Honorable %‘.r. %31arap
County&2 Qftor
Qrayron county
Shrrman, T4m4
Deer 3lr ,:
plum Comndllt~ Corporstion,
ment on th~~+z-z-~*~plnlon c* thlr depart-
ce sreln statea lutebeen re08lt4a.
cnyrs' Court have thr
Qeasrel Fund of Qrmp
4 plaoed in a r4vo3v-
known as ths "Fed-
Plan* aoconllng tb my in-
bcanoh of the Federal Surplus Com-
;.Uthwe~ the Cymmiasionsrs' Court hers the
to tlr4 a ::er*ana4 Wayeon County Gherl-
ty Ca~4 horkerw to lnttrrogate relief o&tent0as
to tkelr nscd4 and leme web a,roa4ry Drugs and
clothing or&err ae h4 deem neoeeearg/
Ronorable V. T. Welerop, page 2
. Does the Commlrslonerr~ Court have
the authority to D%~~the above County Csae
Worker a salary of 6150.00 per month out of
the General Fund cf the County?
I Said other of the Comwlrelonere'
Court was dated,Febru%ry 20, 1941, and to be
effective es of February 1, 1941, eftrr x-c%-
oinding %n order held lnvalld by the Dietriot
Attorney which we% pasoed Jenuary 30, 1941 of
vhlch you will find oopy attaohed.
*r. Yould the Commlr~loncrrs Court have
the authority to allow a ralary to the County
traffic ofrlcer from Februmrr 1, 1941 to Qebm-
ary 11, 1941, when suah appointment wa% made by
the Co~lrelonere~ Court under artlole 3899-b,
acting in aonJunotlon with the Constable rather
than with the 3herlfit
'For your lnformstlon the Sherl?i filed an
lnjunotlon in the 15th. Judlclrl Dletrlat Court
of Qrayron County to prevent raid Commlrelonere'
Court irom aarrylng out raid appointment, whloh
temporary lnjunatlon wae granted by 6alU 15th
Judicial Dlrtrlot Court on February 11, 1941,
analthe date set by said Court for hearlng xae
February 28, 1941, and on Qebruary 19, 1941 be-
fore eald hearing was held the Comml%alonere~
Court reoasnded their orner appointing the traf-
flo offlaer and held same for naught. Upon no-
tice from the Comml%%loner%' Court of their aa-
tion the 15th Judlclal lX%trlct Court dlamla%ed
the injunction a% a moot queetlon.
*Plea%4 inform me the stltue of the ralary
of %aid traifla offlaer during thle period from
February 1, 1941 to February 11, 1941.
'You will find attaohed Commleslonerr' Court
orders of all the above queetlonr except question
No. 1.
Thl% department ha% heretofore ruled on the first
question preeented In your inquiry, answering the eoni4in
the negatlve, in Oplnlone Nor. O-2015 an4 O-2013A oonaurrlng.
Honor&b14 U. P. 'dIdroD, page 3
CnpI.48of these opinion8 w.r4enalosed for your information.
In an%w%r to your auertlons Nor. 2 and S, JOU are
a@vlrecltha,tIt lo our opinion th%.tboth of l%lQ quertlonr an8wereQ in ths afflrmatlve e.ntl
ar4 80 answered,
upon ths conaltlon8 and for the rea8on8 dated in our O-
plnlon No. C-2217 (Conferenoe Oplnlon No, 3099). A aopy of
thlr oplnlon is enclosed herewith.
Artlole 6699-b, referred to inni,your Bimthquewtlon,
to all oountier in thlr Stat% having a population a?
more than 125,000 acoording to the preaedlng Federal aen8u8.
It 18 iurther provided in 8w.M atcltutethat "thlr Aot ohall
not ap$ly to oountles of not leer than lQ6,OOO population nor
ear% than 205,000 population aocordlng to the last preoedUg
FeQeral Cenrur.* Qrayaon Count7 ham a pogulatlon oi SQ,@QQ
lnhabltante acoording to the 1940 Qederal Ceneur. Thereiore,
Artiole 6699-b Is not applloable to rat& oounty.
Thl% department held in Oplnlon No. O-5028 that “It
18 the oplnlon of thi8 department ad you are advise6 that
the oountr traffio olfieerr provided Sor ln Artloler 6699 an&
6699-a of Vernon'% Annotated Clvll Statutes, rhould be appolnt-
ed by the oommlsaloners'court of the county, aatlng in eon-
Junotlon with the lherlff of 8ald oounty,anbnot rating in oon-
junotlon with a oon8table.*
You rtate in your letter that the trafflo oiiloer in
question was lppolnte4 by the s%%unl88~onrrO'oaurt, aoting In
oonJunotlonwith the aonetsble rether than with the sheriff.
In view o? Opinion No. O-3020, the oommi88loner8'
oourt did,not have legal authority to appoint a trafiio offi-
aer aotlng in oonjunotion with the con&table rather than rlth
the 8herlSI. ThereSore, lt 18 our opinion that the trafflo
offleer above mentloneb wa8 not or aould not be legal17 ap-
poi.nted in the menn4r above etated and had no authority what-
soever to a@. a% lu%h. ThereSore, it 18 our oplnlon that thr
oomoll88lonera~ oourt has no authority to allow a salary to
said 'oounty traffla offleer.*
Trusting that the foregoing fullr an8werr your inquiry,
we are
Your8 very truly
I - ‘,
rll Yllllam8