Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

. OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Dea? 3irr Howmbar 9, 1939, a0p*rtimbt a8 to a 2nlr wa dio ur e8 That wo R a yp to l- 0a t su or tw r by you, VII are quoting your let of th* 38ate thr f0110ldJl~ to ttan8aotion alty lets wrote the r on Oec*abar 38, 1938, ti ~OOOIWJWAY~RSaooa to the Sat. for thr aaa c o llege,io r l cash QQE- 0; t&t the grantee ua8 ine an unjdd balaacr of 4tter e03hinn0a, Ibnorablo Ton C. Xiag, Pa&o 8 pale. My uadsrstaadin~ 10 that the dofar- rob b&laaoo will bo pid in threr clqual anaual iartalkmato o? 88,373 laoh, duo Mopaotirol~, LA 000, two and thsoo yoarr Stoa thlr date .q. .' *The prcaident of tha 001106o, a8 the 8utbrfzod r4praooathtlvo o? tha 3eard o? iiegento, urdo thl0 notation on the letter: Vh later lo not *oknowlob6ed or reeordklt;. vhe aoaoapazk~io~ a0ed 18 ta reguhr ror?l;proparl~ aakn0wlr&@, -4, o? aouroo, unraooraea . It rooiteo a oaoh ooaoidrra- tion 0r $e,mo. The rreords of the oollog0, hornrrr, rO?lOot the faot that the aetnal oonolbontloa vaa $lS,OOO, ~4 tho be&co 0r $3,SOQ we8 paid anfiora rouskk0r kh0b2ate- 11 pnawllaag that given for tho $2,376 down paymaat. *A laboratory bullding, a0w neariq c~ir@~tlon, h8a born unaor aonotruotlon oa proportf of whisk thlr iMa rorrnr a part. m0 bdiaing was rinanaoa at a ao4t or 4110,675.48 ander l ooatnot rlth th* ?ab- 110 BOrk8 AdPlAiotrUtiOA, Whbh provider ?OT papKtAt Of an aOaOmpMyb& bond iSOU0 OUt Of rotsnueo to bo dorirod frem fhr operation of tha bPllbia& Tow OplAiOn OA the tOllOwing qU9OtlfMO 18 r+opotfaUy mqrtsotear "(1) %a8 it within the povw of ths Boprd OS Pogont8 to obligate th0 ruad8 O? tho CollogO for tha p8ymemt of the purOhe80 plod 0t tbl8 1-a *in three equal uuawl l.a6talhonto~T -(a AS Of h-t $1, 1939, W&t W&O the aature or tha iakn8t 0r the Coilmy in . iiaaorabloToo C. King, Page 3 this proportfl “(3) as of ~uauot 31, 1939, whet was tha llabillt~ of the Colleso, if ally,rlth roopeot to raturo paywat8 towrd t&o pur- a000 0s th ~p~p0rtfl *(I) Rae the $S,UOO pamnt a proper lpplloatioa 0s th0 coii~g~~0 ruado, wa0r tha olreautaaaoo? -or tho parpooo of this tnqairr JOU may awumo oaoh irota, rot a mma , l are Aoo*ooary . I have roleted herola the uub- otanoa 0s all tho lnfornation I have. It will be holptal, kawver, if rou will ot*te tho aroump~lon8 you aaUICerw XA a prior opinion by thla +iopartmet& Uo. O-1637, r0piywg to your roqtl0st0r October a, this writor ai90t200-~ od the probloa8 involvea LA, and the IJIWapQliOAb~l0to, 30~ rir0t thr0e qluotiono. You are re8pootiully rororroa to that opinion, a copy of whloh is attaahed, ior afimnrs to thew qaest:0ao. IA thOt OpiAiOA tho eOaOk~8iOf1 was reOOh& that it rlthiA tho power et tho Board 0s Re6ontr to obli- wa8 not get* t&O fuAd8 ef the SOllOgO bOpoAd the appropriation tom OT p0ri0a 0f tw yo~r0. The ease8 of Charlao Sor'ibnoro' sons 7. ibarr8,ll4 ‘Pox.11, 363 S. Y. 782 and Ft. Earth cavalry Club 'I.Fihoghord,1W Ter. 339, 83 8, VI. (PA) 660, were 0tt0a a0 aathori6y. That opinion al80 stat&d that tha aollogo at the ludOS t&o fiooal year, 1933439, OA August 31, 1930 had an oquitablr intereert IA the proparty to the mxtont of tho iimuut or tho purahaoo prioo paid. The lqultablo iatsrost of tho 00110&o ia tho ionrant eaeo woald lnoludo, in addl- tiOA to th0 amunt 0s tho puxohaso prioo paid to the vendor, t&o calicoof t&t portion of the bollding plaoed oa the land. SOS Wholhod v. Jolly (Civ. A?p., San AIItoalo,1939) 17 5. w. (Ed) 1109, wrtt 63s error nrud. Tho prior eplAloA a.Uo doolurd that t&c agl;;f; was ondw ~0 obllytloO to mako rorthw paponto. oonA4otlon, 16 a&J br ~011 to add, hewvor, that tho ruii paymatof the pp]roha@oprig4 is a pro-X*qUiO,itO to tho rutla& of log?rltitle fn the oollo$e. Them ooaolusion8, &ll at whioh are 8uppmted by 4athoritirr in opinlm X0. O-1637, 00n8tltutO tbr Oplnlon of thir db~eutm8nt68 to four first three QUe8bion8, 8n6 you are eo adriand. The otir materlrl dirferaaar bowman thu ?8&t 8ltlutiOa bi8OU88ed tA the 8lt4d OpiRiCS Uid t&t in t&r in8tPnt 0188 ir the toot of the JPunt or w 8ddlti0w Oon8ldoratlon OS $b,soa not SOat r on8d fo wither 88OrOW 8-8OiBOnt Or 6Wd, Th8 pX'Oplci8tyOf thi8 -J-t ioSis8 the bar16 0r your rourth pae8tion abore quote4. T h 8luo t m8%tll0r your erpro86loa "6 prop8r ~;~~$;M$ Of tbee011rn(18“f 8 iund8,. i8,nOt abuslately 'A8888Q50 th8t PU Wi8h t0 show if Oh. Boerd Of A8@)ent8 & ite aWit bad th8 le@l right to rke tbl8 paynunt iithout aentionlng 10 ia either lmtrmoat. It 18 beyoad thu pro7luoe ot thi8 dqmrtmat to 6wma.r l Qus8tion of mOke proprirty Or polloy sooh Mtter8 rwtlw ri:in the 8mmd di8eretion Of the reUp88tiro Ststi 6&8n- -- the Board Of ii8gent.8 in thi8 b8t8U86. OtU'6Oort8 &TO 011MrOll8 000681Oa6 dWlalV&d t&t the tiitat0in it8 QX-Opri&Wy 08ptSOhy h68 th6 86E6 power8 to oontraot a8 a oorporatioa or ea lndlrldml. 30 T8x. Sur. 836. “In so fu 6s mm8 pr0perty Pi@8 arr aoPterned, Re 806 no dirreWc0 botmea th8 ooatraot or l stat. aod sn individual u&d 8 oontraot butwean two lndlr1dtaal8.~ Jusbc CAtlo co. v. &mm, 78 Pa*. 5;14 9. v. MO. See also Char&b8 So?ibnart8 SOOBIfd urr8, 114 Tar. 11, SU 3. W. ?i%. It 18 elemuatary 0r 8our8e, t&a tb; fall oon- 8ld8X’8tiOn 8804 Wt ba rB0 ited io 8 dead between &l6tTi&lal~. See 14. Tu. Jr. 818, 8ao. 58, 88d b8ar ottOdd. 60 kUOw Of II0 OOa8tittttiOtnl pZ’OVi8iOa, 8t&tUt@, or other rule 0.f' law, rhloh Qrolamr l ditrermt requireaetat *hen the 88;ato 18 a party.tp th8 8ran8aottoa. fObi 8t&te ‘that th8 #6,800 mfprat i8 Part Of tb Ooasidrntlon for th8 pWOhr@ Oi tb larod. Phi8 brirg 80, . tha f8Ot that it ~88 not mantloned in either of tha tMtmIlt8 h88, AlAthe OpiUiOB Or thi8 dep8?tMnt, no baring on the 1egalHiy or ths trtmaaotlon. A8 W8 8t'Jted bOfOP0, it 18 not OIlT &WOTiaW to 401W into tha rO88OU8 “hf tM 848l.dOf bgUot8 Or it8 a*nt law fit to m&o 00 rmtloa 0r thlr portloa of the ooa8idsrr~lon 84 long 88 all leg81 reqtiMswnt8 wara met. TOW 8ttOntiOSl f8Ct th8t this 18 08l33Idt0 th. opinion and Opinion 330. O-16eV 8ro ln thair roo~q limited t0 la 8XUOQtO~ OWtr8Ot. 'Pb880Opin1OlL88hOofd not bo ooaatrmd 88 bOldin@ th8t th8 BO8d Pi b@Snt, 18 rithout 8UthOritiyto ~uFOh88. l8nd nese88arf to the OOodlrctOf tb8 r68peotivO St8tb Tsaohor8* 0011eg88 OILber8 purohare Bon- tnot perrosnble in t*o year8; that 18, within the pmrlod or texa of ths appropriation made for 8uoh pwrohmm. ?"N8tilQ that the ioPe@3in& di8otl88iOattilr amor year laqulry, ae 8ro T6ry tPuly your6 AYl’ORRBT OIC.!&ZRAL OP TEXAS