Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE AT&RNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AwaTlN Bonoroble Geo. H. Sheppard Comptroller of Publio.Aeoounts Aimtin, Texas Dear Sir; Ootober 17, 1939, C. E. Evans, President whioh you request an ot it is leg01 to pay Teachers College out of proprlation Bill also contains oertain "Salary Provisions. No salary appropriated herein shall be supplomcnted out of student fee funds, domitory funds, or local funds, exco t out of the Pure Fe94 Fund at the Agriculturnl and Retiit anical College or out of funds received from the United States Government or Its agencies, unless 30 ordered by the governing board of the . . Hon. Geo. Bl Sheppard, page 2 Institution to which such salary or salaries apply, at a regular meeting with et least a majority of the members of such board present, and such order shell be enb;eZed in the minutes of the proueedings of said board and shall set forth fully the reoaons therefor. No full time in3truCtiOn3l SRlRry es itemized herein shall be adjusted to exceed en amount above the maximum full professor's salary as herein itemized to be appropriated from the Gen- era1 Revenue Fund of the State for the partiouler institu- tion to which said salary or salaries apply, unless the maximum salary is being reoeived, in which case such ad- justment may be made not to exceed ten per cent above such maximum salary 30 received. . ." The seotion above quote& is the only possible limitation that might be applied to the instruotor~e right to receive compensa- tion for his services in aoting as a judge or umpire in ethletio oontests. It is to be noted, however, that the limitation set out in Seotion 2 does not apply in case of'supplemontory fee bolng paid out by the athletic or extramural dopnrtment because of Subseotion 11 of the gonornl provisions which read as follows: "Suboeotlon (11). Athletic or Extramural Depert- mont. The General provisions made In this Act shall hot apply to athletic or extramural departments, nor to posi- tions not contained in the Itemized appropriation Act for the fiscal year ending August 31, 1933; and as to these exceptions, the governing board shall make such neoeesary rules end adjustments as may be deemed odvlsable." In the letter from Dr. Evans it is lndiaated that the Student Activity Funds are deposited with the College end disbursed under the general direction of the College by the governing board of seid- College. Subsection 11, above quoted, provides that auoh bisburse- ment may be made by aaid governing board. It is the opinion of this Department,Ytherefore, that the Instructor of Science et Southwest Texns State Teachers College may 0130 receive, out 0r the Student Activity Fund, fees ror aoting ae judge, umpire, or Ureotor in athletio oontests. Yours very truly ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS By: Billy Boldberg BG:N Assistant Approved Oct. 23, 1939 GERALD C. MNN Approved: Opinion Committee ATTORNEYGENERAL OFTEXAS By EWB, Chairman