Hon. Stanley Tlmlns, County
Harrieon County
Ilarshall, Texas
5nl.onas to
whetherthe has author-
6 $tiolh$9&+de that whsn-
ev8r the ,on table stall equire the servioes
horlzing suoh an appolnt-
ompsnsation and ahall deter-
deputies to be appoint&..
Artiole 6879a provides the con-
deputy shall make .a written
for such deputy and giving
the nam of eaoh propooed appointee. A Com-
mlssloners* Court shall thereupon determbm
whether there is a need for suoh deputy or
- t.
Eon. Stanley Timmins,,February ll, 1339, Page Z’
We oonstrue these artloles to be
oumuhtlve and by Artiole 39OS the Oommls-
sior&s’ Court h&d no right to do anythinp;
exoept authorize an appointment and by Arti-
cle 6S79a the Cmmlssloners* Court 1s grant-
ed the authority to oonflrm or rejeot the
appOiAtIIL8nt ir A0 AQO8SSity 8XiStB.
Tie are Of the 0piAi0n that the
‘Comisslonersl Court oannot refuse to auth-
orize or oonrim the appointment or a deputy
oonstable for personal reasons and that the
only question for the Court to deolde;is
the neoeesity for a deputy.
Vie are 0r the opinion ii there is
a A8080Sity rOF the BDpOiAtULeAt Or 0. deputy
and the COUim&3SiOAerS’.CoU% has arbltrarlly
refueed to authorize or confirm the appolnt-
ment of a deputy oonstoble, that the remedy
is for the oonstable and his appointee to -
bring a mandamus suit to compel authorization
and oonflrmatlon.
Yours very truly