OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Dear Birr ATTW: Mr. Wa. B. Martin door the mum- to bhr omt8 ml. A. J. Bryan, Jr., pm43a2 *ent*no* apon writtan morn *ppllo*tioa amde themtor bt tha d4irndant, tiled brf’ora thr trial begins. When the drfaadant baa no ‘ooun- 841, the ooort #hall inftma ths defendant br hl4 right to makaruch 4ppllcation, and the oourt,*hall 6 point oou~4l to pr4~4n an4 prcrrat lama x f Uorirad by dafmdant. In no aa8a #hall rrclntanor br sorpmdrd arorpt whrn the proof shall *how and th8 jury *hell find in their vrrdiot thmt thr drrCandant her mvar baforr brrn oonvi4tad of a fa1ony.h bhla or lng other Stata. Thle law is not to bs aon- J aa pravrhtin& the jury from pssaing cm the &ullt of thr drfrndant but 80 may mtw aplsa of n&t gulltf.a The rffrot o? tharuipanrion of smt4nor under thlr 4t4tutr is 8t4t4U to br 44 follow4 in the oaea ot ve. STATE, 214 8. W. 351: BRI’lTIAFI Shrda? our im the. may bs a 4usjw.~l4d In 8ubh oasr be BO Lant4Uo~, 4nd th8 wrty is noi puniahrd, unlmr for 00144reason the rurpanffrdoentanoe be *et aaid 41 authorixea by the rtatutr * * ** (mpharir oum). Articlr 760, Coda of CrlsainrlPro44dw4, ppro- vi&a*: In any 4984 QI ruapandrd rantrn68, et any timr artrrth4 lx$lr4tion or tho tislraaararrrd a* p~lr~ant bf tha jury, tha daf*ndaxltoclt make hi* writtan ew~rn motion for s::aawtrisl and dimleral o? ruoh oara, *tatin& Ch4r4in that minor maa& fornar trial and oomiotlon ii4 Jar not been oomlatrd of, my frhny, vhioh motion ,,8hellb4 hsard’bg.+hr oouct dutibg th4 fire6 tami time aitrr aama is filed, If it spp4arr to the court, updn rush hemrim.!, that Bon. A. 3. Bry4n, 8s.;~j1ag43 thm drtra44nth84 not bran oonvlotad of say other frlony, the oourt *hall rntrr mordrr raolt~ th4 fact,and rbsll grant threrfand- ,ant a naw trial a ndlh4ll than Qirmlrr raid oauer. Aftrr.tha erttln arid4 anQ dl8mleral of any .judgmnt Of oom !Otlon as harain pro- vldrd f&, thr Saot of ruoh 8onvietIon ah8l.l not bs *horn or Inquirrd Into for any purport uorpt In 04848 whar4 th4drf8nd4nt h44 baan again i1kdid4d fbr a frlony and ‘iBVoko8 tha banat o? this law." Thr sliaot of thir atatutr 18 drsorlbad ad fol- lows in the oa46 bf QLARX VI, STATE, 54 5. W, (26) 127: n* * * !Fhat18 to may, that thr aoouard, at any tiim af'6orthr tern of hir oonviotIon ham upirrd, nay,,upon uhowIng that ha he4 not barn eubrrqu.4ntlfoontiotrd, br rslsarrd from thr su4pm44d mantanorby an order ottha court + + * That la to may, after the tiua ibr whloh one ir oorwloted and pleo84 unbar a su~pendrd rant4nor ha* l x p ir ritd,~ I8 not dthln th4 parr of thr court to reorll thcimaprh8Ion end laala thr ju&mont tin81 * * +" FIn*llt, w4 *of108 Artlol4 779, Codo of Orimin- al Proerdurr, which-proiib48: "6t?sPxwDxDSXRrBMcB MADB FINAL Upon the final oonvlctlon oi th4Qrfandant of may other frlon)r,.p4ndI8@ thr suspanrlon ot mantama, tha ma n6 &rahtlag euah quap4neIon rhall eattao a olpiar to Ieeuo for th4 arralrtof t& 4rfon4ant, Ii h.4 18 not th4n in the oustody of mtoh oourt, in& dtjjring a term of tha ocurt *hall pronoun04 rantanco upon thr arlgl- n*l d\t annliof convIatIon, 4nd lh4ll oumubtr thr pun9 sbarsntof th4 first ylth ,thepuniahgant ot any *ubee.qusntoonvlotion or convlatIon8, an&in r~olt o4648 no n4w trial rh4ll bo grant44 In th4 TLr86 OonViotlen." When, tharafore, the punishment of e defendant Ron. A, k Bryan, Jr., paer 4 I8 ai848rr44at a jail esntmo8 and a ftir lx4same qWY&t, 4~d thr 86DO4nO4 ir euspandad,ha i8 nslthrr liablr tar thr fin4 nor~boand to 84r?4 the jall *en- tanoa, 4xorpt if and whan thr oandftione of Artlola 779, 4upr4, arirrr’. A)rtIola780, ruprk, authorln68 a 4Ienisral of tha ohergsr “at enf tlma ltterthe 4x iration ot tha 6 arrarlrad4:~ pani8hmant.w (grphaa '18 ourr). Irlth- 4hl I8 etatata, nor my othrr etatuta, 'tcrksr aognlzrncr 2 8 ~tlnrwhan l88488ad er rxtrndllrgor attroting tha tlm after which tha oars aratba 018nf88ed. It must follow that thr *UEP~BE~OB period oorre8pcndr to tha Jrll 88nt4na8, aftrr whiah the tfhargrsarr 8ubj6ot to dirmia8el undar Artio1.r780, eupra. W4 am not unmindful OS tkafaot tkat thr ee- 888rsasmtof a fine, whan rantwoa i6 EUSp4d4d F thereby baamar a44ning1488 as nrtth4r ths p4ym4nt of thr tin4 mey b4 rxaotrd nor will any add44 period of ruspanslon maul t. Thlr, hownwra nroersaril~ iollovm. ar turn now to your 84Oond qU48tiOB prrtaia~ab( to the oo8t8 In thr 0684. Herr waln wa era ~oap8114d to rroo@Ino the #f4ot of a rurprndrd amtrnoa a8 my- late4 to thr 8uoc884Iv4rtrpr of oomiotion by the Jury, 4u4p4nrlon ot aantanoe, jud5m4nt ot th4 dcmvt, 4nd thm In thlr oomrotIon w4 quota aa fellow8 troa Pal. 12, 'p. 0..717 and 718: “Ju4gmatit’ and *88Bt4no4) ar8 not thr maam thin@8 that*0 U'4 4iEtinOt UId iU44p4bamb. Pntilra form42 mantimoe I8 not n4oraraz-yin a ro**oution for.dliadroaahor,In a frlony oas8 36 is th4 &trf~Of tk¶ @l&e to rono~6s man- tenor oa tha julgmrnt of OOnViOEion md the emt~nar 18 ia 3lYiuai %%h*"jWgmant, whhiah4oaolu484 th4 prosaou- gon th thr trt4l oourti an4 a qreo;;gt, * -- said to hma+b4m oonvluta~ o a an- 1 aantrno~ -Ein JJrOBOUBO4bbB 7n ~pEiiziTKr* -+-- -- Ben. A, ~J. Bryan, Jr,, pa@ 5 In 8tlpJWt Of the88 rtatuauItr, there 18 oited PB. STATB, 300 8. Vi. (26) 54, whlah tb8 ea8@ df UeFADD?!Pi hWld8. $&ht 8ellB81101 1111l86 b8 prOltOWi8rd, in 8 i&Onf 088% IK&With8tMdi th8 p~~18ho81ib 8888r88d 18 a p8- OUld8~ fin8 Or d 38“g I. 88nt8llOa OT both; and th Oa88 Of Bcms ~8. STAT% 13 8. W. (id) 702, WhlOh hold8 that the “88llt@lW8” aOll8tltUt88 th8 fiM1 jll&68lltia th8 OaS8 fl'Om whiah an Rpp881 WY b8 t8k.L til'thrr,&&8r Arti 780, 8UPFa, th0 OCUrt 18 OOs6~&led 80 @8nt thr dOf8nd~nt a llertrfal. 8nd diMi th8 tWi84, 8ft8r the 8Xpir8tlOn Of the tim8 M- 8888d 88 pUniSh#$tlt, UpOn OrOFlr prOO? that th8 d8frnb- ant he8 motm88nuhilr brrn aonrictrd af rrnathrrfrlonp. ahrn th18 18 dwb8, fOl’ IIll pUrFOMS the Ori&iMl &l&J- men8 18 rendered o? no for61 and sfi8Ot axorpt, only, Wh6r8 the dOfWIdant, UpOn a 8Ubr8QU8nt felony indiat- amnt, 806k8 to iWOk the 8Ueprnd.d aentenae law i@aili. Aooordi ly# it oannbt b8 8aid that th8 Irfentl- 6nt ha8 be8n "OonV T ot84' wlthln th8 pUtView Of thr 8ktUt88 OX Q 08t8. HO 88Ot8B08 18 pCOllOUO8d, h8nncr 8 iiS jOdm8Xlt 18 IK’t l’6Zld8rrd; 8Ub88QUrntlf, 8 Zl8W trlrl llLIfb8 @.'8ntrd8nd the 6(181) 618~tl8886. UndOr 8Wh olrmaMmerr, m do not brllrra th8t the ~odte may b, valliUt 8rrrrrrd asatnrt thr a8P8ndant. Th. OElf i~ti8fsOt~ 8Mly8i8 Of LI 8U8p8ndrd 8aht8IIO0, U?&38Y! tu LtatUt88 d IM88# ill Taxar, 18 that th8 8ffOOt Oft Siba ~Xli8hWlt 88888#86, in all IW- 8 clot&, f8 8U#p8nd8$, 8nd th8 Only 8Ubr@QU8ti faOttha8 WI11 r8ndrr thr tbf'8ndmt oubjret to rrrving thr tti8, payit@ the fin8, al 888*8i8d by thr jury, 4d OO8t8, Mmd othrmir* 8Uff8r the lnaltler of a convlctl.OntOI' a feleny, 18 that Of hl8 g8% OOn?iOt86 Of another trlony during the period of the susprnrrion. *8till@ th8t WI bJ3vrsatl8factorllganarr8Q your lnquirla8, we rcmaln ?8Cy truly YOU%‘8 zC8rOb ATTCIWXY Gl?kW?SAL CP TEXAS By N.en~~ ml116 C. $traklry APPROVE0 AI)8 lrtnnt ATrcRwKY GEWRFAL OPXRMW OR CCEbJITTKE WRK