. -
8ohool 618m.
h-e here your lotto
pl roqu88t
our o~lolon a.It
tax fUna Dow in th. hand8 0
6, 1939, in rhioh
rporltion or certain
8OPQOll~8tOr tOr
00ttrrfcountI. 330 rat upon whioh tou
&orlro our oplrloo are Or l8 fOtiOW81
d Or xdUO8t1O~t rOr
OsiOn8 Or u&I lrolp
0~s to the Llora
Soho@l Dl8ttiOt8.
metlow to t an an rleotiom hold
ho Can0 Sprlags Canon
t Di8triOt of tl8hOr
t boon daoluud b7
8 the aotion cb tha County Board ot
y County, ropnrentatltr oltlronr tram
tea that the Ame88or-Oolltotor r0r
8triOt8, dthhOld
8QUtOd terrltorr
T h r tU l8808~Or-8O~lOOtOr
.14 tu.8 rhloh ho b8 OOlleOtOd On
thr It 8::tiOIi8 ill bllQUt*. Slnoo the Eobbr Xnndr~aadont
sohool DtrtriOb 18 now rOqUr8ti~ that there iuti8 k *id
to thor end tho other ia.tiOa 18 rOqUO8tiLI# tht th8 i\LadS
be rithhdb ho 18 UU1OU8 t0 di8 80 Of I@SO ill tbr Pr@P*r
ma nno afti a tth ea a mtill. r .1
r *TO h b 8OirlRb h%8 bOnd8-
meti rrom ifabilltf una0r his 0rrioiti bond.
*For your lnrorawtioa mar I rmru ou to your opl~o~
O-Ml, dated Fobruur 17, 193). WiJoh mad8 l8 follOw8:
*th8 rountr boud aS eourrr County did not heto the
authority to dekoh 12 rootlon8 ot land from the Camp
SQrirr(l8 Di8triOt Urd add 8U t0 tW othor OOm8OIIais-
triOt8 rikr the 8bOtiOn fCU tOG8OtidltiOGbad ken bald,
aad before the now dbtrlot had been dooluod bl tha
oOaaf88fonaC8’ court’. Stat* Is B&u, 40 Sa (0) 41.
*The lbwe OP~G~OG faa gircn roguilln& tha dl8putO over
tht W u 8OOtiOB8 On which the $219.14 tU.8 hGrS
beon 08118Ot8d.
“Under tho above 8tatmumt or iLOt8, I would lppreolato
tuy auoh a d0rinlt0 rullnigrrom hour dOp8rt5OGt re&UdffIg
thn propor lrgal dlspo8itlon 0r tho aooumuht~d rm8 mid
al80 fUad8 of tha 8M aaturo whlsh may honaitor aooumw
IO Our OQioiOlI o-151,
by k8818tAGt
NO. htt=GeJ
OrblU81 G*O. 3.Ber r y,
t0 x0& t. A. *0068, Stat0
8uperlntendentof Fublla IG8trUOtiOG, dattd Pobruuy 10, 1939,
w held t&t the COUGtf Board Of Tm8tt.8 Or SO'JrryCOMty had
no lo@ authority to aetaoh the 12 8OOtiOG8 of lnnd tron thm
camp Spring8 Comaon Sohool Dlrtrld aftat tb8 llOOtlOn for
ooorolldatlon had been held and boron tba ?.8Ult of tho llee-
tlon had been doolared by tho CoPulrrlonor8*Court. Our 8ald
O+iOIl t.liti UpOIl the dOOi81OIl Or tht conJ.88100 Of Aj3W18,
adopted by tht suprota@ Court in the oa8o or Statb l% ml.
aeorge vg Baku, 40 5. iv*(& U, whlah hold ln rrr8ot that
8u8h attom to& 8otlon br tht OoutJ board ~88 told broauro tho
lmot 0r ! t *otid k to dotoat tha right ai the rhotorr to
OrrOot the oon8olldatlonof tht OopPon 8OhOOl kl8trlot with th8
lBd8gWd@C& aOh di8triOt. A tOpT Or mid Opi~~iOcl x0. Q-151
18 lttaohrd hereto. T h elOtlOa of the oountr board ot trU8tO.8
181dtMptiI@ t0 dWOh tb 12 8OOtiOIL8Of 1-d rrOm th@ Cup
@ring8 Coaaoa aohool Dirtriot war void for thr additional
IW8OG that it did not 004blJ With th. &WOli8iOn8 Ot AStitle
8742 (t) Ot VorGoG’8 AnnOtated Ciril StGtUtO8, l8 MOfddrd br
ChOptOr 639, SeetlOn 2, AOt8, 44th Ingl818tUN (19351, whloh
pro+1408 that before luoh a trmrror ean be 0mtt0d tta
trurt8or ot raah dlrtrlmt M&o60ama 18 titeotod 8hall k glrsn
altt8n notloa aad an opportwlty to ba heard, that 8~ dsotion
tihrii be hold in the amote dirtriotr, thOt kr0n prowrtr
10 dotaohed fro8 one dlrtrlot md ltt8ohed to’mothar dirtrlot
, aJorltr or the tapayio(r voters la mob or the dr00tod
u8ttiOt8 @hall tOto ier the truatior, and that the nrwlr
formtd or ornatea dl8trl8t 8h811 b t8llbrtoa bJ a ~nornl
ggc or the kglslmu~. lor rour laformtloa, we laUo8o
)errwith l oopf of aoniuraor oplaloa 80. 3066, lddro88od to
gonorabl.8 Ollbrrt <h, County AttOlPtJ, Joaer Countr, &tad,
w to, 1939 uhiob roasldrrod at 104th the lfreot of nld
ml010 t?a lr), 88 MOOd.6. R-hilt 8816 O&ion rolatod
~poiflaall to the quaetloa or the trmrfor or torrltory iron
, tOSUSM 80lo01 di8tri@t t0 M ii¶dtBpODdOIIt 8OhOOl di8triOt,
it would8180 apply to tho prorant rituatlon 8lnoe raid Artltlr
~948 w &8 amended al80 00wtr8 the trmrrar 0r trrrltory rror
@at OOBMOII8ohool dirtriot to raothar OOmon rohool dirtriot.
ft rOilOW8 rrOiBOur rOrmer Opiab~ x0. O-161, aAd
from the other authorltlrr mboto referred to, that the attempt
of tha 0OUGt.y board ot trU8tO88 to traarttr l#!8adtiOG8 of land
iron th* Camp Spring8 Coamoa Sohool Dl8trlOt to the Lloyd Youat&
~4 th* Strayhorn C0mk0n 3ohool Dl8trlet -8 void.
It further appoer8 iron your lottrr and iron our raid
cplaloaYoi O-151 that t&r llootloa on the quertlot or whrthu
tht CUP S&W48 C08mon Sohool irirtriot8hould be oan8olidatrd
vith th0 5Obb8 bd.~Ad~Gt Sohool Di8triot XW8titOd fatorablr
to ruoh oon8o~idatioa. %a 888ulM that tbs 8tatutorJ rrQulreoosnt8
regUdlBg 8UOh OOn8OlldatlOBworn oonpllsd with. The tamltorr
SorrPUly lmbraoed In the Camp Spriogr Comma sohool DirtriOt ha8
thhrrrfora BOW beooma a part of the lIobb8Indoprndtnt, Sahool
DirtriOt. Uador tbr prorlrloar 0r Art1010 2808 ot veraoa~8
mwtatrd Clrll StatUtO8, *AU the right8 Wd prlrllrgor grmtrd
tG iBdOp*Bd@Gt di8triOt8 by the &W8 Or thlr State 8hall br
gl+eA to the ooG8olldatrd lndepoAd8Gt 418trlot orrated undrr
tht jWOTi81OUD Of thi8 l&W."
Slime the le 8eotlonr ot 1~4 retetrod to in foor
qutstlonwore embraosd within the terrltoay r0rwriJ laoludc4d
dthla the Camp Spring8 Coolllon Sohool Dl8trlot, and rinoe thi8
distrlot ho8 bWo oon8olldated with the 5obb8 fGdoQ&GdeGt Sohool
Dirtriot, it rOliOW8 that tbB t8XO8 OOllOOt~d OG Bald le 8rOtiOKI8
ot laod BOW belong to Robbr I:ndr~rnd8atSahool D$strlot. It 18
theroforaour oplalon that the roorr wbioh the t&x a88088or-
tallrotor ha8 on hand, l o well a8 othar 8id1U fund8 wbleh aall
kerrarter bo oolleoted, 4h uld be pala to t&e TrMDUrU of tha
Eobbr XGdOpAdOAt Sohool afrtr-
aon.B- t. Thorpe, Fag. 4
The oplalon hera lrproooed IO lml.o(ouo to our
opinion no, o-llOf, ~&&eared to Eonorable WA. r&rot,
@untY Atfdr’DOJ, Calap GOUrPty’, dated Auguot 16, 1939, wheroln
w bold that on lndopond@at rchool dlotrlot Caking over the
lohoolo of a oitr ha8 tbs right b oolloot dollaqueat taxoo
•~oooood by the olty for oohool QU~OOOO. A aopy of raid
&don lo eaoloood for your lnioraatlon.
Vary truly purr
BY pti
Janus8 F. Bart