Bristow, Roy Durwood

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Abel Acosta, Clerk \
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ita z '»t firemen
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utu ;» rr\tg tx‘t'ii£_s-zbt$'tttt ljcoua '~

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».Si'rd*__ Q___W ft t ._\._l;\_)w‘____ setz\'i.\'t; aowts/c,\ss E<`)`GT\'QtE§L’ ' "

" gt,t).\ig\’tstt\\,@'_is~Q_§__Ttts gouit_r_
!,.:i.rf_i_slg_?_éj_l_!.`.od:te?)‘__C;‘_miml ZLL;;~L! M//`/

. . _ \
YCU -!"' flung 1\`5‘3'\ fh¢ OHP""* 07 MAv-“~w» ll d ir\'. dc V¢ \'~*`:t. u re admonished tn comm-zion with this
matter.t€iollows: ‘t. [‘_-n_',`,_\ /~A,l\ c L,;¢,-£`


RA.\'C.E OF PUN|SH.\‘|ENT: ll con\'icted, j.:cu rotsld face the following rangc t\i punishment

i»_l_§`_l D§§}BE§ FELQ.\‘ ': a term ct lilt= 01 any term of not more than 99 years or less than 5 terms in the lnst~.:t.-t'ion,\l
Di\‘ision o:' the Department ot Cn'minal justice and in addition. a line not to e\tt'<~d ilU.OOO may be imt.~oset‘l.

____ `;i_E§Qt\‘D Q[~QR§E_FELQ,~‘_Y: a term of not more '.han 20 years or less than 2 _\~eats in the lnstitun'onat Division or` t'rie /

D-:partment otCriminal lus!it‘v. and in addition a fine t\ot to exceed Sl0.000 maj.' be imposed.

__ l`HlBQ__DECRE§ E§|,Q;\‘Yj a term o.‘ not more titan 10 years or loss than 2 years in the institutional Divisicn of the
t)epartn\ent ol Cri:t\ittdl ]u>ti\.<, ¢nt.l in addition a fine not to exceed 510,000 ma_\‘ bit imposed

____ l*l.-\BlTlg',Al,‘_r_QfFEN|Q§K: a term ul life ot any term of not more than 99 years ur less than 25 years in the lrrstitutiot\al
Di\'ision ot the Depat'tment of Crtrntnal justice

F_|B_SLQ_E_§R§§ ';`»SH;\;\' Q_§Q; a term o.‘ life or atty term of not more than 99 years or less than 15 ycan in the lnstitutionat
-i)ivisior\ ol the Depat'tmen: Ot' Crimir\al lusxtte, .»nr!` in addition, a line not to mcced Sl0,000 may be i.'>:¢z\§.


O't`riER: _ , ._ _'_ .


lt' a negotiated plea agreement has been :cache'd between you and the state as to the punishment the state’s attorney will
recommend in e\change for your plea of guilty _\"t)u .m' admonished that the agreement and the recommendation of the
prosecuting at;omey as to put\islunrnt ts not binding on the judge The judge stull inquire as !0 the distance t»t' any plea bargain
agreement between the state and tire defendant in open court .tnd before any finding on your plea. ll the Coutt rejects such
ngret.'men:_ you shall be permitt\»d to withdraw )‘ou: plea nl ~._;uilt)~ or nolo courrm!rr and neither the fact that you have entered a plea
of guilty or m>lt» t'ont¢'ndr: may be used against you on :he issué t'it' guilt or punishment in any >ubsequer~.t criminal proceeding

3. PER.\llSSlO.\'TO APPF..-\L:
lt the pun:shment assessed does not exceed the punishment ti:commer\ded by the prosecutor and agreed to by vvot.i end your
attorneyl the judge of this Court must give you permission before _vtm may prosecute an appeal on an_v matter in this case e\t'ept for
those matters raised by written motions filed prior to trial

5. iVON~(fVT|ZEN.'
li '.~ou .trc t:tvt a 0‘\3
No. Zv)i-E'QQ/IQ -
sure or TE.\',\s ` ' tN rth z#~ DlsTchT count
v l ron ms sr,ma or na.\',\s
l?¢, \'_ br (gr .;\tu\) selzvl.\'c soer/cASS countries

{-‘RGPO§ED PQN{S.»M,`\{£~{__\"`¢ ttt`:`§'Ol\it\|l-_`NDAT|ON

As the result ot` negotiations between the parties. and unless and until this recommendation is superseded by a
subsequent proposal it is understood by the undersigned that the Attorney for the State, upon Defend¢\nt's plea of
guilt_v, will recommend to the Court that (check all that appt_v);


____ lt is recommended that the prosecution proceed only on Count .

__,[_ lt is recommended that punishment be assessed at a term of K'q"b in the
lnstitutional Di\'ision of the Department of Criminal justice

lt is recommended that a t`ine of S be imposed.

lt is recommended that the above-recommended sentence be suspended and that defendant be placed on

probation for a period of years.
lt is recommended that adjudication in this matter be deferred pursuant to Art. 42.|2, C.C.P. for a period of

`________* _
lt is recommended that th"e,following special terms of probation be imposed:


_l..| ll













lt is recommended that the Court consider the following unadjudicated offenses under Section |2.45 P.C.:









lt is recommended that prosecution proceed only on the lesser;included offense of: __
OTHER RECO.\ll\-iENDATlONS: C ogir\u '<” cl 1'1 »\ ~`t \ go l M,\.'¢_\¢t\ _ R».)j \¢ vi
§§ ¢. \`}\:l¢t:`.,.- ,..~ ?->\t . ('¢¢t:i F¢r a\\ 1;¢-¢
`fl~l¢l\ 3|_/'(¢ q`l' \\ , pan C°/~(»lf¢f\* @-','l\ ?°[)°L'®?\°







lt is agreed by the Defendant, the attomey for the defendant. and the Attorney for the state that the punishment
recommendations outline above ma_\' be considered by the Cuurt when assessing punishment in this case

D.ite of agreement F]ZFA tl M,Tm />

l ' f-
~ \th!a :.JA@. ) /.l )¢ we*- il

The Cuurt accepts .md approves the foregoing agreement between the State and the Defense and will assess
punishment within the range ut the agreement ! :






No. FO!l'E'QQZ/o

sTA TE or r£.\',\s t.\' THE so otsTthr count
v ron me stare or TF.x,\s
'W .\. B- Dr § s lsd sER'.'th; aowt£/c,\ss counties




As the result of negotiations between the parties, and unless and until this recommendation is superseded by a
subsequent proposal it is understood by the undersigned that the Attorne_\' for the State, upon»Defendant's plea of
guilt_v, will recommend to the Cotirt that (checlt all that apply):

lt is recommended that the prosecution proceed on|_\' on Count .
y_A lt is recommended that punishment be assessed at a term of ?u l § in the
institutional Division of the Department of Criminal justice. '



__ lt is recommended that a t`ine ofS be imposed

____ lt is recommended that the above-recommended sentence be suspended and that defendant be placed on
probation for a period of years.

h lt is recommended that ad§t:dication in this matter be deferred pursuant to Art. 42.|2, C.C.P. for a period of

)'ea rs.

if lt is recommended that the following special terms ot' probation be imposed:
__ ____`________









lt is recommended that the Court consider the following unadjudicated offenses under Section 12.45 P.C_:




lt is recommended that prosecution proceed only on the lesser-included offense of: _





owen nsco.\i.\te.\ro,\'rro~s: _QM  -r~~'~-\=rlct‘ 0.,/\\~»1 o/
__2'_ "B;*k"`-\"\ [`I»" ?0|\' c'¢¢\-'} £\r bn ‘I-.*"'L J(nv¢-\ .I"¢~¢§
- ~ . .,,. .,,r..~a ~=rLt*_ Z¢I\'F'oorm.



lt is agreed by the Defendant, the attorney t'or the defendant, and the Attorney for the state that the punishment
recommendations outline above may be considered by the Court when assessing punishment in this case.

Date of agreements _ 'Ql'> 1 T) %“.¢\\\m )

