Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

: OFFICE dF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN 6.P” February 25, 2939 .- 12. CmAos c. Ashley Dm~ic~tAtorney , De3r sir: 'c\ but da to beotlCb3s Your lstter 3adrt333ea to Attorney C3nsral GS to ttiewriter. on as to wh6th- er or not Eemr fmxa its sbrfff- aasassor-co&? or deputy hire, 68 app,pliea for. he sheriff-asses- ptie,s unaer autLo;oritp aer cna later hired ad- ahdtticmal deputies r tha ori&.nalthree is worthy oi cnroful consid- . not got been cle,3$02 R.C.S., us. Our108 C. Ashley, February 25, 1939, page-2 application shall be accoxpanlea by a stateiiientshovlluc the probable receipts frm fees, comlsslons ana corrpen6atloh to be COUeotod by aaid Offi dUri6g the flsoel year cod the probable disbursements which 8hd.l inOiua8 all salarias ma ex- pm366 Of YiIia OffiCO; aa SE&i OOUrt shallmke its order authorizing the ap- pointment 0r such ~depUtb36, QSSiStIXlt6 ana ~elerk6 aud fix the compensation to be paid thtxawltbin the linitationa herein pre- soribea and determine the nunbar to be ap- pointed as in the dl6crotlon of said court may be proper; provlGoa t&t In no aose 6hI.X~ the CO~zaSiOn~s' COuXt Or my mOi3- her thereof attozzpt to influence the ap- POiIltMllt Of aBy pel?SO?la6 deguty, &SSiStaIlt or 01&c in any offioa. Upon the entry of such order-the offioars applying for such assistants, da&ties or,olerks shall be eu- tlmrizedto apgolnt theta; provided that Said ooqxmsation siiall not exceed the maxlmm amount hereinafter set out a‘* * ,? In this instance, the Cacunisslonors~ Court dld authorize the expenditure of the amount pala, but did not authorize the payment as mae. You have not stated in your letter whethor or not the C&osionerd Court has taken.any action on the annual rqort of tb officer, whioh my be of oontrolllng inportauce in effw.%inZ the rl3hts of the comty. 'The sheriff- 8saoesor-collcotor had no authority to anpoint depu- tics, except by the prooeduro as outlined in the e!:oveArticle 3302. Further, he had no authority to 8zroe u-&n or to pay a less zuiount to *e origlual three deputio6 than as autl;orlced by the Cozmlssion- crs* Cart order. :.~2rylcmcl Casmlty Coqany vs. The +itc, 107 S,..:.(2d) 035. The C~~ssloner3~ Court may subsequently h3Ve authorlmd ori;-,%ally. .:tlfytkt IlziPCh it ;'*ly 3, lihore tl~ ComLosiomrs* Court a:,provos the &!r. ca.rlOS C. Ashley, February 25, 1939, Z&e 3 i the expenditures ln the annual report or tie oSSlcer as to paying d8putie6 not authorized to hnve hem ag- ptit8a., the county Is bound as having authorized the deduction. Tho'Stato OS Texas vs. Carries, 106 2.3. (2a) 397; Camron countyvs. Pox, 61 ~321, (2a) 403. fIo?mvcr, whom more than three years had elapncd aSter the a~pointmnt und paymnt of an unauthorized deputy, nhere tbsre was no action of ogproval token by the CocmissloUers~ Court, and though tho County Auditor had allowed the paymzit, the county was not estopped, i but 00ua rocover. Tarraut County ~5. Smith, 81 S.P. (2al 539. i We believe that ,th8 procedure in Article 3902 above Is properly construed us a cadition pre- ceaont to a county officer*8 right of appointment of deps~W~& and hi6 rip;ht to deduct the armunt of dquty il‘8 reoo@ize that any e~cndituro for depu- ty hire iot au authorized 0xpenditu-Pe &ves the couu- ty a right to recover. Ikm3vsr, In this instants, it appears that the expenditure was authorized, thou& the ag?ointklents w8ra cot authorizedi Z:o do not be- i ve suffered an 1niiWyfor i i -~~~-li~~ey-i~~~o~~~~~iaaa to / . i '%iiid have been different BW-tbe 0fSloer appropriated the zoney to his own use or otlmr use than deputy hire. Thor8 ~olild not be ~ 1 any question as to the county having lost its right to'assort the olalm, in this instance, v:hcre the Com- / rninsionme~ Court has agprovcd the auditiny, and set-. tllng of the offlo8rts account; and IS the Comiission- or@ Court hw mae no approval of 8xgcnditures to / the additional deputies,' :ia believe that the violation OS Article 3902 ?lould give rise to the basis for a s.4.tin the violation OS a lec;al~right, but the theory of dammahsque InjUria Vould preclude a recovery. In othc-rwords, ;.cmrc?.Co:,~ltyhas not bocn out fore t:ian the $X00.00 a::pqved 0~;:,enditxire, nU cf ::!iiohwe3 ex- .pended Sor deputy biro. 'iiezro not c:;:lod~upon to datomine the lia- bility as bctwcn the offiow and original d8pUtie6. Fuxtlier, the Stnto of Te.x~s not bein< 3 party to this .i' u. Carlos C. Ashley, Pebrumy 25, 1939, Page 4 propos0d suit and In llau OS tbis pnrtloular nitm- tion not havine been previously detmhoa in the courts, OUT opinion can only bo an'abotrnct otatomnt of the applicable km iind should constitute no author- ity for any action. Be1iovlu5 this to answer your inquiry, Wt3 are Yours very truly ::ob .