Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

., q ~.n:.;x : OFFlCE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS .j..,,, ;‘: AUSTIN ., .: ibnuary -la,1939 Your rorp33t for cn a3 rsahxl bg t!d.f~ of- You c&z the follovdq on cxt0a3loaof!c tern er caatandia:the ten ro- fleets that t!Ia the hllld Jury to con- tlnua its delibe -. 1 f3tatutca, Um, and Al-Mole , pg. iX.3431, 4ra tb stitdutas f t:ieDistrict Cou?t. CO. ‘(c02~1~33~0n or ‘..’ * of tho p.Irtioularccec on account of not the exteneionof tic tern bpmr- \ ,320~to authorize a Diotrict Sud,g to oscarf to dim030 of "oanding litigstionw. \ i j _ / ..c ? C’ Y\ /’ yo : .L ‘-,I. : ,.~,&OR Ln order to dis?oso of ">sndiag litigation*by otiltiw the ~CSUSO~ Par the OXIXXS~O~ to be Lo cllo-.vtke GrarC Pury to continue its deL,,~,cr~tions, To tLic ozdcr, tho corncats, quoted bolTp;l, of - Judge 3nviLso!1i?.23 dissczt* &nlon, in f2x3 ccne 0r AlOxr~~cr V. state* 234 S.X. 644, sso epplicablo: .. n* * * th3‘t&~ti03 if th0 ~ti’~sl0~ or the ten under &-tic30 172G ortho Revised Civil Stat- utoo (Ann :rticle 19233)hzs no ‘ap.n3&xition. The ev',doncoand the blSL escludou the idea that them 54s a ~om3.n.~trial bcrcrc the cart zt tke t5.23 tb order \933 entcm?. TLc 0nlJ i043on m3 tbut t!~ Gr&d July raqcestod it, that they &$A bo enabled to dis?ooe of?'so1pzxttcn they 'haduncer lnvest1~ution." For thfjreasons statsd, we sra of the opi;lionth2t under : t& oircumstanoes,the'indictmld;syou mztion'are inmlkd. Yours,rospectmy