Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS ’ AUSTIN c- c MAtaN mToRuIanmmAL Fobruory 24, 1939 * . *. _. .. : cc of the City of : , : cnnstruln: the ordinmtie's co hove oxszn- Texs 3 thnf rooc?n GS ~ollovar s2Jopoxson, firm, corpomtion~ Or 5330- 'aiation o?erotin~, zmm,-,l~~, or conduotinc cny hoteli restnurent, dining mr, sod5 nater Sountain, liquor dispeneory, or nng ather : ; 1 . . 8 I I. ectnbl-Ish,m;r,t nhoro i’oodor firin!: of r;ny kin.: 1s oervoti ox p.2ralZtoci. to bn z9ncd, or operatlnr: nny d*~iry, crcmcry, r:nct :inrkot ) n-mttolr , ine3tp?~kls:; plmt, b*ik- =Y, c:rndyf:m.0ry, c-::ucry, col;i otoroi;o, ~ pewln shollln:: crtnbllch-Dnt, vo :ctnble M rkot ( or tiny Potory or othe? pl.1~0 nhore food is stored, pqcke:., grop:mcd, or uthcraize hnndleo in this ;itnte, sb..;ll zcrk, srql.>y, or kmp in tbolr employ, in or . nbout cny 53lflplnoc, or iiollv3rmy ortl- 010 of food thezfrros, nnjr parum lnfcated ulth or affected by nuy lnfecsloun or eon- ta.:lous dlsonso, or :;orkor orploy 4ny poroon to rrork in or nbout any o-id place, ;r 2cllv::r nny nrticlc or fmd l!lorcfrozI, vho nt thb tlzo .of 5.15 0:.;9oy:.qth:bd not 1;: i’ in his powcmlon n corti?loota 311:rred by a le:;rlly lloomcd phyolcian roslding in ihe county nhoro acid pernon is to be ezployod, or lr; s~ployod, attestins the feet thnt the ;.. benrcr hcd been exnnlncd by cuch phyclclcn : althin one zcolc prior to the tixe of e.qloy-~ i.~ ,: siont, md thnt such er?.~lln.-.tic~ dlocloso the : .. f5ct that such ~-roc~ to 113mnloyed ms . froo from cny lnfeotiqa or com?-r+oun dls- :I 0030, or fctl toi Institute end h3vo rmde. 1’ nodim oxnmtnntlons of ell 3uch ex~ploysee. nt lntervnls of tlze not eroe3Wig sir (6) tenths MU; 5ftnr:such ox~?&wtlons proqtly dlschaqe from their s:sploy:.;eut in or obout any mid place my mu1 nll5orsons found to be lnfeotcd v!ith,or offooted by any lnfeotl- ou3 or cont@ou5 dtnsa: