, c. MANN
R .m- Fsbruar;r ,%4, lQS9
MP.wllliemw. AllOR
LaTasa G@mEt*
Eallettarille, Toxas
Dear EP. Allent
P or FebPaa~
19, 1959, in whioh Joa oaas touhet&ir
02 not fti is to serve aad
aeoept pay to 3-Y.
r ma0 ai0a pm-
6, proridee in part as
orricers 0r this State
or pay a warrant upon the
any psrson, rOr salary
as agent,0rriOer or appoln-
t the SBID~tirasany other Or-
0r honor, trrtst 0~ pram,
6 or the United Statee, exoept
ibed In thle Constitution."
smtion 40, Article 16, provides in part as
=M ph~oa shall hold or exercfae, at
the 8-e tinle,mere than one civil Ortie or
80I01=6e, tmtspt that 0r jtstioe or paaoe,
Mr. William Vi.Allen, February 24, 1939, Page 2
county ocmmissiomr, notary publio.andpost-
master, ofiioer oi the National Guard, the Na-
tional Guard Reservs, and the Otficers Reeervs
Corps of the United States, and enlisted men
of tho National Guard, the National Guard Re-
8ervs, and tha organized Rassrvea or the united
State@, uulesa otherwise spsoially provldad
It is wall settled that a deputy sherifr is
an 0rri00r 0r the state. Stats v. Brooks, 42 Tex. 62;
Town08 f. Earrie, 13 Tax. SOT; Miller v. Alsxandsr, 13
Tsx. 497.;Murray v. State, 67 s. w. (2) 274.
In our opinion a'graud jury bailiff is also
an offloor or the State, hi8 appointmentbeing provided
ror by statute, his tenure 0r 0rri00 being limited as
to tims, and an oath 0r Orrio bein required rr08i him:
Art1010 367, 369a, 367b and 363, CoiI
e or Criminal PrOsa-
durs, Vsmon*e Annotatrd Orimiual Statute8 or Texas:
Cuilla v. Stats, 2S 5. W. (2) 541. .~
In view or the authoritiesoltsd above, wa are
Or the opinion that a deputy sheriff is prohibited by
ths Constitutionrmn serving and aooepting paF as a
grand Jury bailiff while 'suohdrputy sheriff retains his
orriO a8 deputy shertir.
yours vary truly
m @F
Robert 5. Kspke