Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

$g,J c8 .....i.’ OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Eonor8ble ff.A. SUeal County Auditor Ellir county W~ahlo, T6ueo peer Sir8 wed and oolleoted , as provL6ed under ve hlwe, in th8 Par- revel-81thou8erlddol- zmprovaDsnt Fun6 be u8ed to buy oertein prorlerty for the houeiag of each ~loular ConmU8i~~'~ I vlth the ~ynderrtarding, hovsrar, 88LallW’8 pr6olnot gay to the county, a NaroMble atit eaoh mth a8 CULt. ‘f&O tV0 QUO8t,i&l8 t0 be &MV82Od UW1 "(1) can th8 county u80 the Pemaaasnt ~l?OVOlllUlt Furd8 t0 w thi8 pFO&Wtfl “(2) Ii 80, v0dLd the CoPmi88iOU2‘8 reolnot be re~tirea, utxlor tha lav, to pay county rent on the 8bov8 nel88d property? * I . . . . Fromthe infomaatlonoontaineaLayourorQsnal squert and tvo later aomm.mWatioas reogiv8d fzwu gou relo- which are ceszrit1n.l to t!l? nnd mi.:t~nnnCe of ommtruction the county ro3ds snd brldqas, the very pur~oae for rhloh 8ald tund la cr$at*d under both the Constitution srrdstatutory provlsl:ns cited above. ::6no% consider your second question. The OOUrtS Of this S&ste.h8V8 OftOn held th8t Cca+ 118sloncra* Courts bsven:Jauthority erospt that oonrcrred by 8t8tute or by ths Con8titut:On end those porsrs neOen8arlly implied therefrom. %e know of no law that would authorize the h!mission8r~~ Court to exact rontnl iSO each Cu.mni9siOa- er*6 prsoizot for 1.180 of ths building proposed to be purohased or oreoted by the oounty for the purboses-heratoforo btstcd, therefore, such rant91 my not be oolleoted. In oonneotion wtth ths fore&olng anatversto the queetlons propounded by you, it 1s noted, thst you state in your lettar of April 1, 1944, su$plemcntlng your letter, a part of whloh 18 quotod 8bOva,yOU,8tata ln part a8 iollowe: "The BudErt doos not provide for the purohase. of buildings for the housing of county, aaohlnery.” A8 we understand your foregoin(l.8tateneiIt,you rtats in effaot, that no provision ls~oontalned in the County Bud&et prokidlng for the expenditure of funds of tho oounty for the purpose of ersotlnp.or buying property ror housing road ,mohlnary, tqulpnent, tools rendsuppllns. Genarnllg. rpeaklng, no expenditure of the funds Of tha O'ountydhsll be made except in atrlot oonpllenoe -,.lththe Budget (1srdopted by the Court, 8xosyt t33erfianoy txpendituros, in osse or crave pub110 neossslty, to meet unususl and unforascn cmditlons rhloh oould not, by the roaaonable dlllgenos, thoupht end rttentlon, have bsowlnoludsd In !he orielnal bud&et. (Art. 689a-11, V. A.,C. 3.). It will be notoilaa stated above that t3ansr'ally rposking no expendltura~oi tha’funds of tbs County ahsll b8 mds SXOeFt in 8triOt Ot@lp~iQnO8with the Dudgot 88 adogted br the Court except to eaer$onoy expenditures, Jn onse of grave public naoaesity, to ffieet unuauel snd unrorsaen aon- dltions mhloh oould not, by the raasonv~bledlll~rnoe, thought fionorablcC. 4. I:csll., :ace 4 .- and attention, hsve baen lnoluded in ths origins1 Budget. Bs- Sore the above rzeotlonedexpendlturss ‘om be made leeally, suoh axxpondltureamust be provided fcr in the Budgst. ‘;i’hsthor a rare pub110 necessity no% sxlstn authorizing the ~m~~aalonara~ 8ourt to anond tho sudeot to provide fbr the above nentloned expsnditursr is a question to ba determined solely by the Cm- missloners* Court under the exlstlng facts end hrt. 689+11, v. A. c. s. I YGUSS Very truly