Honorable B. F. HcKee
Gounty Auditor
Hldalgo Golmtg
) Texas
Dear Sirr
inion of thlr depart-
ment on the above a an received.
ccording to the last fwd-
Aooordln8 to the
opulation of Hidalgo Coun-
"Pleaew advlae if there Se any mthor-
ity in law for paying the Oounty COB&S-
I ' aionera of Bid&o Count7 the $50.00 per
month spaoFfled in the above mentioned act."
House Bill Ho. 848, Chapter 194, Page 492, Acta of
the Forty-fifthLegietature,1937, Rsgulsr Swa6ian, made in
part as folloPst
Eonoreble B. F. Xoitww,Page 2
"Section 1. In any oounty In thla State
having a population of not less than seventeen
thousand, six hundred (17,600) end not more
thau seventeen thousand, swvwn hundred (17,700)
and in auy oounty in this State having a popu-
lation of not less than seventy-seventhousand
(77,000) and not more than sevwnty-seven'thou-
aand, one hundred (77,100) and lu any aouuty
in this Stete having 8 population of not less
thau seventy-seventhousand, five hundred
(77,500)and not more than seventy-seventhou-
mud, six hundred (77,600).secordlhg to the
lost preceding Federal Census, the Dosanlsrionwrs
Court 1s hereby authorlawd to al ow each Oomls-
aloner the sum of Fifty Dollars t450) per month
for traveling expenses and deprealstlonon his
automobilevhlle 'onofflalal business. Each
rush Oosusirslonerrhell pay all expenses ln
the operation of saoh automobileand keep saam
In ~~palr free of my 0th~~ oharge to the couu-
“* l 4 -n
Thla department has heretofore ruIed on House Bill
Ilo.848, supra, es it applies to Owamron County, holding that
the e&me Is a special lav regulatingthe affairs of Cameron
Gaunt?, s.udtherefore uuoonstitutionslcud void. A copy of
this oplulon, vhlch Is So. O-2811, le enclowedherevlth for
your luformatlon. What Val thereewAGdwith reference to the
aonstltutlounlltyof Eouaw Blll'lo. 848, supra, aa it applied
to Cameron County Is equal appllaable to aald Act ~8 it applied
to Xldalgo County. A 8lmllar~A~twas held uaconetltutionalin
our Opinion fo. O-1955.
It will also be noted that Iudalgo County has a pogu- .,
lstlon of 106,059 lnhabltantsacooFdlng to the 1940 Federal
ut of the ~~~~a~o~sb,"B$iiS!iiS~;$
%%Xs~h~~3ilWh84~, supra.
pllmblw to Hmslgo 0oullty. After a oareful search of the stat-
utes, ve have been unable to find any statute authorlr the
above mentioned expenditure for couutlea having the po2 atlou
of BldaLgo County as lndlcatedby the 1940 Federal census.
In view of the foregoing,we respectfullyanswer the
#@orable b. F. &See, Page 3
above stated question ln the negative.
Trusting that the foregoing fully anliversyour in-
quiry, we are
YouPa vary truly
m wlJ*
Ardell Williams