-OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN QROVLR SELLERS .TlaCoazBlr8loaer8' courtr0p.ao.t;me to 84Vl8. methrr it would be lesitlnmte for thr Court to loare Out thinlarge two 8tory rcsidenttal housrto 8 private lndfrldual, who wouldla turn oontraot with the016 p*oplorho reelda th8uro koawr theyhare no horn8nC no rclatlror; for l 8tlp u la ta d c!margepur raonth for roan u&d board;tha idea brine: that ruohold people wouldthanbmoomm lll&lblefor the Old&a Fon8ion. Our CountyFar18 g-8 int.8 drbt eachpar mud t&a court thcu&ht thlrem way of.6aking thl8particular projoot on the Far&t 8elf-8uporting.YiU $0~ p;lmrslb r la e it tha oourtoo &I ho thi8?= llyl LIvotiot 8 or Artlo x0x Of our Mats oon~titutlon.prorldr8r Q'troh aountp in fhs 6tato ray prorlde, in riioh Mriner ~8 may ba pnrorlbobby 18~ l lhmml Ubor Poor kiowoand Fmrnhfor trxlne 06~0of, aianaglng, wpLoyl.ng nut #upplying tho.tant8 ol it8 in6ligont 8nC poor lnhablt8nt8.* brthlr 2351,Vornon'r hlnotrt4c Ullll BtaUt.88, 8tato8 In part; *ii,aoh omalsolonor#* court 8lWA l+ * * *tl. fmrldo tar $&rsupport ai peupsrauid suohlbiW8 orb ~~8tiO8 a 8lMnot be ldulttotl bto tho lunatlolrylum,r+bant8 of their oounty, who lm un8blrto lqrporf thmsolvol;.&+ tho tom nrlbont a8 ueb horeln,1~ mamat l &mc- aon who ha8 boon l bona ii40 lnh~bltant of th8 oounty not lo88 t&Un.@lx maathr 6~16of t&o btrtr not 1088 than on0 ~82.W whllo it ir trua tat tho otxuda8lonar8~ oourta arm llmltod in their powor to -088 oonSorro6 upon thuc by the CoE8titution ana rtatutor ot ULlr6trt0, it lr Ilk8*lw true that 8uahpwarr 40 not of lbroluto nooe88lty hareto be rxprosrly giron but up lxl8t by aeor88nry iapllortlon. 11 Tox.Jur. 161,; 61 Pa80 COIUA~JV. PlMi, 1.06 6. Ws (26)395) How*rd 1. ti8ll8oe,15 6. W. (24)335. Eoo.F-4 V. Morldlth,pago) Yo heldin OUr Opinion Ho. g-2u7: %‘hOi ttic OM id88~OCOouttS M ~8’UOlWlX&lptc881y .elr8n the powrr and dutyto *pro+ldr for the support of pSuplr8,~ br MOeSmT~ lmpllaatlon theyware clothodwith tho luthorlt~to do all the lml&mtol tk*o a*oo888ry .to prorldaSor th8i.r support.= xt W~8~8180h Sl&inlufO~b ItOll#O. O-61 a25t; *The CO~nd88iOnmr8~ Court o? BexarCountr h88 the loaal. SUChOTltY t0 OntOTtit08 OOntmCt with l eTOU;, Ot pTiV8tO indiTitbMi8~ OT With l Sbsrit8blO OOrpOT8tiOn whanby thr faailltio8 and @OUUbS 02 +a dex6r County Sehool IOr BOfS,88!1 br a.04 b$ Suoh6l'OUp Oi ~T%l@k iILQitidurf8 Or lO~Or~tion8 t0 lWCUiV#SD& prOli&OiOr Sll d.lbQUUltSnd dep4XAdOnt bOr8 Oodtkd to SWh iILSt1tUtkNl br th0 8OUUty M6 dl#triOt 8OlUt8 0s BOUT ~UIit~, %X88.* ThiSOpiniOnWaS b88.b- th. tow- ~SSOU%U&t , *Wo muoh proprrtr anUoratund,that whlohfou deBi- t0 U80 U88 iW#SWd. Ad US06 iOr th0 pUrpO#O ,- uld 8imr88 wore l0ni~~4 on all lOUzItla8 by UC tioh 5138, VOSTlOIA’8 &UIOtStOd CiVil SktUtOS, i. ,Or, t0l8Ub1~8h,l&p -4 aOirit8i.U &OtUltiM ho&e@ln6 lahool888 erg be &ao4888ry parental to oar8tor'tha &B&WPdt!nt ~6 dOii.II~WUt ShwiW Of th8 OOUUtY.J& knowOf no raI8Orl rhx SuchDropertgoouldnot ba wed by an oruanization 88 XOU BroPO8e&A¶Orderto oer'C3 Out and 8OOOISDli8h the OTti 1 9UrPO8eB ~r"~~~:"&Qijb~~~~,0~8) 8sS iii.,, la PtOOd, 6in~ thr CO8&88iOFh8r8' @OhArt *h88 %IhLpliOa 8UthOritY t0 axeroi#a8b r o ad~#or8tion d to lO8OMpliSh the pUrpO80iRtonbSb* underArtioloaf, 6ootlOnU 01 a 3t8t0OO~8tltutlOn ti ti- tlolo2351, V.4. 0. 6.. it i8 lIAZ O& XliOr r wt th 0 ~@ @ iOM r #’ [on.FIWI V, Morfdlth, ~egr 4 :ourtham the 8uthority to loam thm hoseon the.oountg Sarm ioa privatelndlrlduel ln orderto prorido fURkiD to 800001- $lrh the purpo8or under Art. 2351,6ubdiTiaion11, lup r a . In oonmotion with the foregoing we wish to oallfour ittrntlon to H, B. Bo. 127,Aotr of tho 49thkgi81atun, 1.6., p. 577,&rt. Wdb, P. A. C. 6.; Art.70lb,V. A. P. C.) rhhh OO~OOF118 the lw&#tion an& lioenaing OOnV0,lO806nt hOole8. It i8 to be understoodthatwo Bra not here& pW#ing On ;helllglbllity of the oooupBnt8 OS theHOJW for OlCiA@ A8818- Lame I Tours rrry truly, ATToBbDGp Q2iLNEuOF maA . Da Davl8,Jr. ~##i#tEllt .