Honorable Buford D, Battle
State nutitw
hm?Aa, Texas
lionorablsButord D. Rattle, Faga S
*If your answer to ths above question da
in the affirmative,th%a your anmu to thla
further questionwould be halpful.
"Sfnoe Vhltehousc Ind%p%ndehtS%hool Cis-
triot is a Rural .;ldAchool, would they be corn-
gelled to show the r%venue to be received under
the term of th% contract with Hur%k% a8 revenue
lu their applloatlonfor aid?*
In order to make your queatlonr, appear mow oloarlr
it may be well to set out furthor explanatoryraotr obtained
from a reading of the sgpl~cationand from verbal uonvuua-
if&r&with you and vvithofflclalr of the
. Bo oontract bus bwn ma&o with
Eureka Dlatriot upon whlah the raimburr@ment oi L
Ton Dollare ($8X0.00)i8 sought. Tlw t%rm %ghoet
le used ln the epplioatfonas i5Afeat~ that ii tho Ruroka
Distrlot had not aontraatsdto the WhltohouseMatrlet lt
vatid hare been neoassary to have o 19 ed a teachmr at a
salary or Right U.uulredTM Dallarr'PI # 0.00). On the theory
that it there had been no oontraat b&wan the two Dirtrlctr,
the B\rrokaMstrlot would hare employ84 som% toaohor at a
salary of Right Eundred Ten Dollar8 (&lO,OO) and rould bare
boon able to draw that amount iromtha Rural Aid AP opria-
tlon, and that S%otion 15 of tb present Rural kid fzwtuth~~-
izaa the B;ur%kaMstrlot to transfer ruoh lututo the !&We-
horue Diatrlot, the former Distrlot hao mad%applloationto
b% paid such sum out of th% Rural did Appropriationnit& the
xl.~~r;~tdalir%ringthe 8-e upon rouolpt to the Whitehouse
. 1
Saotfon 35 of Roure Bill O&3, 46th lagislaturo,'thr
Rraal kid AppropriationBill now in operatfonreads:
*SEC. 15. Transfer Of Rntize Dlstriat. On
the agro%ment of th.cBoard of Truatoss of th%
districts ooncarnrd or on patition signed by (I
najorlty of the qualif isd voters of the aistriat
and sub&at to the approval of the County aqer-
intendsnt and Sate :;uparint%naent,the trustsea
or 8 diStr.iGt Wiloh may be unablsl to maintain a
satisfactoryschool may transfer its csntlreecho-
lastlc cnrollm%nt, or any number of grades thereof,
to a convenientechool of higher rank, and in euch
Bonoratle Burord D. Battle, I-age3
svent, all or the fwla of the a%rtriot, lnolua-
lng the State aid to which the dlotriot rauld
otherwise be sotitled under t&e provlolonsof
this Aot, or such proportionatepart thereof es
may be necessary may be used in oarrying out 8ald
We have reaohed the oonolualon thet teaohar salery
aid IMY be drawn by a transferring dlstriot in the mumar
sought, althou& the base aniotU+t
may not neoesaarilybo as
auoh as that E& out in the applfeatlon. yraglpest axpUiUlO0
and existinh; facts it met bc dotermlnoQ se nearly aa oan ~bo
juet what part, ii not all, of said 8m oi R@kt Hunbrod Ton
DoLlara ($tlrO.OO) the JEurelfa
Cltatrlotwould ham b@en e&Itltld
to reoeite baa it not made t&o oontraot or transfer wlth'tho
nhlteholueDlstriotr The amount thoa arrivea at should be lt
up as the sum to be #d the Eu~Oka Dlstrlot in re6peOt to muoh
salary item if there is suHlclont money to pay all approv8d
applicationsin full, %?lthZhe above explanationwe answ8r
your first qusstion ia the arrirmatirs.
Wa 40 not answer your aeoond qu8ation in thin oplalan.
If you amlre O&T oplnton 8n the subjsot matter mmtlonbd in
your seoond question we would apgr8elate your furalshlngus
rdth detells coneern& the sppllcatlon OS the WhltehouaaDl@trlat*
Your8 very tmly
0lM5 It. Lowis