Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

1.18 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Hon. Wayne wOvm, Pag 8 by a oounty offloial, it ig~his duty to oallaot eald rd3fhThe tax oollsator or Clay Cou5ty being a fee off% oer, whom oaPlpoauetion~1s pai4 05 M annual roe baais, b0 IS required to aoooa.,ror said fee0 I5 hh3 report to the oounty under the providozm 0r the imxlmm roe bill atatutor. In this oo55eotlo5, we oall your atten- tion to hrtioie 102 0r th0 Penal Code Or TEXTS,19~8, whi0h provider 4 peaalty rar rdiw 0r ary oou5tp om- aer to oolleot suoh fee6 allwed by law or who Call8 to ohnrge up the iem that my bo 4tu under lxiatlng law orwho still Maita~ititthnt wbe due Werthe lAwa or who #hall fail to make tb report requlrod by l.81~. It Is therotor@ the oplnlon or this departmunt that. the tax assessor-oolleotor i8 ohrge4 by lrprtith 0011~0tilrg 8ou r0r the ifming 0r laoh orrtl?i~mte br rm&aptlon ma provided in Artiole 7387 R. 0. 8. 1985. The oovani~do5er~~ oourt ha no arrtho& to mire the dIls0tf0n 0r~ this tee and the +ooounting r’0r,- by the tax wmessar-aollaator. YOUM voxy tivrr