Banoreblr Ckorur PI i!udOon
rour letter of
lnion oa the
rol ii1.d in thr oitl
t alleging an 0rrei36r
atlng the tratfio law8
&ant was aooured of ‘Drlt-
f orerwldth* wbioh arosy
f Stamford, Texar. The
t o? that altf took jurlrdlotlon
lnr, I lu~poso, comumnrarat~o with
4 law I have
been unable to find that
ght oa the juriedlction of the corpea-
tloi aourt of titmford, Toxaa, In thir matter are
Artlcler 61 (7)) 6t and 64 Revised Crlmlaal Statutes
(P. C.) 1925.
“2 interpret Art. 61 to man thst the corpora-
tion court hse jurlodlotlon altho.dgh I an uaadvlsad
tl8 to the ordlnanoar or the city, bacause I feel and
know t!xat such olty hrrr ad ordbrnoo qorerninp traf-
708 ,’
ft I8 not.6 that you ltatr la your latter that “tha da-
;$nz was lo a ua ed
or driring a truok with a load oi overwldth
a in the aorporato llaltr oi Btutord, Toxa8.a h-or
8, ror the purpoaoof thlr opioioa, we l88um8 that the
Wradant war ah&rgea with aa ofirnrr unurr hatloo b 0r Artlola
81%; Vornon’a AMotated Pan81 COO@.
Sootion 9b of Artialr 017a, Voflloa*8 Annatatod haal Cod.,
proridea I
‘Any poraoa violabin any at the pro*i8lon8
of thla Aot aball be guilty oi 8 niadomanor and
upon conviction thrraof shall k paniahwl by 8
iin* not lxo4odin~ Tlftt (460.00) Dellara for tb
r lr a t o ftma e, a nd b y l tlnr ot not rxorodlng ‘IWO
flundrod (~800.00) Dollera for the rroond ofion80,
or not lr a wlln~ Iho Kundrrd (hOOrOO) Dollara
or inpriroaamt in tha aouaty jail not to rrorrd
rixty bay8 (60) or by both ruoh iin0 ana imprlaon-
IwIlt- fk ihe Qisoroti6n oi the oourt Sar la o h aub-
requoat oirraae thereafter.’
Artlola 63, Voraonfa Annotated Cod0 0r Criminal R008dure,
Pw1d.8 I
“Thr oorgoratloa oourt in eaoh laoorporatrd
city, town or village of thlr Stat0 ahall hhrr jurla-
dlctioa within thr oorporatr limit@ la all atiminal
oa8oa lrlrin(: uadrr thr ordinaaor of luoh o ity, to wn
or village, and rhall hat* oonourrent jurI8d1otlon
.with any juatior oi the pas00 in any praolnot in which
arid oity, town or rillnge ir situsteb la all criminal
casea arising under the arlalnal law8 oi thla State,
and whloh punlahmant I@ by fine only, and wharr the
ma r h u m o f luah fine may not lxoaed Two Kuadred
($200.00) Eollarr and arlelnu within ruoh oorporstr
The fotagoln.g 8tatUte lrprsraly give8 oorporatlon COUrt8 au-
to try 0irrb908 lrlaine 0~8 0r rlolation8
and alaa to try 0rr0n808 rrlaln& andor tba
&at*, within the limit8 prororibod. (h.
wyvI~y~~ vovrgo r, nua8on, p4pr 3
Tu. aura, vol. lm, page 397 Taylor County v* Janir, 809 9.
W. 406 and thr authorIt 01tad theroln).
St I8 8tat.d in Tu, Jar., Vol. 18, pago 8978
Wndor the arprndst8at
to tlw tbartltutioa gI+-
tn& tha &girlatU.r8 powor to
rrtaburh ruoh other
OOUrt8 48 it Ur deam lk804884rt a& PrIIOribe th@
jurI8dIotion 8ad orgaairation thereooi,and to ooa-
fora th juri8diOtiO8 Oi the dirttiot and other ia-
r8?iOr OOurt8 th8rrtO th. La&i8lrtuM ha8 Q0W.r t0
61~0 eorporatlon aour I8 jtuI8dIotion to try per8on8
tOr OtfWl888 agalart st1to llnl. In ~rO8OOUtiOa 0r
OrrOn Or thI8 Oh#NiOtW t&O QorpOratIOn OOtrrt8
hN8 jarl8di8tIoa OOLlOUrr0nt1~with w jU8tiOr Oi
the poaoo and la any prroinat in rblah tho oltl 18
situated in all Oa888 where thr pIMi8tWclt 18 by fin8
Oalf and where the maxiaum iin8 dO88 aot oxooeQ 'ho
Hufldrrrd DO11sr8 ii the offsno. ha8 been aonvalttrd
wIthin thr Oity 1Imit8) but the oourt8 may not br
glroa jurI8diatIoa to try oird8aaaaOr OmtI8r8 pun-
Irbable b7 iaprl8onment, at 14a8t ia olti48 opwat-
ia6 UdOr hOnU rUlQ ~rOVI8iOa8 Of thr COll8tItUtIOlL;
aor aal they b8 01Oth86 rith 8Xel~8lvr ~~184lotIoa
over lnfraotioa 0r Stat0 tiwr to th o la lu81 0~ 0r
&8tior OoUrt8 or oth0r OOUt8 oroateb bl tlloCon-
IllV18W Or thr tOrOgOblg, YOU ar. m8pOOtrUnJ adVt86d that
tho ootporatlon oourt 0r Stamford, Tua8, ha8 jurlrdlatlon to try
3t8oa8 charged with Orm888 artring under Seotloa 3 0r irrtfale
c7a, Vernon*8 Aanotatad Pana Cod., protldrd It I8 the fIr8t or
eeoond offense. The oorporatioa oourt would not hare jurirdiotioa
,to try a person oharg4U with th8 third or mor8 OrrenBO8 u+er the
statutB, Or 44 8Ub8OqU8At OmJJ84 th~r.aitU. "
Your8 very truly