bond and wlll appnalatr
our advior aa to whothor,or not thrrr
Ia an)rother mathod bjywhiah thla Dapart-
nant my obtain arttlrmrnt."
Wo brg to adrlar that Taiaa Liquor Dontrol
Board, like 84, other gotrrmarntal agrnay has auah
pewera only aa are aontrrradu on it br axprras atat-
uks br by neaaaaarr ~$llaati,$nc,
We ‘findnbthlryltifhr atitu%ra that oould,
Mdrr t&r,oat ld,baI?&llntrrprrtationthenot,author-
isirtha B61rdto rrrotikthr lndranlty bond aallrd for
by.w. Li:,x00ay .,k.
holder.df ~thcloat ohaok,for whlah manon it ~lrau#-
toaary, at hart, for bank; t@ dread auoh indrmity
aa a mnaltlon prrardrnt toiraubwa dupllaatr ahraG
Thrro ia,,
no~:,lay.~rrqulrln&be#' ~%ol~aatm dupllo’atrait
01thoi,,wlthor ,nithou.t indrmaityi And tha bank lr
in rrfualng to laaur,
krt Tord, m@r 3
&a rndorarnrat by th papa, howwar, in ia-
a 818otlatloa at tha ahaak a0 aa to .mka th
trkrr a holdrrPIIduo aouraa ,(.Faurth
FcioaTB. Lettlmom @a.) 148:Si 8.’ 396j Wmuhoa*a 1. X,
( 5th r a .)p* 558 Il 80 bhrt; ualraa thhr Toxaa Liquor
C&o1 Boar4 radoraed.throhaeka la bliak,tsisrr could
la no want ,bo,811lnaoimit hol(lOPand’ thr~riaklnaldrnb
to laaol~ a 6upllolti mold br littleor nothiag. If
your Boar4 rndorard thoa~ ohroka to tb lWaaurar ud
not &qnoldllf then there could br a@ holderin duo
oouraa wlthouitha on&orararnt cf.thr Treaaurar. We 4x3
not adtired an tomwhatbaror not the Traaauror ham an-
dorard than& abrekrin blank10 an to iclka poaalbla a
boldar ia aor ooorae.
3%~~Bear(l.~r‘prebrblrnardy uauld be a dmpla
aoit ormotlan upontha ldat laatrumaata, or poarlbly a
gogoa:a8 ta erno~l thr pwalfa l,Laura ,pr non-prymat
wa a0 nob aariu 8paoliloall.y tith re8$a;~o
rmMlw, ,hewatclr, thl.ak~~.pdmpa a rrtlrfaLW
lag d-ah xwpwt to .tha.aa&w~manta of
at bhr. Tr8ammr end a raaaenable :tln
iwquaatlid &plloatr
olant to:~-hwo 8 hambank to ,laaua the’
withoat iadrmaity.
ApOTOa t@iniOa G0mmitt.r by B.W.B.Obriwa