Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN fionorableT. U, Xalton, Prea~dsnt *rfeul.tural& Xe6henloal College Coll3gr Station, Texas Dear Sir: We are pleaded your letter of re- sent date uhloh rude am Oeneral'I Opin- 280.a@ of tha several quor- Texna, 68 low bidder its ballaingr,lm&d thi8 ooatraetorbe of offloe ‘before pay- State appropriatedfuntlr? culd ,thlsoantraotorand me- red to execute the 08th Of OffiaO could bs mule fromlooal fund8? root employsee of the Colle(le,rhatkmr working for an hour, month, or par, have progerlll exeoutad the oath of ofl'lae. We am not oartaln regardl~ lndl~idua18,gmrtaershlpo, o(PIZ?mnle~, or oorporatlona,who nay ?ro~?tim* to time have oontraotswith the Collep~ dirootlp or through the Stete Board of Control, to iurnieh rugplias or do repair or oonstruotionwork. *Your oplaion will be appnafated.H 44 *‘?&aton end after the date thi8 A& be- aotmt ul?eatlve, tm publia ?uada may be paid tc any peraon.aa a t&ohm, Wtruotor, rigit- 1~ lmtruotor, or othrr a~laym in, ror or oonnwotedrlth any tax-m&ppotte&lhool, ool- few, univerdt~ or other tex-rupportad in- 43trtutlonof le8tiag ia thl# St&e, unloa8 and uatll 4-h raon ahell bmr t&en the oath of offioe requr xed to be takeribl’maben of the Lqglaleturren4 all ohher dfloera, ea pror%ded la Axtlele ?L?I,8~otioa 1, a0 amended by uaettd- mentadopfed Hevember B, 19S9yo.m We ltwt ootutxuotha lengurgo *OF other rpplo eo %a, far or aonrws~d with anr tw-aupporlad s~bmol, 001Pam, unl**x85ty-,in the ligkt of the f8eta reoibod in your Lotte. The aas00 are maw which involve the qpr*tion of whether a psrmottlo en omployoe or aa ia4openUonteontxeotor. lronntion tka fellowlagt Y8ao v* Ikrombo, IS& U. 13. 8801 xttd6 ampattpv. 8hg~, 84 8, w. trral7891 mfudl V. fmtmy mlott Ia& oo., U 8. Fi. (MI QS1)1 bhrfhrid Oamrulty Qa. v. lkwneUy, SO 8. W. (Sd) 888: Wutharra Suxety Co,, v. @mu&~., a4 + ,wi;. (261 7. na~employ~ 2.~ kwad in 8060 4egro0, et lout, bo th e dutlu o ia ler vo aa t~ 0otttxaoQr imb o und o nly to pro- 6~80, or eauee to br praUuoed, 8 aortain nttult. &n %JMl.pottaM~ ecattr~otox OcLnrp~0y?%tl&s to?‘<, work and aoomplimh the oeabmpXate6 ?ooult +Mtwt thw wm- 6nt or th e o o ntx a eto a nlnp s~lo yemtttot u a 0 w. The term *employe8wltulle8t*8 8p o mc h ut ind $ 0 wa l# 4 a l na ttta ed% wo r k fo r dooltiod up o n k y o h s o m- x x e & l,y pl.oyer; an fadepedleat aontraot~~a&me8 to do a dab far l oortain 0ontraot psi00 and paarea~ea bwlephuIeao* 0r 00ttml over the date&la. Tkr .Wplo*r’ Is 0150 ugloyrd to pwfoxm poxwonel eervloea; e irmt$!wtor wgagss to 40 a ~~tbulu thin@. plambls T. 0. V;alton,Pr*8Ident,Pega $ hi0 prinoipal ia the work, (18an entirety, to be prio~ed. mo omtmator ia abliead to follaort;tewill af the amploper 6~ ea TV the result of the work, JU$ a# to the meaM and ~a& neousary to aohieve the re8ult. In &southernSurety Gompany v. Shoai&e, lupm, by the gornriaoion or Appealr, It *a6 saidr Supreme Gourt,inGutut~ fy~ttr v. I. R.B. Go., to ooatrol so to tk matutor In whioh the no* IO to be done, or the men8 by rhi#b it i8 amxx@Iahh- 08. *'Iherule is adsnirebljr stated In Street on Porsoaal Injtwleo, 1 fill and 12, thuor *Xo bettor test OM be applied Chrn to 8~ that the relation of mostar and seCtant exi&o whore the raater re- telttao r lxereloeo t&h,power of oantrol in dl- ree6Ieg, not meroly the end mu&b to be &oamt- pli8had bg the amploymnt of onOther, but aa well She mea8 and 4eteIlo of Ito lOooqpliabaent; not ottly*hat rhallbe 40~0, but ham it shall be &me.** &Averting to t&e Saoto dbtmrlbbd la your nquut lott8r, It fe apparent that the oontrmeto Qooorlbed do n6t npmseat an **arployee* relationship,but indioa%e an tide- ndbnt oontraotor reletbonohlpbetwoaa the Gollegs an4 G 4X00 to wkmm the oontnota are mardti. The Colh~ge 5s sot aploying the Lyc3IokWofing G-pew aa a lemant, or e&oyoo, to repair th8 M0r in que8tIon, but 18 .aw*rdingxioontraot to thb GoQpehy. si~ll.uly, the Gollem Is not aployIn(a 8am B; Eutherford to,aove orrteln buildt&#m aa the employ80 or oervwtt of We Gelloge, ma4 alreotly &lar the 6eteileU di- notion of the College, but baa ewerbed to iiuthsrftmda @on- Braot to 60 this pertloularthing. It Is thtmerore t&a oploion or thla 4bparEQIRt that neither the offloern or aplo9oeo or the Lydiok iborfng Cam- patty,ear &IQ 5. %uthsrfotior his oetployeeo, would bo xequlmd to exeoute the Wth of offiee required by Sextsta Bill f?o.38 o? t&8 Party-8svamth Lagialeture,wder'ths Taotn of your Inquiry. Yoourrvery truly W ATT!XNXY GE2NERAB