Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

THE ArroRNEy GENERAL OF TEXAS Ronorablw Y. L. Eoberson county @Ammy arinklwr county Keridt, ~wxns and r&ain fess ES registrar8 ror of Vital Statlstios, on to their annual , ineto plaos the justices on a salary basis the he pea08 shall receive in areto a11 roes, comllisslolis, tar performing ;Parria+3 OS and ror aotlng an Registrar s Botlrd of vital Statlstios and -haa aotfw as ieofrioi0 Iiotarjr iablio. “Gginion go. O-419, Attorney General of Texas, we rind the rollowing: Vhere justices of thwmaoe aot as local registrars oi vital ststistlos, and are Honorable H. L. Roberson, Page g oou&nsated for the tiaoal year on &IO be818 or lpes same&~by than in the performa or their orrioial duties, ruoh fee8 oolleoted as co- gistrais of vital statirtiss u5der Rul0 %a, ~rtlOle 44777, as m~~d06 by Aoto or 1929, Qlst LOS., 1st C. 3;. Chapter 4, are to bo reported and inoladed in the maximum oompen- satfon allowed suoh otiiorrs. .’ .Vn your opinion 0419, you ara referring to Justioes that am compensated on a fee basis. In our oaso the Suetioes of the Pwaoe are oompwnsated on the ntaximua salary basis or ~s,400;00 per yam. mRerer&g baok to &tioLe 39124, aaotioa (o), Vernon's, It is the opinion of this otrics that the Juatlos can retain his fees oollwot- ed as registrars of vital rtatistfoa, over aM . ,above his &‘400.00 per year ~1s~. %hst is the opinion of ‘your deppart?neattr” Pli5klei County bar a population of 6,168 ‘inhabitants aooordlne to the 1940 Federal Ce~eus. You rwrer to hrtlole 2*12e j Seotion .(a I,. Vornon~s Annotated Civil .Stbtutes. Ap- parentlp you haye rerirwncs to paragraph (01 oi Section ‘19 oi lirtiole 39124;.;V4rAoA’s Annotated Civil 3tatutes. This pro- vision is only:-applfoable to o-ouatlss harlnq a populatloo In exo4as or 190,000~ inhabitants aooor&lnJ to the last preoablng --- Foderal Ceasu8;a. Tner(efore, this provision of.thm statute is not applicabls:t6 .\FsinklerCounty a8 said oounty doss not have a population i5 :0tos;ss, or 190,009 inhabitants. : ieoti& 2,&~&&014’39l24, Vernbn’s ¬ated Civil Statutea, is appllosble to oou~tlws having a popul8tloA Of less than 20,OIJOinhabitants acoording to the latit praaedlog Bederal Census and reads iA p’art as iollowtit Vhe couiieeionsri~ Court of each o&tf in t.ha~Stato of ToXas; at lts rirrt rrgulqr m&#i.U&~~+,January or. each calendar year, shall, byr;OrdOr'm&e Andyentered 15 the mioutss or. said ‘~oug$i: dotsmine whather pree’lnet offioers or suoh county, (oroept pub110 wefghsrr and registrars or .~l+al 8tatistlos) shall b4 009- pensated 05 a I%r&arr basis as provided for in Xonorablo H., L. Robersan, Fapag43 this Aot; or whether thsp shall reowirr as thrir ootipwnaation,~suoh tees of orrioe as MJ be earned by them in the p4riom4504 of the duties of their oiiioea, and it shall bo the duty,of the. ?ountp olerk of eaoh oountr to forward to the Comptrollsr or Pub110 Aaoountr dr the State of Texas on or berorr the 31st da$ or January a oertirled copy or euoh order. . . .” Seation 2s of Artiole 39120, supra, prooldsst "x5 all OOUAti48 Of thftt s&&to OOAbi5- ing a population or lass than 054 hundroll and ninety thousand (190,000) inhabitants, aooord- ing to tho last preoedlng Poderal Census, wherein ths preoinot ottiorrs are oompwsated un a salary basis under the pro?lsloas‘ or this act such prwoinot orriosrr shall reoeiva, in adtfoa to the salary fired by thr Commls- eionerr Court, all r9e8, oommkasio~, or pay- ments marrlago oeremonlws and ror perrorasng for aoting as ro@.strar ror thtt acard of Vital Statlatios, aad ror aotlng as OreOrriOiO notar puDll0. w Seotion 1S or Artlole 39120, supra, providas.:in gnrtr The hXa!Bh9iOAoM' Court in counties bar- iA a pOpUhtiOA 0r less than twenty thousand (20,000) inhabitants, aoooFding to the. last pre- oeding Federal Census at the first regular meeting 15 January or eaoh oalondar your, may pass an order providing ror ooPrpensatlon or all ooutttf and preolnot orricers on a salaa-7 basis. . . . Seotion 17 (a), Article SOl23 sitpra, rqads in part ss rm0tf8t Vhe term *Preoinot Ofrioers* as~uaed in this Got asans justiowa or the paaor wnd eon- stable u . “(b) In oountlss whore it 8hal1 bavr boon datemined t&t prooinot offloors rim11 br don- _. 218 Honorable B. L. Roberaon, Page 4 pensatstt on an annual aalav basis it shall be the duty of the Comnissioner8’ Court of auoh county .to fix the salary allowed to suoh orrfoerr. moh or said orriaerr #hall br paid in money an wmual salary in twelve (16) equal incrtallmata or not 20~8 than the total 6um earned aa oompsneation earned by him in hia offMa qapaoity for the flsonl p%r 1935 and not more than the mrirnum amount rl- loued suoh orfiosr under lawn existing Awp uat24, 1935. , . ,” Sustloos o? ihs paroe am rsqulred to aot ao r8- &mars ror the B&ml or vital Statlatioa, in oertaln in- strmoea, by Article 4477, Vfwnon’6 Armotatstl Civil Statuteo, and amendamts thereto. In vi6~ 0r the roreguing statute8 you era rerpsot- fully advisdd th&t it iS th0 OQflliO!l Or this deQEUtrk&t that where Just&oar OS the peaos..arr compsnaated owfin annual saley basis, auoh justlose~df the psaoe are authorize6 to oollsot and retain reer for noting as registrara for the Board or Vital Statirtios, in addition to their eumual sala- ries, whioh hem bemi,ilxed bf the Commi~ioner8 Court8 in conpllanos dth the above mentioned statutes. en.olo~lng a oopy oi our opinion Nor O-419 We are and a ooppor so ppinion written by Honorablr J8me.rN, Neil, Assistant Attor#ep O~naral, addposaed to Honorable Tom C. King, Btats Auditor, oonmrnfng the qriestioa dlaoussod in oljinlon NO. O-419, for pour fnrormation. ~. Trustin that the roregoing fully~~anensn your in- quiry, we are. .._ - ,.., .: : Yours wiry truly ATlDR?ZTMiERALOFTEXAS ArQell williamr As8iatant AWaG