Honorable Arthur 8. Kniokuboaksr
mm rd&tent Oonual
&d$Atent Qonor6l’r Dopartunt
Awti.n, T8xrr
row lrttor of AQ
of thl8 Iope$tmnt en the qor
low t
'*lA 0&8X that thi
the Attorney Qe
bo em~loyo4 by
beSag ontitled
oos~lote& in tho firoal
an glvon, or oaa they
0 tho tollw1ng ii8081
08ttlOSI 8#it idO rr8OhnIB Of 0110
month? ;Lt not, When 18 6#l eMjkOye0
06te a 0t.u tywmwk8 vaoation?
'5. Oan T8OitiOll8bo eOeOJJUlht8d fl?Mh 008 TO8r
to the next? Yor luqploj Ton dapl taoa-
t%On t4tkUA h8t YOU; WI& fOWtOM b&y8
tefcenthi8 year.
'6. Xi thi8 D8Q8&WUIt h88 08rt8ill oiIQ1OyOO8
uhe hare been rlth it for 8~# tJs0, and
805 ’ ’
Honor8blo Arthur Be Knlokerbookor - Pago 2
h8ta rondorod iritbiti 8ON14S, Will thO80
o@OrS8S, goOn -8iylillU frOr Skt. SUViOO,
.- b0 Ultitbt t0 t8e8tiOlA8?
The Qsnenl itidrr 8ppeaQod to Ben&e Bill Ho. 332,
Aoba of the 48th tylelatura, ste@m Bo88ion, 19.9u, (the
Current Blonaial ApgrOprtitlOsi AOt) prOvi&8t
“. . . .
. . . l .”
hVi8U et tQI iOngO* pCOti8i.n Of the WQ8rt-
Pmtd &pgto&Wi8tiQa Bm, it 18 OR? Option thrt lIIbeton
WplOJOO Of JUW &O@UtdE@nti8 1.w oZltiu8& t0
l +8OetiOn,
he or 8h4 au8t &to bow an 8a &yoo of t&ho dopartnioat tar
not lo48 t&a riz oalsadarma & a preaoding the r8oatlon
In 8nffU SO 8QUr 888Oad qU,8tiOS, JOP 8N 8bVi806,
tht it i8 OW OpbiOll thO8 ToO4tiOll8 Say bO&li St 8iiJ tiM
aftor th8 h68 born an urployoo or the aspwtmont for
Xi06 1888 thW 8 08lMdu loath, JW808dbI4J th8 1808tiOn
& r ep ly t8 p UX th b ir 8U888iOn ~00 lIy 86Vb Ob
-‘t&et V8OddOn8 4IU8t b0 WiUfiOkd & tho fj80.1 ysrr ior rhioh
they uo girea end ea8 not be lwrled over into t&a following
fl8081 J48f.
Eonoreblo Arthur B, Knlekerbocltar - Pago 3
lin8WOr w YOU? fOur tb QUO8tiOli, lO
JO1 3 rdV18Od th8t
a lroatioa i8 no00 8plit into fmotiQn8 of Oil0 dy par aonth,
but 88 harotoron 8t8tOd, whoa 8n unployoo ha8 been o4lployed
by th4 dopartaont ror aot 1088 then rir oalend8r aoath pro-
oo(Lirytho leartiM wriO6, 8uOh rap~oyer I8 M%itlod to 8 iUli
two week8 raortiea 8uOh raootioa period to bo autw~ r&mod
upea by the head 0) tho dopartaoat and th8 U~~OFOO.
YO,w iiita QW8t%fMl 18 rO8pOtftlllJ M8WOrd iE th0
n8gatiro* P8oatlonr een not be leeumul8tod Sron aa0 tear to
the Ilox*.
& U8W.P t@ YOU= 8iLth md WYWth qbte8tiOIi8, YOU
ero 86vi8& the% 8fkr Oh0 eWplOpeE& Of the 0 lOye 18
8##h UL~bJU i8 OOt BntiuOa t0 d V808%iOI14.
, the 8beere quetad prorlrioa of the Dopart
06 Bii.i W&d U4m t0 8OUt44L&4t# th8t On8
rust bo a dopwtmatal oaplem4
in or&or to neoivr peg for the
Of thi8 8kt8JMnt, w0 dfre8t yew 8t$MtiO#I bo O&U
HO. o-zulb, a aopy or mhioh 18 8aolO8ed ror your wnvoaf*noo.
AHal willl8E8
L ._. 2? + I)
- T- f
::L”: .,‘i :
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