=- 6.mNN
Boixmble,~ea~ .OUim,,, :,. :;,:. ,,'.~
8PtifhaC8 Qt tit18
bar ef appliaaatswho acae to hLm
Uoatlona unprrpared and ropaert
8 preparet&m oppllcatloneand
take thalr.aokoowledgrronte. Xnployc?eein Ohat&
of thlo Bepartaent are Notary i?ublles, and whan
regucmted,they perfoam this asr'?ics aad mkb
b ohargs Of zo# ZDr takiJlg:the lAoknowladigImlt
to the appliaabtolr~. As a result et theee BbLfgeb,
the e6qloyaeaaolleotajiproJcl%ately MO.00
a no&h, wbloh masy~trrtornedover to idr,
RorJoh,end w&lob ha krapo as,faeouanaoouat-
able to. the 005ot~* Ke ha8 net oooouroged
agplicanteto we hia m@ayrros Ilar thl0 .
purpoee, but .tQ::,tha
ooatrary haa mu&eeateP
thbt the have':;$hbiri:landaftll.outthe
appliaatL 0s en4 take the 4akoawladgmrot~
in order to aave.thbOOW,, aa well 81 the
trouble to 'Us otfio4, but thwe iub a uem
tblo per0antag6'whQ prrtar to her ths se
ployseado tbla rotioe and take thle mo-
knorledgJIeat(m4 Bat t&8 E&L .:
"5rrolkw or the frrctt
thet the Sara Zr
'lou aiLl &lSO n0te t&et tne aokncwacdg-
meat d&m not aontaln the atateatentttiatthe
lippllcontis ~mrsomlly knumn to the kozay
Oub2la. 1s it your opin?onthat,au ta spery
aokmv2adgae~t.ths appl$oantohwlt? be
kmwo to ths ZZoteiry
i?ubl%o, or alre intro-
&cl&d by ~OPIOOIIO
who lq kmwn?
it prohibit a~; other chartjo.4~4 tiuld it
requlrs the takln& of utk~wwlad&wtrti,by the
dei3ig5atedagent Pm0 of ahbxge. The berti-
fl,aatereferredto lr reqdvl by hmtioa 30 .
ot ArtiaLe14%~1 ol th6 Penal Cods.
“In the evant that this obcr~;u say be
~rcqor2~ abed6 by M.r* liwah, 2e it y3uF win-
ion thbt it14 80 exaem ret9 ror abica he In
not rapulr6dto aooount? Uy 0pLolan on thla
lr that'ifha lo sntitlod$0 jreXstba oSar&%e,
the foe ia IL5IDoO8al
?ee an4 =my be rateloed
-, - -
. -.,:
artntor haTt*auoh applioaat Sntroduoed to hla gre2u any
ot!.sroaax whsrs en orfidavltor aaicmwlodg!sant 1s to bs
3eat2on57 of Artialo 1436-1,BBmkon*sPanel Code, .
to which YOU refqr, provieia a foe of fifty cants to be
pal6 by an applfuxnt for 6 csrtifloqte of title ie to bs
dioiaad twenty-five cente to tho to1 e8seoaor-colleator
ana twenty-fivsamts tO tbe State filghway Departsentfor
the purawe of ooverlag ths2r rospeatite erpaneealn comeo-
tion with the eQwlnlatrr;tion of the got. You eok if such
a8 ta 0xuluslva. Re are nat sure tha,twe tmdvratacrd your
qne8tiaa,,butit 2s oar opinionthat 8 greeter,orleeaor
roe oannot be ahsrgedor ooll.aatee. St does not preventa
ChBr$e bslw made by a net@ry publiogtJr~~a&ig the appli-
CBtht 6 ~CknCWk4d~Mit.
A notaryptiblio fr a Wi20 etfiaw.’ SL Tax. fur.
343’. The oolapenaatioa uttaahsdto PA off100bel~onga to the
parron legallyholdingthe office. Ikwrick‘I.Ake, 76 Tex.
143, 12 8. w. Oil?]. xt 2s oux oplll2aa’ thlat the notary tBMB
ber&,otorroolXmotddaad A~W bald by the tar b~sesm~-
oolleotorand sll fees ~hreorteroolleotedcyo thv property
OS an6 belong to the lndlrtduelnoterieowho hava ~srforrmd
and who her6iarter perrom the ser*ioss.
Yours very truly