Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN c\ loaomble 1. D. 8tHa#er oounty lrttonley xcll oesaty KemphiD, toxam Deu aim oPirionlo.O-3 7 Rer X8 tho dl ot rle* ntLt1.d to oolleet dly- Of r her fma ceurityvh fM6- ent l o tea WAdo r .?t 602, ?. .* - a w-1 ir ivm f d 1 1lentenoend e a ndo o r t8 o a tIn a l & aent on the above put, a* follaa , c. c. ?. previ&r for c*rtrJa i1c1rls for holdLn# umlIliDg lmt*no o o,r b o th.I thenfor. take it th8t tha mute vould not bs liable for examlain& ~ trlrl fear vhen tho defendant lr asllyglvsn 8 f* aad jail reatenoe. %vorer, Art. 1055, C. C. t. wooidea that lanor~ble 1. D. Itrlnger, tye @ ln l a lr dewa no r , u se th e o o u nty sh a ll b o liable ior om half fee8 r&n t& detdrat lap hlo tlae cut ln jail 01 10 put o t#u g\lbllcrorka. •fulnaqlAM&~e8toa~rt& oounty&ttoraoy, wtiee of poaoo and poaoe 0fr io en a relntli10d to on+half roe8 -iart tho county under a u8e when the deiendmt Ia indicted Mdor Ale. 802, 1. 0. ud 18 g iven l fine and jail 8entonae, aad lay8 Tlu ri.M Ma 00*t* out in jell. Al80 a8 to whew&- lr tha dirtriot olerk im ontitled to om-half fees againrt t& oountr la ruoh a ebae. 'I how aad thmk rou for your letter of the 19th enoloring OoplO8 of mtar opfnlaru O-3057 and O-2877, 'As I undorrtmd those qpiaions tho oonatablr rad jurtloo of pea00 am entitled to one-half their tee8 under Art. 1055, C, C. t. I 06~ see no dlrtinctlrm betvoen t&re of- rioerr md tho oounty rttorne7, and a8 thon- ion of tha opinion that the latter offloer vould be entitled to one-kmlf o? hi8 ow trial fernunder Art. 1055, 0. C. t., uml the factual rltuatlon prerented. "I enolose holutith oepy of my tentrtlre opinion to tho Dl8trlot Clerk, 8ad vould rppre- alat JOUP rlev8 48 to vlkether I u oomot.* Vhat -8 said ln our opinion Boo. 0-2877 and o-3057, relative to ths conrtable and ju8tloo of the peace 18 squally applloable to the dlatrlat elork under the fact8 mtated. There- fore, it 1s our oplnfm that the dl8trict clerk 18 entitled to one-half of her fee8 aa provided by Article 1055, Code of Crla- lnal Procedure, for services rendered Fn the abort mentioned 0a.e. With reference to the con8tabl8 and justlosl;fo~ pea00* in rour letter of March 22, 1941, you state: 8~ no dirtinctlon between these offloer8 and the count7 at- torney, and 8p therefore of the opinion that the latter offloer v&d be entitled to one-half of hi8 trial fee pder ex8aG.nln.g Art. 1355, c. c. P., XK? the factual situation presented. In c Ronarable I. 0. Wrineer, tye 3 this S-tian ve call .-.pur attention __ to Airtlole 1097, Oode of CrimUml trooedwe, wuea provrao8s *In a ll OLDeD vhen l defendant 18 lndieted for a felony but under the ladlotaent he MY be ooavloted of 8 ri8dem8umr or a felony, rod the punhhmnt vhlah ry be uu8sed is a fine, jail sentence or both SUch fl.ne and irpclsoment la jell, the 8tato Wl pq no fee8 to any offlow, exceptwhen the 6eSandant la lndlct8d for th8 olSenme of murder,until the cams hat been fFM3- 1~ dl8po8ed of in the trial court. Provided the prwi8ion8 of this Article shall not be CoPstrued a8 ILffOCtingin w WY th. prOViSiO?lSOf Al=tiOla 1019, Coda of Criminal trooedure, ls anended W hhpter 205, ~ensrd ~vr, Reguhr 8esrioa, ?ortp l0oaxl Leglslaturet Provided this StUX3.1 not to sxamlnlng trlol teer to Cyunty Attornbps Cri DiStriOt Attorne~r. In vlev of the foregoing rt8tute, pu bre respectfully rdvlaed, tbmt it i8 the O;piniOnOf th18 departpent that the ooun- ty attorney vould not be entitled to one-half Of his fees under Article 1055, Code of Crlmin81 trooeduro, tier the fact8 above states, but vould bo entitled to his exemlnlng trial tees as providedw Artlale 1020, Code o? Crlmlnal Prooedure, and vould be paid by the State. TNSting that the fOrOg0~ iti17 MSVOC6 JOUr i.nqUirJ, ve are Your6 vSF7 trlll~ ATTORBEY OEBERAL Ardell h';rlllama A?slrtant