Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable Buford D, Battle State nutitw hm?Aa, Texas lionorablsButord D. Rattle, Faga S *If your answer to ths above question da in the affirmative,th%a your anmu to thla further questionwould be halpful. "Sfnoe Vhltehousc Ind%p%ndehtS%hool Cis- triot is a Rural .;ldAchool, would they be corn- gelled to show the r%venue to be received under the term of th% contract with Hur%k% a8 revenue lu their applloatlonfor aid?* In order to make your queatlonr, appear mow oloarlr it may be well to set out furthor explanatoryraotr obtained from a reading of the sgpl~cationand from verbal uonvuua- if&r&with you and vvithofflclalr of the . Bo oontract bus bwn ma&o with Eureka Dlatriot upon whlah the raimburr@ment oi L Ton Dollare ($8X0.00)i8 sought. Tlw t%rm %ghoet le used ln the epplioatfonas i5Afeat~ that ii tho Ruroka Distrlot had not aontraatsdto the WhltohouseMatrlet lt vatid hare been neoassary to have o 19 ed a teachmr at a salary or Right U.uulredTM Dallarr'PI # 0.00). On the theory that it there had been no oontraat b&wan the two Dirtrlctr, the B\rrokaMstrlot would hare employ84 som% toaohor at a salary of Right Eundred Ten Dollar8 (&lO,OO) and rould bare boon able to draw that amount iromtha Rural Aid AP opria- tlon, and that S%otion 15 of tb present Rural kid fzwtuth~~- izaa the B;ur%kaMstrlot to transfer ruoh lututo the !&We- horue Diatrlot, the former Distrlot hao mad%applloationto b% paid such sum out of th% Rural did Appropriationnit& the xl.~~r;~tdalir%ringthe 8-e upon rouolpt to the Whitehouse . 1 Saotfon 35 of Roure Bill O&3, 46th lagislaturo,'thr Rraal kid AppropriationBill now in operatfonreads: *SEC. 15. Transfer Of Rntize Dlstriat. On the agro%ment of th.cBoard of Truatoss of th% districts ooncarnrd or on patition signed by (I najorlty of the qualif isd voters of the aistriat and sub&at to the approval of the County aqer- intendsnt and Sate :;uparint%naent,the trustsea or 8 diStr.iGt Wiloh may be unablsl to maintain a satisfactoryschool may transfer its csntlreecho- lastlc cnrollm%nt, or any number of grades thereof, to a convenientechool of higher rank, and in euch Bonoratle Burord D. Battle, I-age3 svent, all or the fwla of the a%rtriot, lnolua- lng the State aid to which the dlotriot rauld otherwise be sotitled under t&e provlolonsof this Aot, or such proportionatepart thereof es may be necessary may be used in oarrying out 8ald fi@waeent.* We have reaohed the oonolualon thet teaohar salery aid IMY be drawn by a transferring dlstriot in the mumar sought, althou& the base aniotU+t may not neoesaarilybo as auoh as that E& out in the applfeatlon. yraglpest axpUiUlO0 and existinh; facts it met bc dotermlnoQ se nearly aa oan ~bo juet what part, ii not all, of said 8m oi R@kt Hunbrod Ton DoLlara ($tlrO.OO) the JEurelfa Cltatrlotwould ham b@en e&Itltld to reoeite baa it not made t&o oontraot or transfer wlth'tho nhlteholueDlstriotr The amount thoa arrivea at should be lt up as the sum to be #d the Eu~Oka Dlstrlot in re6peOt to muoh salary item if there is suHlclont money to pay all approv8d applicationsin full, %?lthZhe above explanationwe answ8r your first qusstion ia the arrirmatirs. Wa 40 not answer your aeoond qu8ation in thin oplalan. If you amlre O&T oplnton 8n the subjsot matter mmtlonbd in your seoond question we would apgr8elate your furalshlngus rdth detells coneern& the sppllcatlon OS the WhltehouaaDl@trlat* Your8 very tmly 0lM5 It. Lowis Aseietant