Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

. Hr. 0.8. oerrem ' Couaty Attorney ' Wwssa, Texas Dear Ur. Gwrroai OQlafon ml. o-87 Rsr Title of Ex-ol'fiofosalary oonstm~tlon Artlale SQf&, &&ion 15, applicable to EQtur county. Your rwquest for dn opinion ptrtalnlng to owrt~in quwstlona propounded in your latter of January 2nd has bean reaelred, the question reading ao followa: *Are WQ, a0mp Attorney and CoulltJ Judge entitled to be paid an annual salary of 83,OW.OO plus the l$ men- tioned aborw provided thw Conmissioners' Court should so detenslne? Can the ComaLaeionars~a0uFt pay u8 some ex- oifioio salary and allow ua to make OUT - 8d~ry out of wxuwss ri3d- I am herewith attaohin(! a copy'of an opinion medewd by thd Ron. 3ooottGaines, a iomer Assistant Attorney Oeneral of this departmwnt, uhder date of Deomaber 11, 1936, whioh, In my opinion, would apply to LEetarCounty, as%Udnq that Eator Cauntp ha* a pop- 'lation of lees than twsmty thousand inhabitant& In rfew of tke attaobd opinion no SX-O?~IOIO loapasatlon in the foam of ulariea or feda oan be alltmed by tke OanmUaioner8* CouTt emept order the pro+lsloat~of Artlolw 3895, as amended, now in sirset. It ie my opinion that the one permit lnareaae mentIonad ia Artiols 3912e la Seation 15 ir allmad la Xr. 0. E. ~rroa, January 7, 1939, Page 3 ‘\ lddltlon to the salary in whatever amount within the prorision~ and aidmum under Artlale 3883 and naxlmtm al&owed, the court awes propwr to fix. The ccurt may deteralne this amount, then add the one peraent inoraaaa as fired by the oounty's valuation, '#hiohSUB of the two amounta shall be d&- sigated as the annual salary in the order passed by the oourt umier the pr6visions Of seotscn 15, JWt1010 39124%. .~, Yours rrspeotfully ~ATTORRET O'ElQ$?AL OFTXA3