Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

Aull~lov ‘11. - October 29, 1949 Brother Raphael Wilson, 0,S.O. Seoretary-Tpe8aurer Texas State Board of Examiner8 in the Basic Sciences 306 RaaTleBullding Austin, Texas Opinion No, V-942. Re: The responsibilityof the Texas State Board of Bcamln- era in the Bas$c Sciences to deter@ne the eligibility of' veterana for'exemption'pu+ 8Wnt to t38C, '23a6f H. B. Dear Brother Wilson: 915, Acts 51at Leg., 1949. Reference Is made to .$ouropinion request of recent date wherein yawask: Are Veterans ooming within the provi- slow of Section ,23a,House Bill 915, Acts 0r the 51st Legislature,1949, page 522, re- quirea to 8ecure exemption oertifioatesfrom the Board of Examiners in Basic Sciences be- fore they may take an examinationor be 18- sued a llcenae,to practice the healing arts? p; Board has ,theresponsibilityof deter- whether an applicant is exempt under said? ct? Howe Bill 103, Acta Slat Legislature,1949, chapter 95, page 170, more commonly referred to a8 "Basic StilenoeaAct' is an Act preecribingminimum edUcatIona 8tandards ana eatabliahlnga State Board of Bxamlnera in the .&St0 Solenoes. Section 1 of H. B. 103 says that: "Ho person shall be permitted to take an examinat,Ionfor a license to prmtioa,Cha heal- ing arts . . . or to be granted any suoh li- Gentle,unless he presents to the Board . . . a certificate of proficiencyIn . . . the basic sciences, lesuea by the State Board of Examln- em In the Basio Sciences." . * Bra, Raphael WIlaon, page 2 (V-942) Rouse Bill lo3 was~amenaea by House Bill 913, Acta of the 51st Legislature,1949. This was an Jot amending Sectiona 8, 16, and 1.8 of House Bill 103 ana also added a new section known as 23a. Section 2 ot House Bill 915 readsr "That Abuse Bill 103 , ‘, . be amem.le&’ ” b adding a new section at the ena gi S&-~‘:’ t 4: on 23 to be numberbd SectI;& '23aan&*;‘,:*; read as Pollows: .. 'The provl6Ions oP this Act shall t a+l.+ to graduates of mhools of &&' ar 6 who have been enrolled In their remec- tive schools for at least one (1) year p&or to the time this Aot becomes law and who at- tended sala eohools under the G. I, Bill of RQhts tinawe.rs bona flcle reeiaents of the State of Texas at the time the .~entereiZ t&e ti&itarg iwrvibe, provided further thab Bh8.s~ section shall not apply to any person who en* terea the nt&Utemy service after Janwry +,, 1946.'" In Federal Crude 00, v. Pount-Lee oj.JJ&, 122 Tex. 21, md 56 2),. the coupt .s’aid?, “It is a PasliU&r suEe. of statute terpretation that an lexception make8 g- the Intenf that the st8tate~ahoultl a PQFJ in all oases not exoepteaqt' ,I' ronA cgty of Waco, a s.yr,aa249 ('Per, Oiv,~Appr twO0wt etmae “‘Aa a aatural result of this prinalple, it Pillows that where in one section a genes* al 1~28 ie preeeribed, which witzhout’qualf- fioation w0uia embrace an entire ala56 at subjects, and in another eeoblon a db~ikmirrt rule is prameribed for lndivldual aUbj8CitBof the name ofasa, the fatter must be ootiatmed a8 exceptionsto the general rule, and’be governed by the section which is applicable ' to them alone,'" Bro. Raphael Wilson, page 3 (V-942) While It Is true that Section 1 of House Bill 103 requires a certificate of proficiency in the basic sciences of those taking an examinationfor license to practice the healing art or before any person may be granteiia license, nevertheless,the exceptions and ex- emptions contained In Section 23a of House Bill 915 supersede the general provisions enumerated In Section 1 of House Bill 103 and will control. As amended, It Is as if Section 1 of H. B. 103 read, ‘NO person, ex- cept veterans, etc., shall be permitted to ta$e en TX- aminatlon . . I or be granted a license I . . By reason of the foregoing we agree with your oonolusIon that oertIPicate8of proficiency in the basic sciences need not be issued to applicants comln within the exemptions under Section 23a of House Bill !I 15, such determinationto be made by the professions.1 examining boards. In such cases, the veterans can make their ap- plications c¶Ireotlyto the professionalexamining boards. SUMMARY There la. no requirement that the Texas State Board of Bxaminerg In the Baa10 Sciences Issue certificatesof proficiencyIn the basic sciences to applioants (veteransand those studying under the 0. I. Bill) who are-exempt- ed under Seotlon 23a of~House’Bll1915, .Aots of the 51st Legislature,1949. The responsi- bility to determine whether a parldcular ap- plicant Is exenpt under said Act Is that of the professionalexalninlng boards, Yours very truly, APPROVBb, ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS BU-Mtmwibh