nr. T. J. Cram, Seorctary
Texas @ate Board of lWllon1 awolnara
918-19-EO Tams Bank Bullding
mllsr, Text
near 3lrr
449tM of Vernon'8
/- -’-. \ “. ..’ /
A%+iola&W,,thc&~M0,ea p4rtlmmt to your inquiry
r0i 4
!,A ../' 6
/(' "
*rt.$hp95. in p4rt. provia4sr
Boer& of Y&lo41 Eumln4rs rhsll
iD TQOdiOiDa, 14Q41
Art1414 4496, In part; l# 80 follOw4:
-* +l At the firat m0tin(t 0f a.316 bo8ra
6ft4r eaoh bi4Dni41 4pwiDts4Dt, the board ahall
alflot a pmnld4nt, vioc-president ana seorotory-
treasurer .m
3. T. J. Crows, pa@ 2
Artlola 4406a prorldoa ror reQ,i4tr4tiOD 0r praoti-
tlonors with the State Boor4 of Yedlool Yxa3lnora and the pay-
nont of cartaln fma an4 Saotion 3 of aaid Art1018 4498a, ;rovlles
"All annual reelatmtion feea ooll4otod by
the 3tat.r Board 0r %dlaal t:xa::lnorsund4r thla
Act ah.11 b4 plaoed l!gth4 Litate Trtmaury, to tha
or4ait or a ap4olal run6 to be known a8 *M46loal
"o~latratloD FuDd' , ma 411 or the ourront r4vonuoa
to b4 44riv.d and plaoad to the or46lt OS aald
fund l l l ar4 bor4by lpproprlat.46 and 8hall b4
ua0a by th4 stat4 Board of veai0d Examia4r4, ana
under its dir4otion, in tin 4ntoro4iwnt of the law8
of thla Stat4 prohlblting the unlewrul prtiotloa or
UdiOi.M, aD6 iD th di4aORb4tiOa Of iafOn4StiOD
to ~pre:s~t.tha rlolatlon of those, who violet4 auah
“In~perfoml~g th4 dutlaa 60~0lvd by thla Aot
ttpi th4 B04ra 0f rcdi04i ~~xanlmrs, 4414 Boera ahall
mot throwb the Seortetary-Trmaurer of the Boer6 of
*f4aloal Lxualnera.*
Artdale 4M)l prorid4a fo rlx a mlnetlo
free,n a4 rol-
-All lpplioanta for 1144na4 to preotl4a wai0ine
in this fItat not othqwlaa liO4DO46 tinder tha PI-O-
llaloa4 of law muat luoooaafully paaa ln lxamlnatlon
by th4 Board or L!44loal 3xamlaere. The Bovrd la author-
iZ4d t0 46Opt sDr$ eDfOr ml44 Of prOa4drtr4cDzt+ia-
oonalat4nt with the 8tatutory r4qulr4mnta.
~pplloabiioaa for the 4xamlmatlon maat ba -60 in
writing, v4rirl4a by lrrldavlt, and ill46 wlth the
QaOrOtaFy 0r th4 Board, 011 forma praaorlkd by the
$$ocird,looonpani4d by a f44 of Tmnty-firm Dollars
( $ & a l. l l +
-xi any applicant, baoauao 0r r0liux-0 to ~0s.
tho requlr4d Oxamlnatlon, 4hOii be reru80a 0 lloens0,
he 6r she, at suoh tlm aa the Po*rd of :'odloal XX-
omlns:~a my fix, aha11 bo paralt%ed to take (I lub-
Dr. T. 3. Crowd, paps 3
sequent oxamlnatlon, upon auoh aubjsot reculrea
la the orl&.nal lxamlDatlon am tbo Rotrra may pro-
lorlbe, upon the aywat or auoh part 0r Tuanty-
five Dollars ($25P am the Board mny dater~lne
and ltnto .*
Artiola e&o2 prorlaoa for tbr 6lapoaltlon 0r suoh
4xamlnatlon $444 ma r0110ut
‘The fan6 Nell846 .rroa the lforeaal6 ra4a
ahallba l pplfad rirat to th4’papnmt of n*oaaaa~
4xp4naaa of th4 board of 4xamlaora~ any ramalnlag
tunda shall b4 lppll4C by the or&r or th4 bOara
to rompanaatlq bm3ora of the board In proportion
to their labora.a (W4raoorlng ours)
It la our opiolon t&t the apens lnourrad by the
Seoretorr of the go-6 la pr4p8rlw for and 4nrl~6 the holding
of lxmilnatlonaaaalon of tbo Boer4 of ?&aloe1 Pumlwra oon-
st&tak expanse inourred under Artlolo 4UOE of the Statutes
and aro to ba paid oat or tba ictndareoelve4 by tha Board for
the laauanoa of llomsae oortlfloatea. This -1~ la fortlfiul
by t&4 further feat that the Seoretary of the Board la also
a m4mbar 0r tha Board SD6 in doing the uork 0utiin0a 1s dohe
It am a manbor of the 4urinlng and lloanal.ngboard. Suoh
work, done by the s4ont4ry, la ran oloaaly nlat4d to tb
llo4DaJms faatur4 oi th4 AeC than it I4 to tb 4nroro4n4nt
fa;~Tati:-rdatlngand prohlbltlng tha aalewful praotloa or
Yoara ~4x7 truly