. .
Honorablet. L. 3kelba
Caanty Andttor
Johnoon County
Olobum, Texas
We hero yaw lette
ing the oplalon of thlr dopa
tlon and rnforrlfbg to oar 0
read8 lo perk es tslloua:
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Renorable E. L, Shelton, tide 2
publie neoe8aity iavolred In l&i8 instame. I
oould olte you to othefa bat will not a8 y&u
know thea better than I. The war wae on when
the budget wa8 made therefore that aannot be
olalued aa tmforeeeen and this in the allega-
tiell. Again ribat hop I to do xlth Artiole Ro.
.1666 of the Revised Civil Statutes. If it 18
penaiesible to amend the budget just to oarry
a point or aati8Sy a whim this Artiale had just
es well be dfsearded.
. ...
.l* . .
As we oaderstaadyow request,the eoramiaafaners~
ochrt of JohueonCounty h&a amaded the. budget of mid oounty
to take oar0 or oertalo inorea8e8 0r salary for oertain oouuty
oriioiale. ‘It b our furtbr uaderatapding that it ie your
eontentfoo #at aa there were na pro~l’si?m oontained ti the
0riglna.lootuity badgetnha it rao prwpr&3 to take oar0 0r
eanp fnorease in clalarfea to oounty 0rri0iars that the 84md
oamot now be amendad.
Th%e depart&ant ha8 repeatedly held that the qime-
tfon or wgrave Bob110 neoeeeity” 18 a faot question to be
Qetennfned piGmrlly by tlm oom&~o~on~ra~ oourt, It is ap
parent f~~akyotlr .lettar that you3 position i8 -t&at 00 mggrave
publio mpessity* existed at tha tiaa the oounty budget wad
amdad a0 take oar0 or bneaee in salaries ior atu%aln
OC?Unty orr%OfahI fAEd tb!3mrOrO the OOIWI~~S~OIIO~~' Oowt WE423
uuauthorfead~ to mke suoh masndmnt~ However, oa the other
hand it la’apperent ttit the oaamisalosers~ aaart did doaide
that they were legally ciutkorlrsd ta aaand the oaunty budget
mia ln fast did amend aaid budget.
This ilopartaent has held (Opinion iio. O-2325) that
the diaoretion of the oomnls8loaerr* ootlllt 16 not ab+alute.
zlfirft to expend oounty run48 ia the pas6 0r tui eaw~eftoy,
13:ml* only where the question 58 debatable or where
the exlrtdnae oi an em) onoy is tmWe8tionable. Rower,
aaid eowt ha8 no author T tp to deter&m aad dealam ,that M
energonoy @,atar anb expend eountp fw~I8 therefor, where the
raats olearly’8haw the oontrazy. SmWoourt haa ao legnl au-
thority to dearare an ei&rgeney and evade th8 law, where in
tact, no emrgeaoy ddbat8. ’
our.opl.nlen Ho, C-log3 deflnee the term8 asraver
nnd “publlo neaemftf t se enalofte a oopy 0r this spin100
. .. -
Iionorable Z, L. Shelton, agO 3
r0g your oonvenfenoe. %here the exiaten6s of gmve publio
neoessity i8 debatable, the aota of the oommis8ioners* OQurt
are oontrolling , Therefore, as above stated, it is our opin-
ion that whether or not the oocmissioners* aourt of fohn~+on
County baa the authority to amend the oounty budget under the
raota submitted is a raot question to be determined primarily
by the oomaiosioners’ oowt,
Yours 7el-y truly
Ardell Wilifeuna
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