Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF T’EXAS AUSTIN Xonorable H., 3. Satterfield Firemen’8 Benefit Commlosibner Austin, ¶!exaa . We are pleased G reading a8 rouoras: ber OP a regularly organized fire ~departnent ior more than twenty years, but who ie not fifty-rlve years of age receive the beneiita grwided therein? "3. Xay a person who has attained the age of rirty-rive but has not served aotlvely ror . . Hon. H.’ B. Sa’ttex+ield, Paae 2 a pklod’or twenty years in come regularly organized rlrs departi!mnt rooelve the benefita thereunder? “4. May s~p&c& who has earned a por- tion ot the twenty year period in a regularly organl%ed .ilre department or oae :olty anb who has then moved .to’another town and haa served sturi0irnt pour thorcr to make,‘a tot41 ‘of tvifa- ~ tg year? resaloe the bensilts~proolded thereln? . .-: .* .“5. &w many ‘&embers of a regularlporg~- / i iced l!iJ% depart-H mU$t pualitp under aha prOVleions~oi aal,d bill in order for any Member to partloip,ete la the beneilt~ provided by s+id .,I laws” ,.i I Seotlon 6, of Rouse’Blll No. ZiE!&ts of ths :, Forty-riith Lsglolature (Artlols M%ge,‘~V.A,C.S;), reads as ,, :,:‘ ,,., ,, r0ii08at ‘“On tind attar the 1st’ day Ott April, i.iL 1 1939, any poreoh who haa been duly appolhted end enrolled; and who has attained the age OS fifty-five (35) ye8rs and who haa~senad.+otivb- ly for a period of twonty (20) years In soaa regularly organl%ed’fire department in any city or towa $83thl8 Stat&now within or that may , 0~ll6within ths PPOVI~~~OIU~0r thit3 m, itt w * rank, whether as wholly paid, part paid! or volun- teer rlrenmn hall be entitled to be retired from’ euoh servlos or department and shall be entitled to be paid from the.Flrements Relior and Retlre- ment Fund 0r that alty oztown, a monthly pent3Zon equal to one-half of his everage oronthly salary not to exceed u mexlmumor’,One Runared Dollar8 ,(@OO) ger month. Such average monthly salary to be baaed on the monthly average oT hia aslary ror the rive ISI year period preceding the date or suoh retIrementI provided rusther, that.lf his averaqa monthly salary is iT%‘iityDollars ($50) or lees per month or ir a volunteer firemen with no salary. he shall be entitled ~to a monthly pen&ii & retlZement ~allowanos or twenty-rite Dollars (3E3) .” ~ The oonditiomthus inposed, regardIn@ sli~$billty ioc retireaent boner:ts, rsquin that a psreon b@ *duly appointed and enrolled*; he au& here attnlned the ego OS rirtpriye yearsi he mast have 6OrYed aotlrsly ior a mln- imm period or twentyyears; and the'smrtlor mwt have been In som rogululy orgunlxad firm department rlthla the pro- Vii3iO5R Ol ths AOL i;roh ok these OOndftioPr~6iWbt exist. ft la our opinloa; la amnr to your rht question, that a person muat be a member or 6 tire doportmeat at the tipe be reaohea the age of tlfty-fin yearn to be eligible to rearlvu the barits pro~iasd in s0otioa 6 nottithataaui4 the requirement of twenty yearta at aerolaa may bars ken mrilled tiwetorore. Witness the uxagwga or seotion b Wmll be ohtitled to be rotlred*, obviosmly ix~plylng amtbernbip at euoh %ir. iv8 oonatFuethe twsnty yuarr or servici3 oonditi~n an a mlnlmm ?OQU.iMHlAt, the abrtenao or which will render a person lnollglb1e upon hio attaining the age or rifty-rivrr years utatl1 suoh tline ae th8 twoaty yearn CP Sc3FYiCO haB bWJA OCS&'latsd. Your.second nnd third questions~ere anewerod In the ne(jativu. - It 14 cleusly W&red that a Qersarr shall have both reaohed the~68;* ot rirty-rive years aad 'served ror a xnirilmm perlokor twentr yemra~.&~~Zori.belu&oliglbla ror the bmmrlta provided in tJm 1~': 1.: 1:' Xt %P~CI~UPo&ton that raur rotrcth ~qu~~stlonrhould also be tmmmred in the ns%a’tlwt. xota the terminology or s8otion 6, rel~etlngoaly to reClrbMlot bwritt3, xv1t.hera- phaeia a&dad% * mp perman who harr beon dtilg ap- polntei &i enrolled, a&d who haB attalaea the aae . . . and I&O hos Sbrr6d aetiYslp lOP a period or twuntr (20) years in e . . . ilM departnsnt ,in any olty or tom . e . &all be entitled to be retlrud Fcos g&& . . . dcpaFt- mnt and shall be entitlab to be paid Irem the P1rtYBent8Raliot aad R43tImeent Fun6 or &f& oity or town . . .* tliewin~ the Aat aat a whole in the lnethod provided rcr the establi&hfmt and rarpleniohment or the fund of ea* , ‘\ 23. \,,\,, Hon. H. 8. ktterrield, Pa@ 4 oity or tom, and obeorving the sbrenoe 0r anr prmhlon for the transfer of any fnads fresone oity or town to aaotkar tnoleant to the ohiwq or mi%ubs?ship or a firs- xian rrom tbo bepartaent or one oity or torn to that of another, we are ooaatninsd to hold that a8 to rqtlroment banerite the requldto tmfntp yew8 or sontoo mud ba in onu fire d*partmeat. Ip aaawer to pxcr rl@?, cpwtloa, it la observed that there 1s PO re@fremont is 8. 8. 256 rep+rdln(g the number or aedmrs of e firs depa&taent r&lob auat qaalify brfors sny msbor may partioipeta in ttm bsneilto prorid@& therein. Weberr or II rfm dspfmtment eltaot~ng not to qualify siBply do not gutfoipate und imi not liable ror any ealery doduotfons or paymat otherwIse rsqalred under Cieotion 10 or the Aot. Other zmmbers oi the rlre dspartsmnt are not ~p~nbalizoa therefor. ,