. 6 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable Charles Ii.Slaughter - page 2 Whoever 0 * i (lb)for a oozudd4tration, reward or peouniarybenef%t, prosent or an- ticipated,dlreat or indkreot, adrises or coun~3l4 anoth5r 56 to mmular law, or ~drave a paper, docmant or ln5truwnt affecting or relating to secular rip;htsj+ * + or (d) for a consideration,diruat or inUreat, gives an opinion 80 to th% vaufuty of th4 t&tile to real or personal prop4rts,~* 0 * AS prao- thling law** skaohof the sots eaumrated’by you sppeax+ clear- ly to t‘allrithinthis def'i&tionof prsOtioe oilrcr.Your intpiry does not dleolose,hmsmr, ex?ept inferent%ally, that th4 llotary FubUo ptwSorms the wte'for 8 peouubry benefit vithin the oaanirq of the Act,, ~0~t&r&he is not aduly lismwmdlawyer. ue a%nllnbe esdr of these to ba true. A Eotibry Publio ia a piablh ofYio6r under author- ity of the,&It&e appointed for a def%zdte time, requirea by lau to subscribeto sllatkia%al oath anB to exeaute an oiiiaialbox@. Els daltieeSC8 - by lw 8s the,foning,a9 aoknow1eaapbntcor predo OP trit~tiainew ; pmitenb ing InatrurPantcr perPattedby;10~ to be +bt&qted, adsdnia- terhg oaths,~emd taking deposlt&onS,@as 1s ati or mtsy hereafter be wnt'erredby law upon County clerka~il(?iw. 0%~. 6th. Art. 6964). mentioned by you cope Hone of the ectivitlcso ui,h& the awpo of the ofTiM.el duties of such Ifotaiy . This Department has had b4for4 St the quest&on of the unlawful paotios of law in the follorrlnp easea: In Opsnion Ho. 0438% we OoneSdemd a crontracrt by a bond broker with a county to work out a suhedule of the amount 4nil type of bond to be sold,for the particular projeat mqgested by the county, and t&n to proaure the servic4s of 5n attorney to prgpnve tbs wmLou4 otier4, nstioes and other instz=unkmtereqwlred to make up the transoriptof the bond pxwwe+qs prelimixxaryto the obtainini:of an o@.n%on of validity from the Attorney Qeneralj likewise, to furnish the opinion of e reeog- niwd bond attorney. The contra& w&w held to be il- leiwl afithe umuthorised psotioe of law. IionorableCiharlosii.Slaughhtor - page 3 In Opition Ho. 0-2233 we held that 8 Local attorney would be violatin& Article 4308 by fllkng ap- plicationsof foreign corporationsfor perreitsto do business in Texas for and on behalf of a corporation system which Is unauthorizedto practice law in the State of Texas. In OpLnioa No. c1-l860 wo 4dvleti the County Attorney of Basque Oounty that a contra& by a print- ing corporation agreeing *to peepare the le al proeeed- lags necessary to be cxecufed in yoting snd 7 or outhorle- l.ng the 100uanc0 Of the propowd t3emlritfsrr,~ YW il- logal and void a5 in v%ol,ationof the statute under ooIl4iderafion. ! Upon the statutes, oone3.derations,81~3rulings sbovo stated, you are respeotfullyrdrieed that the aot.lvi- ties of the Sotary Publlo mentionedby you would be in / riolation o? Article 430a of Yernon@e Penal Oode of Texas.