Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Ken. alas. A. ml-tin countyAuditor Jbrrfaoncounty Xuahall, Toru the eouaty orrldal8 allditfoon to the raeus qaluy mnd OM or saotfau 1, here *hallbo hposftti the iire day or Jauuary, u or *aoh y o u,leh mm ortionsdto mob eountrunUu the thlr Act, out o? the lvallabla II made by the Legislature far 8wh oridod, howru, that in oountfea e tXmmfnsionu8~Gotartla mzthoristi to ~otumfne whethu eouuty offioorr &all Lo oompen8atbdon a salw barla, mo apporti-mt #hell be maae to leh oamty until tho Uomptrolla or Rablfo aooouuts8hall bar0 been notlfladof tho ardor or the Oods8ionnr* mmrt that t&0 Ean.Ghu. A.rutia,wl, lM9,,Pyo t . uunty otilure of euoh emnty ahall bo OQ- poneatod on a ealuy buie for tP0 Si8001 you, and In thatoaeothe iiretquutorly yet of euolpportionmant h shall be ndo Ii flrte- (18) days arta n00ipt or muoh BOtiOe by the oCsm#rOllOr, aBd the rti-8 peymenteon the deter horeinaboto~oeoribd. ftlball br the duty of the ooqtrollu o? ,.._ c ., PublIo hooountsto mually ,apportIon to all ~ootmtioeIa whloh t&o oountyoiriaae era to tot tho bOmfIt Of its OWIoare~ 8alary f&n4 .bfunds Its p r o p o r tla na p a te rt o f th olppro- Iatlonw'hioh&all bo Ustribute& mng Ko 8ontal lmmtiu lntitld to partioipaw. therein,on tho baa18 of tho per oa Iwlgr- UtIoonot oaoh o o untr laoorUa6 to the proaodlln6?obralcuuum~ porldmdU*tth* mumal apportionment tor moh purpoeoesha&l Rotuuedtourtoen (ly)*~te*r8apIta of nIlpopdatIoaoicohmmatJuhoro county ofrioue are 0upepeateU en a salary baste +nda'tho ~0vIeImae 0r~thio kt..mo- ride6 that In all oonmtIo8lhioh ha6 a gopulatIonoi loee than lIxt~ thoueand(60,GGO) &habitants Ial9SGaooor6Ingtotho Wet poooUng~o&ualGmeuemnd wbIohrrrr&avoa4 rrrlora valuationsror all purpoeem looar41~ . to tho last approve&tu roll of omoh oomaW; whloh haro lnqroe8d at loaet fifty (80) so? eont over the valuatiowhr US0 tho uaat .tobo ~113 to mob o? laib moudoe to? lte : ralary fund shall ~W the 8?m mot $0 exood twenty-fir.(Lb#) oon$epar rptta buo4 on the 1.930population. The quarterlypaymat of eaoh ipportionment af snob appropriation 8hal.l be ma80 on oarrents 6raoo br t&o Btato Oorp trollerupon tho 8tate w payableto th9 c o unty tr ueur ofer the lo eifr ino h o s uwo r Eon. the ~pOrtI0amentIs Y&o aad ma14 werrante zhl be rogieteroUby the Gomptrollorand eaeuru and shall k rail& by tho GempZTollu Bo the trumuor a? tho eouaty.. -Soot&cm r(b), Art101089180,reads a@ followe: *MO offlcorreooltlnga lalery shall ti0att~ n130ir0 any 01: orrioi0 00-n- latfoniprotidotl, &ntor,+ho GOnIeeIon- ue~cmrtehalltrqie?ufrorth~Goaual rPrdor#e oonaty%otho0ffIoere~ Salary Ami u funds of #uoh odunty aoh funds 88 my bo mSo#eary p+lpay tho ealuIee a#iaothu llaba ohaqoable wivtthe luuwhm tho ro+Ioe&apoelte&*sin lro bouffiolont Co nuttbe elafme -10 th~ro?rum.~ Sootloaa(o), ArtioloSQl80,ma&e u ?ollm+t .Any mnioe rralaln& In tho Offloore~ tlalaryWn~0.riundo of any eountyatthe ~Uo?anyf%eoal~u lftuall *alar108 amlqMorImdoxpoaeoe LootProda&net @ald?und for laid= ehallhan boon peid my be, by ordar o? tho QoriediIomre~ Gout, traneiorrd to tho 4wotlIt.oithe Gmorallrrnd tithe 00?mw.~ %ootIoni(a), Art1010%91%&.mpre, an6 %ootion* Eli?" 2%. Art1010SQlk, iisrieod Civil %,tatutoe pro+foe for ". tbi paymentby the etato In oountloeolmre tbr',oounty o?fleIaleue on a salarybasis Its proportionate put oFtho appropriation, to bo alatrlbutodurp@ the Offeral uuetioe ontitledto partioipatothordn, en the kSI8 of the pm oapitapopulatlcmof oash oountrlo eo r dfn6 tS tho lart ~OOedin6 Pdral Guuue. wm aro Inromod by tko Oorptrollor~e o??Ioe a& by you? lotterthat ia Earriaon Goaty tho uounty orrIolaleuo oompeneatod on tho lalerybuie, dl the prooinotO??IOla lS lro ooqoa- mate6 on the foe baeIe. . Eon. CMO. A. lutln, Mey 1, 1959, Pego 4 8OOtfOn IT(O), IttioleR918o,RovleedCItI1 %tetutes,rude am r0iims8 The term Vreolnot orri0u8~ am reed in this A& mean8 juetioeeof the ptaae -4 aonetablee. *In all acmntIoe in thl.6State mob podnat o?floereshall oontiauoto be eanpumated for their earvIeoeaa a fee bade uutll the OomIeeIonere*Gourt shall have dotormlne(l otherwIeoIk looordmaoodth tho prorIeSo~e0s Pkotloa 8 of.this Let. *X8 eouatiosolmro tho Comfuloaore~ Court shall hao dotormIm& that pnolnat o??Iooreshell bo lo r p enea te& o a an mmml ulwry bule, but whoroiathoy bar) lotormU& mat *ountylrri0a0 #hap not bo so 8omp*a- mated, the Qrri0ue* 8alerymna qr.8eId eouaty shellbo oompoeodand ma0 op or rm, eammleeloneau8 other eoqoaeatlon oolleotrb Ty th0 grooinot orri0ore 0s euoh oamty ana bpoeitod In maid bud; and euoh fwle am me$ bo traae?uroU to maid fund by tao Gomfeelon- ore* court 0s the ooumty. dootloa 1T(b),Art1010 Hlk, toa68 am lXn eciantioe-0x-o It #bell &va born .. dotudae6 that pooolnotorrfaae 8bell bo eompoaeatodoa an manualsalarybaele It shall bo the ihztyof tb CePrieeIon~e* Court of lueh ooudy to fix the salaryallow& to euoh o??Ioue.. Xeeh a? maI& o??Ioore&all be Id In money aa lneual salary In tmlvo (Urowial Inetellmenteof not lose thea the total mum urnod u lamponeatlon~ernd v him In him offloialoapeoltySor tbo ?leaal yearloS5 end notmarothaa the maxim8 amount allowed aqoh,h??loumdok5m lxIetIn6 I ‘, , ~39% GM*. A. Wtle, May 1. 19S9, Page 8 Au&uet?M, 19SS. ,'faoountleein whioh prooiaotd?leore are paid a salary aa oompeaeation for their eorvlooe,meh orflaue assiriagto appoint 0~8 or mare deputies or aeal8tente shell rlre appllaetloato Uko DOm.Isalonue*Cmrt ru auttorltyto appoint euah dopey or aoputloe, .Intho mnmr and form poeufbod for appll- rtlon8 for deputy county otris0re w htfaio 39kQS RovleotlCi711%tatat081995, u waa0a ddnthe provieione0? this Aoti the Cm- deelcmore~ Gomrt shall not rthorieo the lppoinmt of any deputy sonstableat a u&y lroooUa~ yI?to0aa8.ubroa ~#1500.00)Dollue P= mu. -T hlae la r ~ ee or dop0tloeauthorlao k, bo.apppoIntsduadu tho protIeloasof this kotion ehallbo paid out 0s the orricae* %alary ?ueA. =x214ouatlee 0h u tin o lotmtr orri0~8 8amd Ie this Aat am aompeaeetedon tho baele of a nlaaual salary,the Stato a? Toxae shall' notbe lhargod with end shall not pay anyroo or e0maIeelonto any prooiaot0rri0~ for uf by him performed,but maid offiomr ~mervlooe~ shall bo pia by the county ant or the 0??10ue* salerr?una euoh roe8 antIoomIerIoar ae'nol(L othuwleo bo pld hI$ by the Sqte for mush eorvlaoe." SootlonlT[b), eupra, lpooI?loallypr0t1408that pbolnot o??l0oreIn ootmtieerhamin the~eounty atfleer uarsd in this aot are eonpeneatedon the baele of an euual salskyetho stats o? Texas shall not be oharg0dwith mb shall not pay any ?se 0r eotieeIon to say pr0aInotoffi- o o r for any lerrloee by him pu?anod, but each o??Ioor shall be paid by the oountyout Or the OrrIoere~salary Puna, euoh rce~eend oamiesione am uuld otherwieobo paid him by tho stat0 far eaah eorvllhe.. . . . WM. Ohae. A. Mertln, May 1, 1950, Pyo 6 You are reepeot?ullyl4lvleed that It 18 the opIalon of this Departrent that the lxemlning trial r000 or accounts 0s preaieat ofrloorr whe ue aompee- lato(l WI a fee basis in oountlos where the oounty riiialale are eompmeateb on an anaual salary basis euoh erenlning -461 ram8 or loaount8 eh0uia be paid by the county out or the 0rrIaere* Salery ?awl. hu8tlne that the ?oregOIng anewore your in- onirr, - rwain Vary truly yours ea0u wimar~r A8rietult