Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN @ALa c. MANN ,“U.. ..**.A& Eon. E.G. Towle, Opt. D. 3tut.eDoarC 0r XXminers in Optoxiietry Auatic, Texas Dear Lr. Toxfle: Se are in re etter 0r June lath, requestLq an op epurtrnent,ro- gwdingthe aiithorltyo d 0r acarnin- ers 0r optomtry to rer ror exedna- tion on the gro or the ROVES- ed civil St sbil bc entirely fair recb&zed school of cjptom3try. All Q>- -Jlicaztsexaeinod ot the mm time silall be c:vm lCier:tlc;~l The board cLtiesticr,s. cay rerkze to a&At ycrsons to its exacin- atlou or to issue liox~~es for 3ny or tte r0iio;eg r;3as03sz Hon. H.C. Towle, Puce 2 *I. The preae::tationto the board of any untrue atatment or any dooumht or toa- t&my uhiob was illegally or traudulently obtalsed, or when fraud or deoelt hna been pmotloed in pesalng the exanlnatlon. "2. Conviction OS a relony, or or a mface=eanor whloh lr,volvoanoral turpitude. "3. Other ,gosaly unprofessionalor dishonorable conduct of a oharaoter likely to deceive or defraud the p&bllo, or ror habits of 1ntc;;zparsnc.e or drug addlotlon. my appllaant who may be rzruaed an oxamin- atlon or a Ucense, after legal notloe and a full and lmpsrtial hoarlag, shall have his ri@t or action to have suoh issue triad in the district court or any ocmnty ln zrhlohone of the &embers of the board shall rus:de." AS we intarpret this statute, the bomd nay by fair and reasonable exercise of dlscretlon, r;ake rhdhgt3 rc~ardine the fpduriOtlti00a Of the ap- pllcant. It 1s stated In your inquiry that the bonrd has found the a?pllcsnt hna heretorore nlarepreaent- ed iocta re+rdine his prior expcrI.enoesnd train-. Tho board has rwther round rr03 its observation 0r the agplloant, that by reason of said untrue state- rents and other oocduot, he has baen guilty of g.ro+s- ly unproiesalonal or dishonest oonduct of a ohmacter likely to deceive or defraud the public. The rlndi.h@ oi your board are preauolptlve- ly car;-eotaccording to the principle obtaining in respect to adrnlnlstr:~tlve bosrde gonerally. see Shap~e v. kailroad Coztisalon 13 Tes. 521, '73S.?;.(26) 305. It is our opinion, therdore, that your board my refuse to atit a person to its exazilnation a license to subh psrsm in the race of or to 13jliue lion. H.C. Towls, P-&e 3 fFn$lnG~ on the part ai the bobwd as to prevlou8 un- true etatezxentsand unprof~salonalor dlshonorable oonduot or a oharaoter likely to deceive or dafraud the ?i;bllo. Your8 vary truly ATTCRX~ GIZNZRALOF TQAS APPROVEDJUkl22, 19% ATTORNEY.GENF3A.LOi TEXAS