Hermenia Jenkins v. Crosby Independent School District and Michael L. Williams in His Official Capacity as State Commissioner of Education

ACCEPTED 03-15-00313-CV 6313013 THIRD COURT OF APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS 7/31/2015 2:40:44 PM JEFFREY D. KYLE CLERK No. 03-15-00313 FILED IN IN THE COURT OF APPEALS 3rd COURT OF APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS FOR THE THIRD DISTRICT OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN 7/31/2015 2:40:44 PM JEFFREY D. KYLE Clerk HERMENIA JENKINS, Appellant, v. CROSBY INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT, and MICHAEL L. WILLIAMS, COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION, Appellees. UNOPPOSED MOTION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME TO FILE APPELLEE'S BRIEF To the Honorable Third Court of Appeals: In accordance with Rules 10.5(b) and 38.6(d) of the Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure, Appellee Crosby Independent School District ("Crosby ISD") requests a forty-five (45) day extension of time to file its brief. 1. Appellant Hermenia Jenkins filed her brief on July 10, 2015. Amicus Curiae Texas Elementary Principals and Supervisors Association filed a brief on behalf of Appellant on July 10,2015. 2. Appellee Crosby lSD's brief is currently due on August 9, 2015. A forty-five day extension would move the deadline to September 24, 2015. 3. Appellee Crosby ISD has not previously requested an extension in this case. 4. Appellee Crosby ISD requests this extension because counsel has significant other professional commitments during the next 45 days. 5. The undersigned counsel of record for the District has corresponded with counsel for Appellant Hermenia Jenkins and Appellee Commissioner of Education and they are not opposed to this motion. 6. This extension is sought not for purposes of delay, but so that justice may be done. The parties and the Court will not be prejudiced by this extension of time. Therefore, Appellee Crosby Independent School District respectfully requests that this Court grant its motion and extend its time for filing Appellees' Brief from August 9,2015, to September 24,2015. Respectfully submitted, THOMPSON & HORTON LLP By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ David B. Hodgins State Bar No. 09775530 Amber K. King State Bar No. 24207244 Frances R. Broussard State Bar No. 24055218 3200 Southwest Freeway, Suite 2000 Houston, Texas 77027 Telephone: (713) 554-6766 Facsimile: (713) 583-9397 dhodgins@thompsonhorton.com aking@thompsonhorton.com fbroussard@thompsonhorton.com ATTORNEYS FOR APPELLEE CROSBY INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT CERTIFICATE OF CONFERENCE I certify that on July 28, 2015 I conferred with counsel for Ms. Jenkins and Commissioner of Education by email and they are unopposed to this motion. S-Se-v 9-- DaVid B. Hodgins or Frances R. Broussard CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on the ~ l day of July, 2015, a true and correct copy of the above and foregoing pleading was served upon counsel of record bye-service as follows: Kevin F. Lungwitz Andrew Lutostanski The Lungwitz Law Firm, P.C. Assistant Attorney General 3005 S. Lamar Blvd. Administrative Law Division Suite D-I09-362 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS Austin, Texas 78704-4785 P.O Box 12548, Capitol Station P.512.462.0188 Austin, Texas 78711-2548 F.866.739.7138 P. 512.475.4200 kevin@lungwitzlaw.com F.512.320.0167 andrew.lutostanski@texasattorneygenetal.gov ~~s~9- Davjd B. Hodgins or Frances R. Broussard 683127