Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF .TEXAS and Coo~otologiats State !?onrdof fkairdrox’xms hq5iIl) TQxlfl . State Eoerd of I:airdrcssars end Costzetolo&its,Fage 2 it is required that cuoh non-rmidmt shall have &erved the hc~s required as n student. Elsowhore, in the !&a- tutg; it is provided that n student shall warn? 3000 hours. ?rcsumbly, the sbhool of.the other state, men- ticned in ycur lettoy, is a licensed sobool v:ithlnthe purviov:0.fthe stwtute, YOU ers thcrofol*erespectfullyadvised that it is the opinion of this depurtmnt thiitthe fipplicantdes- orlbed by you in your letter should be remitted to COP plete the required 1000 hour course us proscribed by our law, and therouftcr be pmitted to take the state board's exaainution,and tbzathe WOULD not be requijyedto enroll for a full six ronths' cowso of 1000 hours to be clir,fblo thorofor. WQ t33latthis RiltsWtr3 YOU2 inptiry Gtitiofactory ma we rmain