‘Jionomble M8r 11.~ohnaon
hreutlro Dim&or
Uttet8 Departaont of Pablk Waltan
Anrrtln, Tax88
oar oplnlon an8rrrlng in
part thr qa~ctioae 8 t&at in year latter
.ef Wptenbor 6, 1 t ~u~rtlon nlat-
.m t0laaitiomi 8 laolrr8lt*ol Lir-
in& rd4itional rmp
for futhrr 00~14
wnt or Publlr uslran
tr Bill Ho. &27,
&rrlon, to rko
lx p mr r a Inoladln&
8ooll8Moa8 lIp o n8*8,
rtlaaler ltr u that ata apool-
tha crid flroatrBfll 60. 427)
the amount of aonlrr that 8m
luth o r ls
drtrrmlnsd anoh month and rrprad1tum.r la lny
amount ba llmlt.6 to ona-trrlrth or the total lp-
proprimtiona for the Dlrlrlon of Old A@ Areirtanrr
r o r8 ii8081 p er ,o r 1 8
~k hDepertmsnt
a lthorlsd
EonctrablrAdaa R. JohnSon, PIgr 2
to use it8 dlsomtlon i8 dot~l'min~ the uoudt
Of 8ddIiStrcltiW #XpOM# tht 8hOUld k iIWUZ+
nd rro8 tia to thee, 80 looa 88 thhrtotal 86
~iniStF #tiW lXpWW38 dOaS llCt 8XOOd thr #mUllt#
lllowd t0 bs 8Xpend8d ?Or 8dpiQlstmSlW pur-
9086B for the birnnhn #n&i= AU@#t 31, 19Ut"
vith’miWOnO@ t0 yOU2 ?iT#t q&WItiOn, m 8XpZW#Oa
the opinion that oadrr rrrtrin aondltlons end llmltatlolu t&8
Dep8rtunt of Publio Wali81-0m8y hire •~p10~~~8 in lddltloa to.
thO#a it~dtd in t%U mp#FbWt#i ~ppraprl8tiOti'BiLI?Or th8
Old &!9 ~~iet#nO~ Divi#iOn, #Iid pay than O&It Of bt8ta f&l&#.
l. 8b. w
8. 4ilUOt8 the &uJarnt Of thr it8da.d
#&POpd8tiOM #I fbllOW8:
“(‘h’k mid OOt Of *X88 Old &&a A#Bi#t#nO@
hnd 88 tnn#f@XTOd t0 #O 8t8te mp#X%BWIt O?
bllo Uolfan Amd br 8. B. lo. 36, Adte, 46th
f% ia'#tU?8, mgUl#r 8$88iOL)'
'-80 ~iktiEdiO!U l= #at Up 88 fO11OW8:
9Mminlatratlrr 8818riss
-1.tzeoutlw Director, . . . . . . . #5&00.00 $5#0.00
55. Polar ............. 720.00 72oIoo’ (
Total, A&&~&:f;ntlv8
......... W426,790.00#$26,790.00
%8it$Ub8llO~ 88d Yi8001l8MOU8
*1. Off108 Rqnt ... . . . . . . . .. . :11,200.00 $11,200.00
ll. tbBt%8&8llt -a#* . . . . . . . . s.o~.oo +t%.m
Total, ~iatclMOO8 8nd
8i800118MOU8 . . . . . . . . . . a27.220.00 (127.220.00
fw.lwr t
RI@118r PkOOlOn, to#othrr Wltb 8Y #lUnOrO On ly8d
et the -@ad ef 8 prior flow1 rmr, ‘ib kenby rppro-
ior l#kh Of i18@81 fl8T8Wl6ilt6 h&l#t 31,
Ma Aluurt 31 1941, ti tb etaw~.Bopotterat
Of Pabllo 'kli#ti )o r01 l 668 888lOt#nO# '#ad fO?
q~lpmnt, 8app11@8, tmn1, nlatwmaoo
#a lXpdrO#
t MOOO88~ ill th0 #St#Xi-
6 Old'#C[#808iSkll0~ 8lldin #ddni#tOr-
h6 811 tho dot&# nqub8d Of ##id hpcrrhnt br
t& Old A&a &Ot#t8888 &I#, and for p8*at 0r
inkr;#t4a#r~~ IFZ8Bt8 or et8t8 Tx88mr~ oar-
Uflutro lxr)rugo tbnfor, tourthw rlth ln-
temot'th~?da, w on &gUBt 31, 1999
th8t Wre i88Md y#in#t the *X88 Old 48 AOOi#-
tenor Fund M&or thi provi#io~ ot E..B..lo. 37,~
Honorrblo Men & foh~on, ma 5
me ridrr, 80 ralod l8 o ur lplalon no, o-1321, 004.
trtraoo OphlOn MO. 3022 8ddO888Od tO Ibrrorcrblr 8. LOO OQ8nlr1,
18 l abjoot to O.liii”tiOO by BDr@ 8$001flO pl’OV181OlU lp p o o r -
iI@ ia rider8 ~!o th0 lpproprl8tbn8 for putloular doportnwnte.
It will bo mtad t&t it 18 dlnot#d thst the ltoa-
lsad #ppTOpX+8t1OM 8r0 tO b0 paid OUt Of th0 *X08 Cl4 AId8
h##i#t#ll00 lblld, whilethe Old &8 k#lat#nOe rid(r qUOt0d
lben 8pproprl8too -al.1ln8om tow.~8nd?b818noe8 on bnQw In
the fwd.Vo l rd y o 8roIot8no8 dnd for 8+lsrfeo, rgolpaont,
lUpplio8, tX#V'01, PIillto01900, 8nd 0 'ntlcgor;t
lxp0neoO n8oo8sar~
An tho 8rton8lon or 08la old ego 4~olstanos MC in 8dQiRiOtO~i~
811 the dOti nqalrod ot said D#pil’tant bf t&0 Old A&a h&8-
knoa Zav18.~ .m lpproprtrtlon ot t&o bs$jinoso on h8nd at tho
k6h8i~ rf tha blonnlua md baomo to tha fund 18 tantamoant
$0 #II #ppX%p?iBtioB O? tL0 ?Und it80$r, bUt it 6000 UOt ?OliOW
.4ht %h0 i88dS8tiOM ml’8 Ur .lUFptU#Odo DC ~OOlNlWad8tiOIUI
t0 tho kord. %0 18ndoed0 6008 Mt )UrpiJSt tc apprOpriat0
Q8.l b0hM#r Or 0X0.88 mOOr# iB t,hafund owr Uld 8bOW the
~~riMtiOB# or #$hr doduetllrg,ths lt0ml9i8tlOII8,fOr~8ddltion-
8l ldmlni8tr8tlr88rpm8oa; on tha other hnd, lb approprltltoo
tk fad for old ad0 888i8tan00 ~bonoflt0end Sor admlnlat?utlrr
l~po0008 rhloh are #it out in groetsr data11 lo the ~111~ ‘ft
i8 8 Wit0r8tiOn that #ii -OIp0O.#08 Or 8bPiBi8tnttiOB!~Oh#ii k
mid Zx’eat&lo fuad. The limltinq .~rorloe’~Ppbl~oh’
l4 . lprovided, ahat for tbo od~pinl8tratlon
af thr Old A&r As8irtFJnoola70 the mdlniBl#tratlW
lXpW800 OUt Of 8t8t0 fllnd8 ?Ol th0~blan31~ ah811
Imar orwad flw per oont (5s) or tho tot81 amount
lxp8ndod ?or 888iOt8aOa out of 811 tuade, .&eta mad
i8 lot 8n lpprapriatlonof tho 8xoa10 up to ii*0 por eoat over
iad #bon the lCoaIratlono but la a lialtiB6 prooti#Ion in eo-
oordanoo dth the goaorol law, the otttoe of whloh lr to ooa-
fine and not to lal.8rgo.Tbr ~totieod lrponro8 era 8+8il.0bla
$0 tin dopmrtunt 01117 liuofmr 80 thrf do a08 lx0OOd fir0 prr
rant o? tin tot01 ommnt lxpoado& tor 80810tan00.
lwJ only lrrlrmatlrr grant or authority to lxpoOd
Mm tbB $tuluod iOl' #driOi0tX'0tiV0 lX~o~O08 Oat Of 61t#t#
fORd8 $8 toWid ia th0 fOllWh6 bOdO8d0t
Eonorablo Adu P. Jobuoa, Fmer 6
*Io tk a
lwnt t& lbev* Coklltraited
lpproprla8Iolu cot or @tat. fUd* for lamln-
l*tr6tIon *?a lo** mm tin p er l*nt (9s) Of
the total rxp*ndIton* fw 8**lrtcu*r oat or
ll08 8006881ty
nt i8lmima
)r o r la rin
0at or stat6 ma8
8~864 rit0 p8r
OMt (3s) Or.tha tOki @~itU?08 io? 888:8-
two0 oat er au fuda 8kk and lrre~ai, .~d
tk q at0
lM1tional **is,*** w*U 8hall b6 paid
-0~ 88& r i08 th u lM 8b 0wiiua r0r 88-
plomrr nn(l*rIly llaIlar ~nIo88~ . . .*
.3kl8 POT~B:O~ 06 it8 r806 40r8 'boot l0nc bry0nd
ploy4 In 0pInIon &. o-1369. L6
th6 hirir~gai *adIt ! o-1 laplo l08'uhIohw* held oould be am-~
pgropri*tIon ror th6 $m
A&o b88I8t8naa coPsI**Ion r0r th6 b lnnium 1937-39, sot*,
1937,45th ltrl(id.htn, Pa&m 0188ion, p. ~46~prorl+d am
“Inth e lwnt th* *bow to-1 ItuIuQ lp-
roprIatIon* r0r ldmIuI*tratIon lr6 tar-th6n
‘cIv8 par unt~(J5PI or the tot81 rxpandltun.8 r0r
old ago l8816tanor and l aror**It thrraror lxi*ts,
th6 Co8i6I88IonI* 8uth0rl86U to h i N 8dOIt1oii81
amploy6** an6 UQY adaltional llmlnl*tratiYo *x-
Ban i8 l Ww MtBrial d1tirr6nU6 batwoW thtitbIl1
on4 tlm on6 now under ron*id*rst1on, ana u8 unnot &W68Ua6 thtlt
thr Lr&I818turs Iatmdrd to do l wanleqlur or rut116 art In
Odttil@ th6 WOtd8~"6lld 'y llditloMl l6aInI*trat1v6 llp6M6**
r WI6
th 6
WNnt lpp?Op8i 8tiOn bsii.
Tk r rbalng
6 no l~pr8** ruthor1ratIon to mk8 *bdI-
tlannl lxpandlturrm out or at6t6 rudr r0r addni*tcatlr* *a-
6n***otb6r th imfo rl*l*rIo* for 8bdItIoml laplo~***, It
f 8OIWOp iniMth 8t lpMditUN8 r OrM iIItM 4 0 80Dd 0
r i80
~ 6il-
8MOU8 8XP6?3808 in 8X0688 Of thO86 %t6&6d iU th@ mJMI?h6Iital
Appropriation Bill oannot ba ordo out ot St&d tuodr.
191 thluk It rhould ba poInted out that uh8t:n h6+6
8618 ew80rnlqg th6 axprnaltum ot State fun48 doe8 not
moe88ar11~ apply to moluy8 8lloo~t6d by thq ;IrirralGotrrniunt
Btmomblo Adam II.toh~oa, ?u* 7
for 8drIaI8tntIr8 ~pa8888. TM* ridrr npr8*rat* 8 drprr-
~Surfreo m r .lmlp p r o p r lo atlo
r na
a k auA4 tIncatnd
mo p -
*r o t*
tram & at 0r 6tm 88a ha8~1 Ihndr.
m8 ~O~~OU:IIQ~TOV:BIO~ 3.88igairi00d:
mvldrd, iaithor, thot In lddltlon to tlalr
lpproprIatIon out a? 6tatcia for odmJnIstro-
tlvr .z~n@o@ for the bi@anI~,tho Ihp6rtmnt la
luth o r lndto lrorpt tror tbr~odrnl BooIol Beour-
ItyB o a r l
dly funda that my k lll.oo8t.d by amid
Board to the Doportmont tar 8amIaI~trrtirr 6xpeC
108,aed 8eId Dq#rtswt wn umaluah Fedrrel hndr
Df WDlOY@OB thr
Itoir08tly. th8 it88h0a lppr0 riati0n in 8. II.m.
‘427 I# an lpp?oprIotIollout .or :qtoto rundr. P80 bill 80
lt3to* In 8oro than OIY inrton& ‘Xt my bo that *ll oi tha
lppropr%otiorr**t ai Bach fwdr ,mnnqt k nolIxod bro8ura
or tb iI70 par 08nt ibiting proti810n )ut the ~uia not
ehmg6 t& ahorootrr of th* lppicprhtion.
In .oddltIonto the mcnoy *pproprI*tod, the Do-
Faderal fund8 am IYI br
uhiah It 18 @to1:
la rd,
purporrr out or
8 8Irrn to?
the WE 0r fidorol llloootIo!l8rrorpt tb!t it w urrd ror
8d6ddBtT6tiO~~ fr ’t~ ldditiOMl Bp6OifimiOti8 Or6 lttOah~d
by pro a? ?mdoral ~rutharit than thr portioulor 6mnn6r in
rhloh s t la devotrd to ad a; nI8trutIon would rut with tha
Doportmont ot hrbllo Wolfiko. Unlrra Ndorol fund8 my be
oaod to lupplomsnt .thr oppmprIotIos oat o? Rtoto funds, thon
It 18 a un aorh pbmy with a 1ImStatIon that .,
ltonorabloadaa P* fohn8on, Pa&r 8
it cannot ba rprnt rer 8~ parpoao~ Tka prori8Ion that it
th0 *pproprIotlon out or 8t0k
Ed ,” tZE&H#M la 88pp18uat81 thereto, and ln
controlling over the #anero rlarr at thy rad or the bIl1.
kotloa 4, rrtr; Uth ~l8luturo, moona a8ii8a 66*-
*Ion, Row4 bill Ho. a, mptrr 472, )pi#rS, protI488, in
pm, 88 r0lior8t
~~@X~@LN@~* Or la8ini@t8?itt&thir AOt lhrll
nowr uuia flrr ($2) par lnt 'or the total uount
or stat6 amdo upOadrd ror old Ad6 d88l8tonor~ . . ,-
~P88 Bill k. 6, rd Balla$ &*8Ioa, 44th &ul*l8-
turo, Artlolo 2, krtlon 8, pro viaem, ln p0rt ma r0ibu8t
sb4 8~p0~rr or 8adai8trr~ tU8 inet rh0U
88wr lroor4 fltr (3s) p6r. lnt or tbr tot01 amant
l2td0a r o a0
.~ 4 r ~8i8t8ttd~
8oott after wtaotmm or burr Bill no. is, 44th
&uI8latttr8, koond Oo11.4 6*rrIon, thr quootlon oroao *a to
what&r the lutltqg prorlrionr quotru aboro had rurariaor. to
Uu 8arlai8ttati+* 8Xpln888 over the ontin prrioa or thr oppro-
prhtlon or rhoth6r th6 lImitotIoa WOE ruah that at 210tIM
OOttid•dhbsF8tiV~ lIpM8O8 *X0866 ii+@ p6r WAt Of th0 tOtO].
mutt llr+dr lxp6wlo4 or ai8tribut6a ibr 0111&go Aa8l8tonco.
The paootion WOE 8dtdtt04 fro thir Daportmsnt for an opinion
and on fmttttor~16, Iqf6, In l lotkr opInIon alrrrtra to Eon-
~ro&la Onlllo 8. Corpoator writtan br Fred C. tornor, Jr., it
BEE b0ia that tit8 lidt@tlOfI did ttOt wir? to 0 Mtttb )o rODth
or tin to tlrw ~borlr but woo Intondrd to bo a 1iaItatIon upon
tha t0tui mttttt •~p0ftd84 ror~ddnirwptitr ox 0~8 attr*
the Et&i?@ bIrttttiu?&,It ~88 BtBtOd IttI@:& Opi tli
*From thr turf ttattm or the Tuar Old A&r
~8i8t8tt08 c0mi~i88iott 88 errataa 8tta the pow-8 and
a*ti08 pm*4 OLI it by tha law, wh6q .0rr*otirr,and
thr &3U~DOB iOr whioh tb6 bW WBB pO88Od it, WOE
rrldrnt thcrt the ~RiB~tUT6 Oo&rmplet@d that th@
lXpOM68 or th eldninlrtrstion would be lo~or at
th6 inOOpt:On thrrn lt lnt Oth6T tirr. It OOUid not
Rottorablr Adam 8. tohtuon, Fa&r 9
btr ooataplmta~ lqthr ~Itrr*~r apiaIon that raw
t?Irtloruwars to k pl008a on the l1 p o D8rth
*6t ah*
k itt0ttma ~ia-~*Rls~l8g&na rrttirtg up tha uohin-
er rto l*r t*,@ ittI8to r l*‘~
A.*t with
much up uu*
~~oo~88’rril hl8~:+8 8na aOt0aLor.i.t in 84000nt'0nl~~
~~8t~h0:.,~a T 0l
pp+~q+~ti~that WOUND.+ ma8 r~
liottaos~sha Aot it tha lr p wa 88
ovar that pWoa
lid nbtrrwra tin p0r 00at ,0r th6 raount llprnd~a
#or r idi& d
l~I8t8nti ~Ar r a & o r dlo r 8 par tiat
Thor taoohrd ram~iatltdf for ray partlaalajr
portion Of .tbat puloe.:~Aay atbor uMtrootlon
itda mk~i8ll~~0t8td~.~a kinarr the ~Oalioi8tti-
Son of MwAgt ~tor thr'auollgllrhmmator th* rw-
ltat rom~~8ka by * Lo~ir~otaro intao rri%or~*
lmonbla' Adam & fohaaon, Pa&r 10
,Jhl8 prr#tIoJl w88 ag8I.nprr8mt.d to t&o Dopartmarrt,
ond I.n ooafuouo opinion JIO. 2983, Attorno~ 08guel.!8 Report8
1934-36, fl&r l60, 4at.d April 17 1936, a&d?.8884 to the Eon-
oreblr hO.i~H, 8hepjWd. @O@?Oli@? Oi PrblIo.&8OO-t8, it Wa8
bald thet the Umlktlon oohtalnod In thr'lret@onfInning the'
lXpUl8@8 of dmIsl@arIu tho 8U to riro par put, '0ppiha
.to thr birnniam l f; tb •~ iatiOa.'rt.#8 fUXthr
hold that, sbi ?r8+8ibilitr fb? "";p:
mZ itill& aWodit4lm8 i0
am 4.00~ wltbln the'erkar uodatcoi &otIaa 6 oi Hi B. 26
rml the Dlnotor
‘to 8bOtO -8 ?O-
&Ova W88 l doptrd
%w ~OOIWA@~OI%
~Ibuorabla Adam R. foh~on, Page 11
out of 8t8t8 fund8 ior tha birnhium 8ha11 MT@?
uoaad tire par out oi thr t0t81 lUWt.aspaodad
fO? 888i8kDaCOUt Of Cru -8, stat8 8nb ~4aml.”
It la alao prowldad that t
0. . .prorIdad in lU. aWIlt tha total 8IpaW
di$u?o8 out lt BtatefUd8 tOr’adrini8tretiOn 8hall
dot alcrad $1~ par orot OS tha total ixpamlituraa
~fO? M0+&5tlO8 Out Of ,811 fUlid8, stat@ and hdU&. . .”
k tiUk tha rlrltlng provislonr or tw ganenl law
and th0 8obragrant l ppropr%ation bilb la 8O8Oaptibla TV tho
OoMtntotion @~8O.d tharaon br this IkF8.?tMlltin it8 M
formaroplnloor horalnaboranfarmd to, and the 8 parenk ton-
rtraotion by tha 45th &81818tun III thr rfU8r. to ? ha ?a288 .Old
&a &@8iSt8BOO fbd8dOa Diti8iOR Of tha 1937 Dapc?rtMOt81
,Appro ?htlOn Bill. If for tb period daal~nstad ln tba a&pro-
print on bill, s. nd1turar Mr l dmi+rtration out ot 8t8tO
.nIBur tdo not 010 trd ?IW par Olllt, than it may ba ?@~8OMbl~
mid that tho rotl8loar of tha grnaral18~ hera nOt baan rio-
lmtrd aad .M ? Ll6 no 8PflioiMt Pa88011 ~fordopa?tihg f?00 thr
3tnur raliog8 ~0r thlr Daputmnt.
ft 48 our Opinion
that iB tha 8+8At thr itUisd
lpproprIatIon8 for Dlrlrlon oi Old AgatlrA88i8tan08 are
In axea oT iirr par eat OS the total srount‘oXpand8d for
l88iOtsBO@ thy OlrIUlOtb0 p8Id OUt Of state tund8 t0 th#
axtent or raoh lxo.88. If tka Itmilutlone are 1888 than ?itr
pu aaot and a naoaarltg thararor lii8tathe 8urp1as amount
8p to tlva par oant may 'ba ured to Hera additional 8mp10~888,
busy not ba uaad to rupplaaant malntan8nor 8nd mi8callaa8Ou8
Fedora1 ftmda lllosatad to the Boa@ Sot 8Umlnlatra-
tirr lXp8ma8 mey be uaad to p a rldninlrtratirr lxya~rs in
lXCI88 Of thOl@ iteBi7Ad in th8 8pprOpTI8tIOn bill Out Of EMIta
ftUId8,lnoluding MintUi8nO4 and ri8~8~8KIOOtl8 it8EiE, in t&O
lbmonor of appropriata lImItatIon8 by the propsr Pbdaral Author-
mo qU88tiOn 18 not krom 98, and wo do not pa88
upon the qu88tion of whathar herral ftands Mf ba u8rd to pay
&r&iir 8alariaa t&n thO8a darigoatad So? ‘tha kpertment in
8rnatr Bill Ro. UT.
Honorabla Adam% fohruon,?aga lt
la u8wu to roar third qaa'rtlon,It l8 our opinion
that th8 Bap8rtmant of hblla W@lfira Old &a A8818t8aoa Did-
8IOn, i8 lr?h0rI8a~ to a88 it8 ~I8arai Ion In drtwalnlkx the
uoant of 8dmInIatratlra upanraa that 8hoold )8.8x adad from
tlmo to tin out ot 8tata find8 80 lOI@ a8 tho tot8 r lathorira&
8daini8tmtira 8rpaa888'wt of It8ta fun48 do sot 8x888~ the
t&al amount lllgra~ to h ax o de4for ldmiai8tratira parpo888
,-to?the blannlam aMin Aagarr 31, 194l, (king tha fltr par
uat lImItatIe&j, 8ub)aot, howen*; to the g a na nl rider lp p e8?-
In& at tM l+d?- K tka Appropriation Nil, uhIah,p?orLdarr
?Jt $a further provided that, lari, any three
mo ~apartmant ua expand more T hen ona-
th l pprop8Iatlon nda Jwaln iorr
8xpu888, (b) aontlnsaat axpea (a)
telegraph, ((I)portage, pmrldad ih8t
~8ay amaxpaaaad klanoa8 fror pnoadln@ quarter8 may
be oxpudad darln( 8ub8aqaantqaartar8.r
W/th nfenaoa to ?adaml tond8, the Dapsrtunt ray
888 it8 ~18ontIon In d*trrPlnlag th e8waat or ldminI8tratIrr
ax mdltura8thatuy be made fmmtlm totlma ootormona~8
mlr oaatad and naalvad frem the Tadaral~ Ooraramaat ior that
foam tow truly
"'Oar11 0. Quauak
amom om 3, i939 APPROVBD
BIrald c. UaJln OomIttaa
ATTORIpIcIQsxEFuLoI~s -lExzarI