Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

63 OFFldE OF THE AGORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN GROVER SELLERS ATTORNEY GENERAL’ ‘. IIomrable W. P. Herrae, Jr.‘~’ .;. ’ ,,:countJ Auditor ; :~Ekapste-b ;- -pear Slrt~ t.0 Pd- , :. : ?: .;: . )te.guoteaa f h&3 departm4nt t OS ..thls t haa beea itmilly t cowt, the cons- authorltsd to 1’ a8 the expendi- nt to tkie.budget and were cauhd and 0 tiece~slty to meet ions which .could hou@Ltiand atten- :~%he questhi n& u;ses ae to vhether~the Ccmmtsaioners@ Court ha8 sole authority in de- termlnl~ whether there +sts such,~~a public necessity, *causad b~~uousual end utdoreseea condltlotls, etc.’ 64 Honorable W. P. Berms, Jr., page 2 “To use a speaffio example, aasumlng the folloving approved Budget AlloEmeats for Road end Bridge Fund: 1944 Est. spat unspent Budnet EX- to BalRtlCO petlkmee Date PrecinctHo.1 Brth and Gravel Roads '$moo $2ooo ' 1000 2000 900 1100 1. H4~~~Caastrue- ..’ t&on EOU6 HO!lO ROIl6 2, Pfnkhase~aE ‘under the IW@get set up and i?tpprovedas above, there .ir nodbudget fuads set up for ‘Pur- chase of. ~uQm4nt*. ‘. All aychinery is actually in operatfixg cemdltlea. However, let ua assume that Coimlssiotaer8* -Court,by or&r, declares an eaergacy. orders budget ameaded to purchase, ‘forcash, othew equiptkeat, either replaolag present equlposnt, or an addLti&m to present eaulrment. We aesume.&at exneabitures at end be $.l5,O?Minstea of Bud- ‘The abote eaae is taken only for the pur- pow or 11$latratiPg the fact that no actual emer~enccg ao4s exxau vhich *could not have been foreseen eKc;( and that such act by CommZsolon- era* Courtvas olewly So2 the purpose of cti- cumventillg the &ad&Jet1lml.tati0as. ‘If coaml.abloaers* court can so act, and be vlthln its legal authority, and if' that body is 65 P. Herr~,a.; pwe 3 Honorable.QU. the relo JudgoindetemlnIuguhether such ewr- ;. ~!~AudItor .In Meprd to the faeta, of vhethsr .or not stwh emergenay e-to? - “3- WIBO lb IB el4arlyappment that such emr- o;smq osder of. the - CcdI88loa6iro~ CottrFo.’ .ra~adLag said .Bud6et, fe. dono fos t&e role puPpen of ~iromneatlng Budgeb llmltatlons; tlnsm, aab und~~thoneaondltlona, doer. 'Cozmty AudItor.hava-the.rothorIty to refum to~&eaognIse8u0bbudget.emen&mnt? a4i’: sr yoe then amerP'.to io. 3 8bove'ia #l!io' ‘ .. remedy4ar&be had. to prevent such :.'what ‘aatIo~&,and what' Is AudItor’a duty re&srd- lag 8ucrhremedy? :;% s&ml1grslrtly apprealate yoir oplnlon zeguding thin matter, elms came fill determine . . . .0 (I . 66 Honorable W. P, Xermn, Jr., page 4 For tinsver to your t’¶XsS quesdl.Oa, ve enclose a