Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS - AUSTIN &ly 4, 1939 Em. Tom L. Yeauchaaip 33cretary of State ~wdi.n, Texas Dear Sir: Em. To12L. Deachmp, Lay 4, 1939, Page 2 "?~ the ;I~OV~S~O~Sof OUT'iens statute, Article 152Sb relating to cor:mrations of a similar na- ture . ';ie have corqared those statutes with the Arkansas Statutes relating to the same kind of aorporation, and we are of the opinion that this oorporation is not organized ror pecuniary profit within the intendment or the provisions or Arti- Qle 1529. The users of'the eleotrioity or other services rendered .bysuoh a corporationare all member8 of the eorporatlon. There Is no capital ala&k aud its pnrpose‘lsto serve the people of therura10 olQwnit$eeulth elBotria1tyor twal- .abl.e them to obtain the neeessarp qpplioa md squt~tto onjoythe we 0r aleoftieity, Tow rreeond quastiw as tc whethe tidB IImtitladto be &rented a perpit . his Stat0 under.th@ praripiecG~of Wothtithat the X.&&turki ~dedthatstlshacrorporatixan sbmiX& be allowed to.operatsln T-s andwe base our '. op2Jileli upm seotion 7 of oarA&,'krti01~ l!i,gab~ whioh reads a8 foUw8: hOi &araawloetrlo *oopora3g.~o* -aballdot be wad -in tIltI oorperaw aim0 ofaeorporationorgani.mdumderthb~ .~ liar60r this stats, or authodsed tic. do'businesshoreirr,othartbenthoae _ tir~lzedp~nttotbe pnr)isim 0r this Aot.*. le thlnktha~‘thl~ dlsolasesan %ntSa-~. tiw 0r the Isgislaturolo permU a roraien&or- porationtoaom in++Ter;asanBrendertbe eer-, viesa provided ror in our Aot, lf the @rewtanoes merit an entranae. Your third queqtion as to the fll*g fee to be'charged,by the~Ss~r#&ary of state'6 or- rice for the pen&t to &ah ti'borporstioa,thts department held In a ttimer oplnicm that we tho*t Hon. Tom I+ Beaahanp, Kay 4, 1939, Page 3 the Legislature intended that our State should exeroise some sort of oontrol over such a for- eign corporation, and for that reason we held that they should secure a permit to do business in Texae. Slnos thia is a foreign oorporaticm asking perrnlssion to oome into Texas, in our opinion, your department should oharge a fiity dollar riling fee lor,thls corporation. Under Article 3914 or our Rewised Civil Statutes rifty dollars Is-the minimum fee prescribed ror a for- eign oorporatlon. Your rcmbh questloh 1s what r2.33diee ttu or lioewe tax ie to be i?.nnu~u9assessed~ thin corporaticm. 13aotiuuSO or Artiole 1528b providea that suoh oorporaticoshall annually pajfa ten dollar lloowo fee on or before May Igt of eaoh yeax?and ahall be &Wpt from all other oxolse texa.a. They are, therefare, exempt frqm cuxy2'tmuohloetax,butnust payonlytheten .aollw annual llosnrrefaa. u oul?OpiniOn~tho8Outhne.Bt~k;snWB Eleetrlo QooperativeOorparatioa,nheuldbe issued .-: a pexmlt to do bmlnew in Tgxaa+~ We believe the psr0Q r1fllng~r00 r0r wh t to be fftty dcdarsandtbat Cheyahoul PBcppf watt QlJ.ar annual Uosnee ie8w or before&Say 1st each yaare