* , OFFICE OF THE A-ITORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN HoaosrbleVi11 Crov County Attorney 8~11 oouaty Ouladlan,Taue Jour 1ott.r oi Olerk’a offbe, eta. I t?leCoaatt4oorJwthvw l a Oounfy 6urvoyor, aad the reaomla ham beon tunwl over to the County Clerk $0~ uie keep- w, that the Olork ia uMt1.d to noofve the foe tar the neer4lng 0r all fimld note8. tleaao tell IIY vhat lo row opfalon in thir utter. \ - L Iionorrblo Ulll Oror, Pqo P %a aurvm~or vi10 18 l urvo7~ tbo 'Oklahou 8trlp lm7m hm he bmund 8ll tie14 Bob8 OBbd d.cuy th. 8tPip intO OB8 VOhB8 of fi*la amtern, mad hm propommm to film turn rolm lB tbm ola*:r oisiem. Do 7ou thl.Bk thimvmul4bmthmprmsmrrytobuMlm thim, or ahoula it bB n00r4.4 lB oab wgular roluma or rid.4 Bmkmt9 8lnee your oount7 does not hmvm 8 ooamt7 lur7m7or, the omuat7olmrlchAm proporl7uapabmg* ofmlltkerpmr paperr rad noordm bolaneirrg to thm mmua&r lurvmyo~~m mif'100 un4ar tha muttrorlty of Art1610 !Wg?, Rovlmmd Oivll Utmtutmm OS Tm%mrn, rhioh nmdm *m f.xlarSl 1. Qrt. su¶. UhBBawr A orgmamea mouatg bdang*to the oomat7 m&.~IP'mofriooud lmfelr kmmp *4,mmmm in him 0ff1em.~ t0r thm ~00rdag or 8u -878 8~d fir14 ad98 the aouat7BwT*7Ql,lmultiflo4to 8hwgo tha f.88 prmmuaamd b7Artlmlm J9# mad Artimlm 5290, Emtima$C$riz 8tatutem o? Fmxmm. %rt. 3944. 008Bt7 murve7er8 mull w- ouro tha tolDlovhq ieast %Bp8ot* BBd rmoomuB@ tha fl.ld-notes &mlp&tof8muu*7rmruqtnotof&ndovu ~oBe-8h¶.840i41yw.'. i.. . . . .@.oo %Bo~'~*lugw . . . . . . T.00 %mmm thmaasu-~of~b lmagum . l&o Eonormblo WI11 Orov, Pqe 3 -Art. gaga. To moor4 flda BOt@S-- luavmyor lhmll noor ~ma h so uut7 lam ~011 bmunA book ml1 Bhm murvmym la him aount~, viahthm plmtm tbmwof thmthm m78mkm.vhmtb lr private OF offimlrL. lluabrweaiJ a&all be o p en P OPlumh to th elnmpootiono f th ep ub llo . lmrviom thm murvm7wn7mhmrgm iaUl4itiontio thr fmmm mllmwm4b~l.m~ for flml4vorlr, pnty mmntm per hundn4 vor48 for muoh noorfl. Xt rmmt bm nob4 that tus4m~ Irtlolo.91~6m~d~ole 5277, Rovfmm4 Clv%l Btmtutmm of Tmxmm. 1923, ? murvoyon mrmgitmathmrl@ttoneord thols own murvo~mma4 field notmm in thm 8-w lurvm7ar*m orfloe, ma4 if t&7 do 80, tb.T SrB not rqulvm4topmym87Cmotethm aowt7 mwvm7oror oouDtf alwk. ~ehorm~quoto kfimiom Sp16andfipn, under- lcoHagt&mprvvfm3.avlalahvmkllmvm nqriin*'Um iongoiD0 odtruotloBs tan4 mdrvo7oorm llmmsmmd uadmr thmmo pro- vl8loBa OF8 kenby 8?aellmimul to perfon t&# 4uti.m that mr bm wrfomm4 br oount7 mrm, mnd mhmll bm mubjmat to thm dlremtion QS tbm oa*- lm, Gmn4 Ooalmmlanmrm, Attornmy 6uwnf ma4 thm mourtm OS thmStmt0 la8mttmrm o? W lwmp iogiamumhmmmmmamwmymauun4mrthmmwmrvlmion or mwh muthorit188. The jruim4.iaUoa of mmh ~lmmnmomm mhmll k moutmnsivo vith thm l.hltm of tbaatrto. Thayuyhol4tboafflooof eouuty mwwyor, an4 ¶X so &eat84 mbll qual* 88 ro- *la@4 by lmv rar mouBt* mulvo7ow, bus wall L- $imaformqpmrthulmreoun~7mhmllpo* l.irit tbo jurlm4lmtian of m&l4 lurvo~Ft0 lrmhOourrt7, nor ahal the el*otioa of a oomlty mmvwyolr for ~~rti~u~t~pm~8uy~~~rnprrrnpr rro8 perSo- tha 4utimm of l murvqor in muoh OWB Ux rid.4 not08 mm40 mnml.loramm6uadmr tll%lXV mhmllbmmfqnm4b7mu lx ltwwJo r .to llo w4 Wtho 4omlgamtlon, Llo o Bme4 ludlua wo y o r .‘m *Ar t. 5ei-7. ?lol& not.8 to bm rmoordod 'gqory mum07 amdo by mq liomnamd 8UWo70r &ml1 & rmmor404 la tbm oounty mum*7or~m xwaor4.m HonorableWill Craw, Page 4 ause ude by any lloensmd lda swvbyor afloat- Ing the lines, boundarlss mnd areas of un- patented lsnd shall bo forwa-dml to the Land orrice. All field notmm mm& by a llcensod land survo7or in mn7 aount7 in this Stmto ah11 hmvo the #mm forom mnd lffmot mnd bm mdmlssiblo in evl4onos the smam me fiord notes mm40 by aoun- tg 8urveJore.~ (Undermoorlng pyre) Uhmrorm Artlalo 5297, lupim, biroate ths eount7 clerk to “take charge of all &~oo&C~, maps mnd pmpe&ma whmrm the&m Is no coynty su&vm7o&, vo ham bomn unmblo to find mn7 statute vhloh authorizes the aount7 olsrk to record mxq inmt rummats pmrtmlnlng to the offlem of county surve~oFTEktiolss 3944 and 5Q90, mnprm, prssorlbs fees for rcaordlng b7 aount7 su&vm7orm, but authorlee no fees for oount7 &arks 19 muoh omsms. ConmmqtlmBtl7, vm arm of the apinion tht a aount7 olerk Is muthorirmd to ohm&go no fernsfor &eoo&dl.ng maps, flald notms, eta . lnong the rmavrdm of . the offIce of county lurvoyor of vhlah ho hmm taken mtastoQ7. Liasnsmd lmnd su&vo7ors, duly lioonmmd under the provlmlona of Chapter 1, Title 68, Revised Civil l3tstute8,m&s lxpmssl7 mu- thorismd, under A.&tlclms5276 and 5277, supra, to rmoord their ovn field noto8, amps, eto. lB tha offloo of the oount7 muN0J0&, vlthout pay- any fea for thm prlvllegs of so dol.ng. Xi a aur- royor sh o uld lmplo7 thm oounty ala&k to do rmoordLng for him, It vould bo a matter of prlrmte oontraot botvoen them, and in muah wont th? oounty olmrk voul4 not bo meting in him offiolml ampm- olt7 mnd any ooupmnmmtlonpaid him for muoh amrvlomavould not be msssmmmblm mm foes of offlam. Am to the survm7or raforred to ln the lest pmrmgrmph of 7our lottmr vho 18 murvmpixq the "Oklmhomm 5trlp"; if ho is a llomnsmd lmnd murrqor, hm vould bm entitled to &moo&d him oyll field notmm mn4 If hm hmm bound t&o m.ma ln a "vmll bound book: thm mmm mm7 bm rmoalvmd b7 7our oount7 olork mm part of the penmanant &08o&ds of his offloe. andyo~~vouldbs antitled to n fees for rooelrlng the suns. Yours very truly ATTORUHY OEsmtALOF ma