OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN QROVER SELLERS *l-mRNcY GMm*L nonoreble Jobn B. tinters, lfxoeutlwo Direstor flteto Dopertaont of PubliO ~olfero Auetlx 3, foxes Doer Yr- Wntsr8: Opirllom MO. O-T476 nor Authority of the for Foetor II Tour roquod for au opini mbjOot-metter la 88 fOf1orsr *It hem boon 08110 o boparfiemtr would IemIlY looopt Doll07 orerJobaprogremln leed et the next lmefon omld it be neoemeery to mend the state Constittatlon in order for tbe State o fTo se~to looept umney from the Federal tZwenment for Foster Beme Caret “If an amendment to the Conutltutlon 1s not neoeesery, then under pre@nt leg- leletlon, does the Mete hete implied pow- er to aooept money from the Federal @orern- ipmpreblo John n. Tinter8 - pago a mttor tblm pnrp0eoMdW tbe prerlelaae of oooparetln~ with tbo Csdenr;lBo+ewmnat~ Tltlle you ask ritb rospwf ta the euthorlt~ of '$be of 'Paraeto eooopt mono7 fram the ~Fedssol~otom- Rtetr moat”, we tePe It te be 70~ moen the authorIt of tbo Meto mpartwmt et Pablio Taltero to looept *an07 irem the Pmlor- 81 Oorernunt for Poetor Ilao 68re pF0gmm9 lTb op r o p oo r?tio w o r o fF lo woe?ea 7 ttek Depertaentar b8naa1~~ 0lr 421TldWr Q? Nate 8ga~- olee ero berob 8~th0rfWd ta rka 8ppliOnfl@mie ea alooept oay @ita, gmmtw Or 811*tuate or f'amde!'Wa tbew8lte& at8t.a ewOmdr o&Iaetlom- al or boeltb pja&e eatdpWgt%aer lt6.r to bo mr+d OR lltotoooeporet1r0ana 0tb.r mwe1 pmjo@to cud prOgiume in toXBe# %nelWdkPgOanrt?UOthn of @P 110 bull~ge~ repelrer wd ti?wWrrate. An7 of aob?tanle8sacr7lmdepadtedlia tb* 8Wfe Weear era bowby appropriated te tha epeeiitfe prpoee wtbor- 18.d by the ~tiw4 mQ mtbj.dt to tbs '1imlktion pl*W em thle AOf* It would net be me@eeeery to euend the hnst%tm- 1. tlon in for the Ekbe of Taesr or for tbo Mpertaeut ardor of Fublio Selfare to looopt -07 frae tbe FeUerel Povammt ter Voarter Uomeeera la wmnootiou ritb tba fe&eml proc;nr. this Dewertment doolded tha qmmt- la Opinion MO. fbSif#i! tloa ander en identical prorlslan oentained In tbe them depert- motel lppmprietion bill, - a. Under the holding of our opiai5 imme~ietoly lb o r o sited, the State Departwant of Rabl~ie ~elksrs doeu have pwor to lssept mameyfrom the ?aQ*rel (Dorwmwmt tar 8 Foetsr &iIae eera progrem. It la lrpo~elbls far ono to knew the aonditfons upon wbleb 8 great of Mona mef he me&e ?57the ?ederel @oTowmt to tbs 8teto In 84tenOo of tbe @eowegebOi 8 bill bJ tbe fkmd;Feear Iewrablo Jotm ?I.Vlatere - page t kmt wo are rearing In our enewerm above givea that so roqulre- mte ranld be imposed upas the Stete *hIoh would he ia rlole- tlan of 8n7 oaaetitutlone~ llm*tetlon of tba loginlatlre pswor. It ie, oi ooureo, poeeible that the C8~gmsm migbt ooupl,e tit& the donetim dennndu upon the Ptate that would be forbidden ta the La~laletww by the Coustitutlnn, but thin IS net et all like17 to he the oese. Vs are OC the opinion the eenasnt bf the Rtete t&u* telooept donations or grate frw the Federal Qatemmmt ~7 be @ten by the l.o~lsletwre In en epyoprietinn act. Ordiaer 117, It lr not required that the oonsent of the 8tete to eowpt donetiwe be ovldeaoed b7 8 bills but It -7 be dono b7 ether lpproprhte eatlon af the Lefi;ileturs, etieano* Isgl818- tlro ert2wwlt7 to looept, em by n resolnti5, ea oentradl&ln- apiahod from l bill. Very trul7 yours