*I.. . WCC
non. 0. 3. 3. iWingeon
i, General Zanager
Texas Prison ‘System I
., Huntsville, Texae;
and who will no
oftense is enti
and alothlag o
Civil Statutes of Texas
tied to a dls-
she shall be fur- .
med, if any, his proficienag ,..;
h deaarlptlon es may be prea- : !
tiaable, Suah dieaharged person ehall be fur-
: nLshed with a deoent outtlt of citizen’s cloth-
ing of good quality and tit, end two suite of
underwear; and when a pereon and/or aonviot
aotually serves over one yeer, he shall re-
aelve Fifty Dollars ($50~00) in money in addl-
~, tick to any ~money held to hie or her oredit,
provided that. it a peraoa apd&r oonvlot doea
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'Eon. 0. J. 9. Ellingaon; January 6, 1939, Page 8 I’
not aotually serve one year flat time, he ahell
not reoeive Fifty Dollere ($50.00); tot In lieu.
thereof a person serving less then ono year aa-
tual time shell reoelve Twenty-five Dollors ($25.00)
in ticoey in addition to any money held to his or
,' her credit and a deaont outfit of oltlzen’s oloth-
lng of good quality and fit and two suite of under-
wear, provided that if the aatual time served ex-
oeedg ten (10) years, the sum of money shall be
Sevehty-five Dollara ($75.00), end if the eatual
time served exaeeds twenty (20) years, the sum
of money shall be One Hundred Dollars ($100.00).
As.far as may be praatlaable the Prison Board
may authorize a crcatlon of a Bureau for the purpose
of- plaalng discharged prisoners ln oonneotlon with
ampldyment, provided suoh will not be an extra
expense to the Prison System.*
In view ok the foreeolng stotute, you are respeot-
fully advised that it is the opinion of this Depertment that
when a person and/or co&lot servos as much as one year X&t
.. time in the penitentiary he is entitled to the sum of $50.00
In money in addition to the olothlng es speoliled in said
above quoted artlolo and the taot that suoh’peraon’s trial
wea Illegal does not release the State of the obligation to
.i. ,provlde said olothlng and the payment of the Bum of $50.00
. when such person iotually serve8 a$ muoh as qne year flat
-I. t@e 'in the, petiltentlary. ‘,