l 806
tour lrttor of An , rsqaartoU the
oplaion of this Dqurbont a 8ltb tb 6
th r r o ln
a1 to11mmr
tha event of sol-
Ln the etbat of
oyeo LB aot in thr roope
oa County buinrrr at
Ir.thr County llablr in
th l ptlvatol~ owned oar,
4 prlratrly ~wnrtl 08r? 1, thr i
prrsonal laJury whoa tJir 4mplo~or i.
oa WitkiA thr mopa or hlr duty?
ertltm has arlma r1t.R ro&arb to
MOb j301iOi44 81th or wfthtut 40111S~OA
3, 844. 52 of thr Ooartltotloa,
*Ia riaw oi Art.
the lnsamoe 011 y bein& aittoa by a oorrpary whloh
plsom the.,81 P mti%6 DA the poliolsmt (a) ‘h ateok
in4ur4~44 oglpaay heroin aallsd tko oasy~nf’, lb)
.,..,,.,..-. e .-.. .- -- --
xoaor4blr Rrwaa 8. 6@a6 paw -i
9T&osto& Are &oh lnrumaa4 1101 C6
logs1 ln tlew oi &la om,nrtltotloorl
OorpanZ=* prorp"rni.>A~
lx t= 3 0t 0p 0u0mlttmy a8 04 ~81 c 08u6ltt
Cioapaay of hsorloa nlth rotyml to lnrnrmoe oa thr
Ouuat 4lo+stor, rood6 46 folluwrl 'The QOiapaay'B
Umbifity under I of the insuring a(l;rca-
mats on aooount lrlok~rsr, dhratr
or 444th of one pseoa Is to ths mu of
to tho Sam llalt for asoh
‘6 total llabllltp on roeorurt ot
odlly lajtut, ri ~466~ Ulraarc or @oath of 0010
thkilQ&Xir4?6op,,a6 8 ?‘46ult Ot ot6 6OOld(LAt, i6
1lIdt.d to the ma or flO,Oco.CO.' ??ot!ld
th4 couaty
bo Uablw to Forsons innjurr&In 8ua lh
lovator4 I6
6l@h ln6urQ2ca 1*gm:-*
Tour letter of Aquat 18, 194) psttsinlng to outrin
RlttOrO 810~$fOn~d in th4 ?oTOgOiAg hft*r r@RdS a6 fOfb~6a
8ftoa f of 0 poll0 urltton by Genaral
Cssaelty co!!tpaIl~of &NT !om WltE rrgud to
iA6UPaAOO OA the County*s a],o+ator,Nds a8
follOw8! '?h* OfIfepsnf'6 llrbllit~ l3d6r prra-
ma f of th6 irr6urlne agreonlAt6 on soeouat
of P.oC$ly lajurp, tlckncrs, dlrc~~a CT bath
of me jcrrcn 16 l!zlted tc the 6u2 o? j-0
MC rubjcot tc thr $are lL.lt fcr aa&. ~-UOOA,
6~0~ clorato*7 I6 6u6h lnauraaaa lrolr
‘Loulr t Ia44 mdont S&o01 Dirtrlat of Cho
city Of hl6till - &f
68=' Id - f;3(;0 s8 666.36 t0
aettlr the qw8tlon propoumlod in the ebol4
Z!hi6dOpUt*lbflthas ?#dar#d 6et~sl 0pl~loA6 WitahlgB
t&a lisblllty oi th8 Steto (laoltsdi~ oauatles am &ho fBato@r
lUbdirl61?8 nrrolally thr ww8r or mvrrsl~ty) In tbo
8bsoaos oi 6 rrtetuteoraatlag saoh llablllty. &4 4aoloao
Eoaorablr Roagm 8. Nyohe PW@ 3
for out latoraetioa ooplre of Oplnlone 606, O-3)3,0-2136,
O-24{], O-2779, and O-779.
Ti.18 flret two peraprphe ot ooi lettar of
Awuet 16, 1943 (whleb le quota4 above f oontala four
ueetione rwadlng thr Uabilltt of Uar oouaty uader the
1lo teetsted. fa viewo f the fo r r teing
0ia lo ne ltl tho
uthorltlee elted therein, It 18 our oplaPoa that.tie
t ouaty 18 not lrgall~ lirblr for eny damage8 done t0 the
pritatclp ormd rutmobile er lotosobllre lnrol?ed. Grvx
coaaty 18 aot legally liable for any psreanel lnmjury eue-
! tehd by aay 01 tho ps~eote lntolreilor mntlonedr The
tollarlng ex@srpt from the o ln10n i.8the mea oi 5rpn 18
Liberty bounty, W9 S. W. 30P , jO&, illuetratre the tmlform
holding of thr Trxae eolate 00 the qUeetiOA whether the
oounty be hold lirblr for thr lafurl~~ or daaa#pe haratoforr
9. . . It her lone born the lam in tuae thet
l OOUAtl i8 not liablr iA d6Aag.B to? ~@reoA#).
IA thr lart parrgraph of your latter o? huguet 16, 19k3,
vhloh le rofrrred to IA your letter of Augur2 18, 19L3, you
rek iA efie$t would the county be llablr to the poreone who
are injured OA the aouaty elalstO~'r Ia lewr to thie qusmtlon
it 1s our opinion that what baa bran leld above with reiersnoe
to the llabllity of the rowit In onewsr to your fltet question
18 equally applioablr to thle qurrtlon, an4 thucfora the
oounty wou1.d not be llsblo. Apparently thr oounty orrrlre
Eoaoreble Rm.Ean 8. ryohe m#3 4
eoao fern of 118bllity lneureaca prrteinln~ to thr rlerator
ilr qurethn and 7ou a*&"& moh laeurenor legalo” You further
#tats that thhrearn of La18 Ia. Inde endant 8ohool nletrlot
of thhr Cltr of Auetln lb 8. h. (26) $96,eeaoad to eottle
tbe queetloa propouaded L tour letter of Awet 16.
W@halo ouoful4 eoueldors4 tho 8bolr m6ablonsd mar,
M it la OUT oplalan that thie oaee ha8 ao e~plleatlon vhet-
loew totho qaoetlcme uadrs ao~eldsetlaa. The quretloe
preemte4 la thie moo vbe whether the Legielature, b umot-
aed of Artlolg (660-e-4 V.A.C.~., eoold eonetltet1oea.k i
luthorlee’the lehool dletrlot, l politloel eorporatioe, to
arohaee a palloy of aotual lneurane*r The 80pr6380 Court,
Pa the esae of Levi8 ve fndopaoclent Sohool r?letrl~tof Glty
;tAAEe;la, at al., 161 8, t% (2d) 450, h&Sd;that Artlolr r86Oe-6,
vae uaoonet~tutionel a; *lolrtlrrElsotloa 52 of
Aikioie’!11 of the 8kte Coaet~tution. Thr ltidgautte of the
trial oowt md ths (lourt of Cl~ll Appels we?o rrture4 sad
tho leuei remanded to the trial court vith &etruotione to
eraat th8 lajun*tMa.
Utu l oarrrul erueh of the rtatutre we Sallea b
tlad my etatuto lBthorlrlng thr eountf to ourf the kind
of iaetuenee In quoetloa;therefore, lt 18 oar o i~nlonthat
the louaty bou not hat* ruthority to sarr# 8u el h!urule8
and pay the prloo of the praolwe thueoa.
Tour8 rrrl truly