Hon. Walter Cousinr, Jr.
Sm., Toxar Board of Pharmaoy
911 southland Llrr Annex slag.
Dallas-l, Texan
Your letter roqum?.tlng
under Qato or AU& 2, 1946, relat
*We have ha6 a rrq
the Unlrerslty of Texas
that that Saotion of
other thl,nga br a
ylng for unit 0a Staten cltlzm-
know if it 18 poosalblr for
or lloenso aa pharmaolst upon
oitlzenshlp papern?w
@a, Sec. 9, V.A.C .S., in part proviJe8:
given by the State Board of ?hermoy. The applloant shall
:xIccdagpllcetion by ;resentlng to the Seoretary of the
on form furn:snei by t:.e Board, satisfactory sworn
evide&e that he 1;aa attained the age of t?;enty-one (21) yeara,
Hon. ‘Ualter Cou81118,Jr., pa66 2
18 or good moral oharaotrr, la a oltlon of the United
statbr, and has at lbast graduated tram a rir8t grad0
hi,@ rohool, or ha8 a preliminary eduoktlon 8qulralent
thereto, pomittlng nuitrloulatlon in thr Unlrrrrlty or
T0188, and that he ha8 att6nd8d UId graduated fFOIUa
rctutabls unirarrity, sohO 6r 00118430of phaxaaoy
uhioh 8I8Ot8with th6 rrquirsnents Of ttc Board, and
8ha1l h&T8 had at 1888t OIL8 (1) y8aF Of praOtlOti
8sporlmor in a retail pharmaoy undar tha dlrrot
rupertirlon or a registwrd pharmaoLt. . . .
". . .
". . . Proridrd that thr State Board of Phanuoy
may In its diroretlon, upon th8 paymant 0r Trmprire
(;25,OO) Dollarr, grant a lioenrr to praotioa pharmaoy
to ~brsonrwho ruralrh proof that thsr hare b88n regl8-
a8 8UOh in 801118
othrr 8tat8 OF tWritOry, alIdthat
they ar8 or good rm>ral oharaotrr, prorldsd that ruoh
other Board in itr~~oramination rrquirrd ths a81118g8noral
dogroe Of fitne88 r Ulred by thlr 8tat0, rSd yMt8 tho
Y 1*68 t0 pharIMoi8tr Of thlr 8tat8."
88m6 reoiproOal priv
Although WI have qUOt8d the h8t 88nt8llO8 O# 980. 9,
which rert8 Qlroretion la She Board a8 to oortala r8ofprooal
pririlogrr to out 0r Statc,or territory l Bplioant8, your
r8qU88t rd808 UO qUO8tiOIl undrr 8hl8 prOli80, a8 th8 8Qpll-
oant 18 a non-rrglrtrmt eltizrn 0r a South Amrrloaa rountry.
one 0r the 8pOOlilO requlrementr r*t rorth in 900. 9
18 that raoh lpplloant on hi8 applloation tom turnl8hed br
the Board eh811 proeent ratl8taotory 8worn rrldsnor that he 18
l OitiZOn Or thr United state8. The tiling or an applloatlon
for oltlzenshlp papsrm would not meet this requlrrmcnt. Wo
find no prcvlslon in tizs law, Section 9 br el8ewhere, authorlz-
lng the State Board of Flmrmoy to waive this requlrwnent.
An8wsring yam request, it ia tL.6 opinion of thla
Department that lo order :O take tte exar&xtlon for a llosnse
as a pharmaoiet, an cpplioant Ituet furnish satisfeotory 8worn
erldenoe that he 1s a oitfzen of the Unite& States, a8 required
in Sec. 9, krt . l+542a, V. A,. C. 5.
Ysurs nry truly