Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN iROVERSELLERS TTORNLYGENERAL Eon. c. f. Wld. Countf Auflitor Wu*oo8 COun8~ Corpue Chrlrtl. Toxaa *'The raid 9bth Jmblrl81 Dlrtrlot o? Texar 8&11 bo oorpoabd ot Jfueo88Countf, Pas* llonr and 8h8ll rutoR8thmllJ 0~80 to l x iaJulyt1, 19&i, 8~4 811 trru rod prorlrlonrherror rhall, upon thwoxplre- ti0a at tour 14) toare rraa the aat* ttia ht b00m•8 lir00tir0, k red b000m of ~0 rurthw roroo8nd lit0.tuh~t~owet. ‘. 797 eon. C. f. Mldo, 9oco 2 -18 Ad ~0 rim ti8hOUt th0 &?vO?IW’O llgUtUM MSrOh 31, iqu, 004 b00811IO lttUtlt@ April9‘ 19u. n0 00~s ua fi0t b80~0 0g~0- tit0 untilAo(orlI, 1911,throogb the Oonraor aoo,:,bdy uA$e~~la8maB at a jndr ant11 ml llootloa1~ 19U $ho prOSOot &, dOO* at-J@dga Of mid WtUS a0 lml800 of tho DaDoore810 party-0 all7l100t.a ~IL;iflor 086 toottho oath Of .ffioo Z’rmrry 1, . "Wouldpxu do rttmerr)ldvioo Sk. ?@a80 8rolloror Pal P0 Aooocrrtr *o par the nlrrp ha &legaof ura lourtltb r tr1r 1, 19458 us/o? Aprll 9, 19w Rouoo Dill Ho. #, Arts of tho b’lth!.a&olrturb, Roguur aa8010~,194l. 101 OUSJ, wl8b the 00~9 uwtod ho-b ~Ipnro?lbSq tho d~t1.0Of tk DlatrlotUb?k titi nqott t&e to ,lwlodl 8ho OPwnal DloUlot QM oi wu~ool) coaatrtra Yh l 9mloloao of tha ktg 9mlalnl; for. 8ho a pofotaa8and sobaoquntoleotloaof I tilde.; udf t lng tbotto krl~whlohwl4Ceati Wall liOtl and 80018?ily 08 QO~/OOO~.’ Roooo Dill No. u, la9ro, sol 3oo*loo94 u m.199, ~8~00’0 hSOtr$Sd CiVil 8htut@r. ?.otio8 1. et 8814 b8 9ro+leoo~ 798 It till k notad thet thoro 18 0 d&root and Sa imooaoibblo ooafliO8 k$WOU tko 9rOViSlOUO oonUlu4 in ~OtlOO 10 OIL0 9ZOT1dor, prOVidh8 th@t th@ tdOt?iSt Oh811 l UtCd~OOl~, 0.880 t0 OdOt h.ll 1, 1945 804 tb, toll6mlo(prWi#t~ p?OVidiO~ t&d UPthe OIll &tiU Of fOU? yOSr0 r?OB she he0 a0 AS% bOOm8 Off008i~0, k on4 buoae of no turwor twoo md o ft lot, uhataoovor. The rot WesEe dtootl~* April 9, 19&l, I* 1s ltStOd in %X08 fruiO~~~dOlkOO, tOI. 39, 9020 139: . . xhOr0 i?MOWO~lOU~ Uonil~OfiSL#8080 lM 9O;S;d St th. WOO tbO,W*rO .SrtO Or OOO- tlO50 Of t&O SOrY 80% Or0 l8 ~,ihOkIb i J.OblO-0 rii08, a0 oat or prorloio~ ibta :5 ~~sblti08 VuilS 88 thr 1OtOSt U~?~O81Oll Of th0 lO(t~Ot 10 @hO Otk.? iB 00 tS? 00 a-0 10 ronfllat.* ft 10 StOtd in tbr OOSI Of BtOVWO V. 3800, 159 -. x.505: no 4lttoru8 wotloao or prwi81OOo d th:#;si itStUt. Or -0 lh wl4 k 00 lcKWmO2 80 00 hrawoatroad vo &toot to eooh, bu),lt thorn 1s @a bra0080 P kble oaatll81,Uto later 18 titlOS 9T V8UOr L*Tlo’ Eotb on stat. aoaot. fz, U) a 2&, 9. 514, lltlq s: put* 'fLLamo0, 113 lil . 1 11 m&h 369 Rand 1. stoplotca 135 Ala. $ ,j %uth 6@; tea Uora v Wetr d Sob 62 & li.W.->6J~‘Ouho Roe1 Ret. i i. 00: te l&o;& b7 Wob. 592, 66 II,W. 658. And, 'If the lontllot ,exloto botwos 8uo otstut~oor prorlolomo,the ~~~~l~~~~~eaoo”nat o? 908ltianla ro9oolo4 br IO +irr of thbrfor. 14 luthorltlo0, it will b0 80.8 th&t 1S 0080 oi rO)~flOt b@ r VO6m $80 9?OY181ORO Of t& StStUk, the )O8tUlO? 10 pOOtiti00 Ohwild h gitO0 atfOOt SO bOilI thb lbtu lr)nr81# Of the lo(tiO~OtU~. ph, lOtO? U$?OSdOn lWtOhd i0 -Ua 10 Oi 8. d. x0. a, mlgn, lot “All tusa on4 9rtioloauhoroot ohll upOn the up1rrtl.m ot roar (4) p.n tromttb da. bl@ u* b wo r ulttwtlro, k ld bwow ot mo turthrr for00 l4 of r ut u& twuer .” BO8. c. 1, ruar, pg. b th0m0r0, 1% la the opldoa 0r thlr De rkrat thot ulthrr tho Dlrtdrt Judge aer tbr olfloi81Fourt Roportor of the 9Lth Jr610181 Matriot of Yoxar rculd lra811~norlto 86J 0ompo800~106 oftor Aprfl 9, 1945.