*h6h o~i%oor, A~IWISin tlaa -tea- aball
firat, out ar 6he ourrem Se88 of h&r offLoe
paJarbepudt.heuolmt -blauRderthe
giroviaiom of Artdale 3883, togethaf with the
rUmlo ef him u~aiataata mad d8putio8, muid
outhilrlaed expenrea uder &t&ale 3%99, ad the
uounr ne6eaarcg to oover aeat or y8remlumcm
vb a tever luret;r bond m&y ?n mqtrtMd bg lar. ;IE
the ourxwit teem of rvah of’riee oo;Uectad in any
y8ar b6 lllore tlraa th6 amount needed to pay the
a nwunt8r b o vea p eo liied,
l4 u a b a U b e deeud
8mea a feea , a a dlb U%b e~Ua p o a edo f3.1 th 2
ea a n-
Aer bere.lA8ft.r p r 0*tded.
* . . . l
iwaola 389?, Qermn*a XevAaed Ctvtl Btatutea, pm-
adem I
Wab dmiriat, 00w and pma t 0rrb
eer. at
the &tome et web I la0113 year “9 Lhoem-
bar 3lat) aball make to ohr diatrFot wurt of
the ao\tnty Lp uWeb ke m&&w 8 mwbrnatato-
muat & tr&jalaote (OR t
pawed by the ItMe h4ltoa““i ?%$j?%%il% -
8trUemnt ahell ba fm to tbe 8t4te Audi-
tctr by tba okrk of tba dlatrl~t amart cU aUd
eew~y vltktp akltty (119) anftertbeauehua
bma %IIkla 0Zflw 3 caaooopa to be
f& led vlthtb a lo uAty & ta r , ti ; o th e r -
triritfdG~~y 8Ull k tl&& with %e Gala-
8Ud report lb Ul a)aov the
-t o fa llh e a l wimlaaUma u1 c4 o ta p o a a a -
ti8Ra ub a t*vn ur a edb ya u.4Offleo4 lur SJq
th efXaoU y e 4 r4j 1 8I
aewwUy, a h a lla b vth e
aomut o ffee8 P M IIa la amda oompeaa*tl8aa
IIOa h OP by8d&I hW&Ag t&LOf&@Ou paUr; tihef%&,
le.ld r ep o ratb Ula o ~t4 Uma Lm4 la edlt4 temn~
o fa llf-8, cIomaSaaiata 4 ndwaapaneatloru 04 r n-
ed dur* a18 flaou yew vhtcrh, vere ~fftad.leet-
elk‘ caspthw Vltb the R@me of the plr*ryoviq
mud ieea, eemSaalona ud ampo~rtionr. 8ai.d
report abUl be Sllod not &tier tbm 8ebmu-y
lat PUloulpo tke Uoae oi t&o flaokl y8su aid
far e4ab fhy 4fter arid d4ta the maid report