Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN PP. 0. B. NoUo~miok,Dir-eotmr BOndhi& dr tiOWMin6 Divirlon, Dqwtmen0 at Agrioulbutr 2'. 0. Box 111 mwllryen, Toxarl Dear Yirr avokea Mb who is iwus pPo&oaPs 00 worth of oitrus SeabOn and whloh uat fOP ha opinion S Agrioulture requlr- $ Aot (Apt. lltib, Ver- tuto8--xrB* 99, Act0 Mr. 0. B. LleGQrmiok,’ Page e a ant’ ehsll t;raurf.wg mamnmy purson by MJ 1sraansad dealer to sot for him ,in the handling OS oltrua fruit a6 derined in (a) or thl.8 Sootlon.* The war4 Whandlo* means, aaoordlnig to Yeotion 1 (d) of Artlole llBb, supra, “buying OF offerlne; to buy, sell- lng or OitbdQ3 to 6011, or bhippinf3 for the pur oae or Sell- ing, whcther~aa owner, agent or otherwise, any oPtrue fruit within the Stmte of Texn6, and persons buying and/or ohlpplnq aitrua fruit for aennlng anb/or proaessing or handlers, as the term la aertnud.* Beotion 18 of hrtlole 118b, mpra, providea,among othur thin@; th6tr TQion fippliaatien %o Ohr hmmlaaioner by any lidanae6 daAbP, a reasonable mmbar of ‘buying A&Mt’ and 'tPansportin$ agent’ idantlfloatlon tsar48 mmybe isouad And AooPadite4 to ruoh dealer, under aaoh ruler an& raguliatlons a8 raid Commia- alone?rrj prararlba, an4 arid Cmudmionar 10 hereby aaptbwmre4 a0 ohargb 6 fee not to exoee6 One ~Dollar (#l) tar *aoh oWl 10 isausdr *(a) Such crud8 dell bear the name or the Zlbe~~ad, daalei, Ati Qha’nrnnber o? hla license, ml80 thawrime of the 6rmlarts. agent,and ahiill atate therean that raid lioenseb dealer, as tho principal, hb.8 rutkmrtacrd the ageat name4 on the oud, the holderthar6Of; te aot for and on br- halt Ot ml& pPinOipal, either a8 *bugling agbnt’ or AI *trmnrprtlo(( agent’ a6 above’darined, 9uylag :agent* ibeatifioatlon omrda &all be of A dltfueab solar fro= ttranqmrting a6entc oar48. &oh i4Mtifio6Qtoa oarbrrShall, br At ~11 tine8 Qhe u6o na o f luoh ye&m who ahall, o ur lo bp lp ea upon daam& ,&Sap fy nuoh oar68 to Ohs OaPratl6alon6r aP hi6 ~&@lb# eP rg asaQtatiYa8,or to .Anypamon iith *am ~re$d aganP may be trmnr&etia~ bualnoar UQdaPtld6 AOQ. *(a) Z? ~a& w&an thr holder of any ldentlfi- oar6 oaasa8’to bo the agaat pf the dealer oatlon’ by wkm ho was an~pMyed, It ahall be the duty of 8aafd agent tQ r4Hm7n laediatalf saoh 4nt*n oard te the OoarniBeh#n@r for oAnsellatienan 2 failure to da ao ahall oongtltute a tlolation of thla AOt.* Mr. c. E. NoaoPmlok, PA&w3 8aOtfon 4 o? Artlole 118b, aupra, preearlbaa the i40 for % lioansa ma A *buying a$ent*a a8 followa: "(a) (4) Yor A lioao6a 68 a *buying agent,' tha mm of One Dollet ($l.)." It would lp p a utbat the W~yiq &gent* lloema, 66 mime6 In Seotlon 4 o? Artlole 118b, aupra, 18 l&entio6l with the *buying Agent? ldantl?loatlon aard provided ?or In Seotlon 18. They are ode a& the rame, end are’lrubjeot to all the lloenae requlremanta o? the Aot. 64ati6n 4 a? kti6le 118b, mapra,oontainain part the 501-S ~QYi8iOn8: *All Applio&tiona ?or lioenae under thie Aot ahall be aeQolrpcmiw3 by a ten4er of paymentin fall o? the tar ?or suoh lloenn6,raquired; on rooeipt. Of p&id ~appllomtionduly uteoated, toga- thar rlth rwulr84 fee, it ,ahall be the duty of th e OT hi8 ltgttn86&ml/or amplofaeg Co iwla r lo ner therausUo~&~ly ruthWised to lmmedlat~y lame rueh 118enrb, p~Q+i&a& that no lleana~ ahqll laaua te lm, paNon rhan’tha A pllamtfen for lioanao fllbn by luob p4rmm 6ha f 1 ladio&ta that luoh pegma’ La a ay8pan~eB~lteaa~aa within the State of T8xa8’.or that auoh parison*a lloanao to da bu6lna8b in,Teraahaa-be@ sevoke4,tmtllthe Gw hl8alonerIs furalahadwith ratlaimtory proo? thms the mppliosnt 18, ori the data~a? the ?iun& of ruoh~.mp~llomtloa, quallilad to reoelra tha lioeaae 8pplied fort the larwno* of lloen8e to. paraoncwho have 8u??ara4 prlar auapanalon OT ravoom- itlon s? ~loaaia tn thi8 State ahall.be dl8oPatlon- uy with the. ~aaionar in ‘the exaroisa a? awh ~IOEatb3il,tpb cc wit clrioner la authorized to tAka’lnto oowldaPation the fAot8 and obwun~- stadoaa parta&& to the prior rwpansion and/of retooatlw; the f'I:nmnelal ocm4ltlon of the appll- Owb, As, Of t&~&&w Of thin AppliOAti~nt 6Qd the obli&&na due and orin@ by the appl%eant. to gxwrera~wd’po4u0er6 of oitrua trust8 and/or perishable agrloultural oonmoilltiaa; *obligmtion, t as t&a;tezm la we& in ?&la Beetion, shall be aaQa~~‘tI~ to 6leM Any judgmcmtor any Oourt with- in : this ,aSato otrtrtanding agninst the gpplioWt lfr.C. IL f[oCormlok, ~FaFagb 4 or certified olalms as of the data of the appliae- tion -am oonsl4uatlonby the 'Caaa144lon4r~ prior to refusal OS lioeaae by thr Gommlss1oaer, any applicant for lloansa rhall be entitled to an open hearlng on the faetr partaln$nR to mob ap- DLlciation, said hearing to be oonduoted by the Coxdasloner, or his agent thereunto duly authorla- ml; I?, ,after such hearias, the Comalssloner, in the rreroiae of hlr disoret$on, refutes the license a~pl$a&for, the appllaant shalt, within ten (,lO) da78 from and ltter the dental of mob lloensa by tha U~mmfulowr and not thereafter, tile his appeal from the order ot the Co&ssloner denylag suah 116aasa, in any Court oi oompetent #w$sblo- tloa within this 19tatet ii the Uomtnlssloner~shall doterains that the lloense appllad for shall not ba ([ramed, the OQrmAssioaer lhall de&at from the llaense fee tenbered with mob lpplleatlon, the N,Of five Doll.am OS), said Pi*4 DollaSS ($5) to’br retained by tho.C%maissloner to aeiray tw4ts tnd expei3846i iima4nt t0 th4 filing aa extmlnattan-of ,r a l pplloatlon an6 shall return itl ~the~baliuae oi~the lloeme fee WJ tendered with suoh ~agplloat~lep te the applioant.* It 18 cur apinionthat the provlslon*of Seation -4 above quoted war0 int4na4d by the Legislature to govern ln the eare~otall type8 ol lioexsesissueif ullderthe hot and later sat’mt la the same motions *dealerW lloense; *0du$oa merOh(LLlt*m~and/or *ooatraot dealer*rR l1oaawj %lnlmum oarh 4ealel:*#* lloanno~ ubuy$ng agent’8* lloenaa (1bentliloationoar&)$ ntraarportlng agent*8” lloensa (Iden- tliloatlon0+24). 9%; luuanoe 02 iny liaensa protided for ontIer the Aovte pera wh0 bOlLd~4riyOf the lieenru 'revloual~, and who had au~futi @Or swpm8lon or rerooatPon oi IlO4M4, has bran &OOlarcb i U8ttOZ’ Of UiMl’atiOn with the ~Sl4iB@iOB- er of AgrloulWr*~ ft would not be ooaslrtent to malntaln that the comuluionbr*r ai44wi0n m limit46 to one type or lleenu Lo., the baler*8 lloemm. The purporo or see- tioa 4, w&h In undoubtbaly to eliainabe inmtar aa poeri- ble unrelinbl~,un8erupulen* aiadbohaudlng lloearsesunder the Aat, muia be alroumsnt*6 entirelyif tha Commlsslone~ WM pomuleu t9 amy a dlfferonttype of lloensa under the MT. C. lb MoComlok, Pa&e S Aot to a piTSon whose~prerlous lioensshad been suspendad or rerolce& The soundest oonrtruotlonto plaae upon Se+ tloa 4 is’ that the authorltr and ~$s~ret$o~ of the COQ- Qi#SiOaelT in issuingMy liocsnse under the Ast to a person whoa6 ionair lioeBae was revoked or saaptmded a&wacea all the types Of li60n8es ls8ued. This will stieotlrely close the door to the subterfuge. of opOrat$B8 under 6 dlfterent typo of lioanse when a prior llsense is revoked or suspend- ed. S’urthermore, a8 15 prorlded in Seation 4, in the ererolse of his dlsoretlon in sush a matter, the Comlssion- of say takb into ~onslderatioa, amona other things, *the obllgatlans due and ming br the spplloant to growers and produoerr of citrus fruitsand/or piwlshableagrioultural oomm~i8les.* fn the prerentlnstanoe the applicantfor a "bUyin l@lb” lloenseor laeatltIoatlon card is still in- debtad foi~approximate~ #'l&M) north of aitrusfruit whlah he pur0hu0a as a Oe*ler during a pretloos aeaaon. In paw- ing upon this applloetlen,lt was clesrlr the intention of the I&g$s&ature thlrtthe Qodssloa~r of AgrloaJture take this faab'lnto OOnmld~atlOti before issuing the party oon- semied ns+only anotker tlealer*s lloensa, but any kind of 'lloeliu. &eotlon14 gives the Cormls8loaerof Agrleulture full power and authorityto ed'oreethe prorislonsof the A&. It read8 as follows: -I&m the purpose of enforola~ the protislons of this Aot, $hr Commlrolonoris hereby ruted with Sull powor aad authority and it shall be h$s duty, slthsr upm his om initiative or tnponthe receipt of i pro#erly rezlfle4oomplalnt, to lnrestlgets all ,aLtegad rlolatlons air this Aot and for the g\lrpora oi m&ing euoh $nreatigstlon, he shall have, ,at all t-8, free end u~ta\peded aoaeds to all books, r000ra8~, bulldings,7ar48,warehouses, stmaga, and.traasportation aad other faollltles m plases la wlriohaal altrus fruit is kspt stor- ed, hurdled, processed or traaaported, and in furtharanati of suoh $nveatlgatlaa either the GOBI- mlssiamr lh pe]Pson ,or through hi& authorized representatives, aay exacaine any portion ot tha Xr. C. E. MoCormlok, ?dge 6 ledger;baoks, aoaousts, memorandum; 600tti7k4nt8, soales, meaeures,and other matters, objeots or persons psrtlnent to suoh alleged vlolatlon under li:restlgatlon. The Commissioner shall take suoh aotlon and hold suoh public hearings aa in hla ftdgment are shows to be neoessary after such lntsst&gatloas, and shall take the proper aotlon with reterenoe to the ornarllatlon or suspen8lon of the ~l~aense o? any dealer hexeunder shown to II;;; yy guilty of a rlolatlonot the terms of Suop hearings shall be held in the nearest hty.oT townin the oountr tihere rlola- Wane are alleg to hare oosua~ed. An7 order made by tha Oommlssloaer nlth reiereooe to the rerooatlon or arnoellat$on of any llaensegrsntea under %he prorlslons of,thls Aat, rhall be sub- jrot to reviewbr a Court of Pro&potent Jurlsdlo- tion.* After a oareful oonsl~eratlon of the above quoted eeotlons et the Citrus Fralt Uromrs Aot la the light ot its Objastlre8 and the abuses it %a18 ln%end6dto eradloate, it ls OPT opinion, and rou are.80 advl8ed that under the terms ma provlslons ot Artiole 116b, Vernon!8 Annotated Olrll Stattites,~tha Commlssloaer of Agrleultwe la not re- quired ‘to, Issue a buying agent’s idautlfioatlon oar6 to an laaltlaual who has had his dealer*8 llaenseoanoelled or revoked ana ,nho is ina4btea to numerous oltrus prcduoers ior approrimateZ~ ,000 worth of oltrus fruit, purohased last suson and whr ch smount is still unpaid; but under Seatlonr4 aad 18 of Article $lSb, the Commissioner of iqrl- oolture has th e lutherlty to use his dlsoretlon la issuing a lloense iti sueh a oa8e and to presorlberules and regula- tions applldable to the sltuatloa. Truatln8 that we hare fully aBb satlataetoril7 amwerea four inwlrf, we are Your8 very trul7