Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

.-. 607 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Hon. Bert Ford, rdmlnlstxetox Texas LlqUDr (lontrolBoard Austin, Texss Dear girt power rule and regulation he pl?Qvisionsor the hfrd, whether or not if promulgated by the repugnant to the antl- e Li~usr Oontrol Aot, eraoae; other thin@, 6h1 (d), that the Lfquox Oontr@l Board ius ail et&m ~QWWE, duties, and erred by thla Aat, and all powers incIdental, amvenients or wm!~aeary to onable it to admlnietsr or ,aarxyout any of the provi- clone of this Act ama to publish all neoeassry rulea,and reg;ulntlona." 17 of the Afft pmvidim Seseotlon that it ahall be Maw- rul for any persaa rho wina or has an intervat in the busi- ntms of a d~stiller,~bzewer, rsatiiler, who&@llralar, w%nOrg, Ron. Bert Ford, Fage #2. or dine bottler, or any agent, servant, or eatployee"to furnish, 61~s. or lend any money, EarviOe, or other things of value, or to extend unusual aredlt terms to any retailer, or to any person, for the use, benefit, or relief of auah retailer, or to guarantee the frilfillmentof any flnanoial obligation of any retailer." Section 24 of Artlals 2 of the Liquor Control Aot provides~ *The exteaeton of oradlt for longer period or tine than Is generally extended to regular ouetomers Of a nurntu'aoturer or distributor ooveting the purohslse of brewery produots from auoh aaanufaotuxeror dla- tributor &all ba deemed unusual oredit tonas.* TAO hat gu0wi0n rrorpth0 A0t is the odly ad'inition of the tern wunusual oredlt tonne" whioh me hove found In the Aot. Shile it is in Article 2, we think It does evidenoe the leglelatlve intent end deities what is meantby the same phraee a8 used in ArtlOle 1. we are or the opinion that the Power &iven the Board to prevent the granting of unusual oredit is not the same am the nmer to require oesh to.ba paid, In CamerOle Standard Insuranoe Company vs. Board of Insuranoe Cocaalseioners,S4 S. Pq. (Ed) S4S, the oourC said: *The Board oan exerolse only the authority oanterred upon It by law in clear and unmistakable tenus, and nil1 not be deezmd to be given by lo+ plioatloa, nor aan it be extended by iaferenoe, but mu-t be strlotly cronetrued." In Mo;oDonald vs. Amrioan Fruit CSoWera, Inc., 126 S. X. (2d) S3, (whloh ie the Court of Civil Appeals opinion) and 127 6.~. (2d) 291 (which 1~ the opinion of the Supreme Court, dismisslag the application for writ of error),a very ei!a%lar question was oonsldored, end it was there deoided by the Court tSat the power had not been granted by the Legislature. Under that authority we are of the opinion that the power to promlgate the proposed rule and regulation has not boeu granted by the Legislature. VJCJ It unneoeasary to answer the other question, dsr)sr psrtiaularly, since the Supreme Court, in pa&e%% on the Eon. Bert Ford, Page #S. appllaatfon in the EfaDoneldcase, dealined to state whether .. power. - the Legislature night delegate tne In any event, that question m8y be answered ii aAd WheA the Legislature grants the power. YOAr8 very truly ATTORNEY GTTTERALOF TEXAS BY ’ A . 8. R0lli~8 -.4SRxpbp