Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFlCE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Mr.Homer oarriaon Diraotor, Tk4partment or mbll.0 safety hatin, Teral Dear 8lrl ur nquert ?or an opinion, *duoate the publio on safety matter&vwith referenoe to.thr tmr of natem in the men- tloned &krSi but &VS found that thin work neoersltatea the u#e a? a b&at. We, Ohore- ioT0, mques 4 an op,inlontraa mur Depart- ment a6 to whether any fund8 appropriated Hr. Rcmer Qerrla&, Oune 8, lQS9, Peg E tothim Deparhurd o-be 8ponttortha purpore o? pumhasiry a aotor boat to ,bn ucmd tortha purpose8 8et out, end if thl8 18 enawered in the affirmative, whloh 6f the ureral funds appropriated aan logally be rpent lnthl8 manner." The authority of he Department o? &blio &fetp 18 found 'inArt10188 44lS[l? 44X5(E) end 44X5(4), Re- vised Civil Statute8 of Tad, whloh read in part a8 ?ol- 1cmSI '"Art. czls(lI. There la hereby Department af fiblio tkfety c r ea ted l ob the Stats o? Texan, henlnafter do8ignated a8 *the Dmpartmnt,* in whloh 1s re8tod the onforoemont of the lawa proteotlng the, public re?oty and prwidlng for the prevention end datectian qf orime. .TheDepartlarnt 8hall hnvr;it8 prlnolpal ottioe and ~heedquartePsin the City & Austin, uhere all of it8 raoords rhall bo 44th WC.. p. 444, "Art. UlS(8,). The oontrol of ths Department Lb hereby mated in' the Publio Safety knmis8ion, Blmin- after deslgnatad ma-.