Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

HonorableAdam R. Johnson ExecutiveDirector State Departmentof PublicWelfare Austin,Texas HonorableOrvilleS. Carpenter Chairmanand ExecutiveDirector Texas UnemploymentCompensationCommission Austin,Texas Gentlemen: OpinionNo. O-1752 Re: May a Joint Merit System Councilbe established';y the ExecutiveDirectorsof the State Departmentof Public Welfareend Texas UnemploymentCompensation Collmission? We receivedyour letterof December1, 1939, in which you request our opinionon the followingquestion: "DO we have authorityunder the laws creatingthese agen- cies and the generallaws of the State of Texas to establishby regulationsuch a Joint Merit System Councilas that contemplated by the minimum standardsof the Social SecurityBoard; or, in the absenceof any specificstatutoryauthorization,is there any prohibition'against such joint actionby us?" You advisethat the Federal SecurityAgency has adoptedminimum standardsfor a merit systemof personneladministration and enclosea copy of the minimumstandardsfor a merit system in these agencies. A perusalof the minimum standardsset out in the folder disclosesthat in the absenceof a State civil servicesystemthere will be establisheda merit systemadmin-~ isteredby.an impartialbody referredto s.sthe Merit SystemCouncil,the members of which are to be appointedby the administrativeagenciesor by the Governoron recommendation of the administrativeagencies,for statedoverlap- ping terms, and no member of which is otherwiseemployedas an officialor employeeof any of the State agenciesaffected. Briefly stated,the minimum standardsprovidefor a completemerit systemor civil serviceplan to be ad- ministeredby the Merit System Council. Among other requirements, the Council HonorableAdam R. Johnssn,Page 2 (O-1752) HonorableOrvilleS. Carpenter is to appointa merit system supervisorto conductwritten exsminations~given to appliCmtB, and establishregistersof eligibles. All poBitionsnot spe- cificallyexemptedare to be filled from a regieterof eligibleswhich will includea limitednumber of the highestavailableeligibles. Further,the eligibilityof an employeefor promotionwill be determinedon recommendation of the agency and certification by the merit system supervisorthat the em- ployee meets the minimumrequirementsand is qualifiedfor promotionto the class of positionin question. A scrutinyof the statutesrevealsthat the selectionof employees for the State Departmentof PublicWelfarehas been vested in the executive directorand the members of the board. Sectionk of Article695c, Revised Civil Statutesof Texas, reads: "The ExecutiveDirectorshall be the executiveand admin- iBtmtiVe officerof the State Department. The ExecutiveDirec- tor, with the consentand approvalsof a majorityof the members of the Board shall: “a. Classifyall positionsIn the administration of this Act; "b. Fix objectiveBtandardBfor all positionsincludedin the classifications; "C. Formulatesalaryschedulesfor the servicesso cla~si- fled, subjectto biennialappropriations; "d. Provide for a fair and impartialselection,appoint- ment, retentionand promotionof personnelin accordancewith the classificationand compensationplans thereinbefore pro- vided." The authorityto appointemployeesfor the Texas UnemploymentCom- pensationCommission rests with the Commission. Article 5221-b-9,Subdivi- sion (d), RevisedCivil Statutes,providesas follows: "Personnel: Subjectto other provision6of this Act, the Commission iB authorizedto appoint,fix the compensation, and prescribethe duties and powers of such officers,accountants, attorneys,experts,and other personsas may be necessaryin the performanceof its duties. The Commissionshall not em- ploye or pay any person who is an officeror cossnitteemember of any politicalparty organization.The Comis~ion may dele- gate to any such person so appointedsuch power and authority as it deems reasonableand proper for the effectiveadminis- trationof this Act, and may, in its discretion,bond any per- Son handlingmoneys or signingchecks hereunder." HonorableAdam R. Johnson,Page 3 (O-1752) HonorableOrvilleS. Carpenter 16 providedfor by statute,it takes When a civil servicecosunieeion over certainpowersthat were formerlyvested in the administrativehead or appointingpower of the Sovenussnt.The Legislaturetakes the power to appoint employeesor removethem and placesthis functionin the hand8 of an impartial body. It transfersfrom one head to anothercertainadministrative powers; and, in creatingcivil servicecommissionB, the Legislaturetrsnsfersthe em- ploymentbureau of the Governmentto a new body. HermanJ. Friedman,25 Har- vard Law Review 712. Under the relatedfacts,the creationof a civil serviceor merit system of personneladministrationby mutual agreementbetweentwo separate appointingpowers is not permissiblein the absenceof statutoryenactment. The selectionand appointingpower of each agency has been provided for in the statutesquotedand where the Legislaturedelegatinga power directs the manner of its exercise,that method is exclusiveof all othere. 39 T. J. 68; WichitaElectricCo. v. Hinckley,131 S. W. 1192. Since the ultimateappointeeis a public officerand so an "agent or servsnt of the sovereign people of the State",hs BUBt "derivehis author- ity eitherby electionby the people or appointmentby that tribuneto whom the people have confidedthe power of appointment." State v. Washburn,Sup. Ct. of MIBBOLI~I,67 S. W. 592. The duty of investigatingand determiningas to the qualifications of applicantsfor public positionis placed on the appointingpower. When the Legislaturehas placedthe authorityof making appointmentsupon officers and boards,and vests them withna discretionand judgmentto determinewho is best qualifiedto serve the public,the courts cannot supervisethe exer- cise of such authority,nor controlthe discretionand judgment80 vested. An appointmentconsistsin the choiceby the appointingpower of the person appointed,end involves the exerciseof discretion. While the appointing power may listento the recommendation or advice of other8 . . . yet the Be- lectionmust finallybe the act of the appointingpower. I.2C. J. 897; Dever V. Humphrey,sup. Ct. Of &nBaB, 75 Pacific 1037; 45 C. J. 952. The creationof such a board by the agenCie8 named would mount to an exerciseof 1egiBhtiVe power, a prerogative.reeerved to the legislative body, of this stateby our Texas Constitution,Article III, Section1. Trusting that this will snswer your inquiry,we are YOUrB very truly APPROVEDDEC 9, 1939 APPROVED ATTORNEYGENEXALOF TEXAS OPINION I*/ Gerald c. Mann coM?.frrrm By /B/ RirBchieJohnson BY /B/ BWR HirschieJohnson ATTORNEXCENERALOFTEXAS CHAIRMAN ABBiBtallt HJ:RS:IM