OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN * -c.llum , Icnnrr- Rononblo IS, A, Rod&or, Paqm 3 “9, 7or oont87ia a ptironu afsor ooa- riotion oount7 ! lkl, ior la a h to tha PIlo, going and do&q, b7 tho nearrrt praotiaablo rout0 by pr:VatO OOtWJ~OO, tOE QMt8 l ri18, or by ratlutay,, 8OVOA Md onddt OOnt8 8 DUO, a1O1 7or aonto7fn a prl8oner 8rn8tod 011& UUr M t Ofl@88 f 8WOd trOa anoth8r aounty to thr 8ouH or jail ot the aouat7 fror whioh ?A8 pro0088 ~8 lrrurd, for laoh Jl8 8ntelrd (otnd and ooaiag, Or the noaro8t praa- tioabl8 route, twelto and one-h4lf ooat8. "11. for OaOh tiI0 h8 M&J ba oempllod to 8rarcrI fn lraautind arlmlml proorrr and 8IalWXl~~ Or attaohirq WitlW88 nbfon uul one- half aenter TOr tr~v~ibg in ih0 8erViOO Of pFOOO88 not otherulro provldeb for, the #um of aeven urb onr-half oente for (3(ioh milo go- ing Ma r.turala& xi two or molu puron8 lro mentioned la the UQU writ, or two or more writ8 in the 8um aaao hr 8hal.lOhargO Oni7 fOr the di8t~100 aOtU& 4iid 1&00088&?i4 travolrd in thr 8am0." Arti ioil vIPnOn’8 AIUiOtat~d Cod0 0f mJk.%Mi ~rooeduro, read8 an foflou8~ ‘Ilo itO& of 008tS 8b83.1 br tared toZ l purported 8enlar whioh war not pOriom8d or iOF 8 8bZ?ViOc, for WhiQh l&O tee i8 *X&Wk& proridad by law," Artiolr VW, ~o?noh*r Annotated Tourn Coda of criainel ?roorduro, ma68 a6 iollonrr ‘ihen a $&pent has been rendered against a defendant for I peouniuy finr, ii he 18 prosent, he rhau bo inpriron.6 in jail until, dlsoharg@d aa povldeb b7 law. A OtIFtlfled 002~ Oi WAOhjU&gWtSt shall be w$fioient to luthorfzo suoh ia- prieonaent ." Eonorablo IL A, li0a808, Pa60 4 %hen a poouniu~ f lno hS8 bea adjudwd &@iJl8t 8 dOiOn&&h not &UOOOBt 8 Oapt88 shall rorthwith bs 1Ssued for hl8 arroot. The sheriff shall lxoouto tho saw by plaoin( ths 40f0dim in jail." Am010 789, vO#~d~'8 hIUtObtO6 TOXS8 CO60 Of Criminal Proooduro,roada a8 follw81 Vhoro ouah Oa~i88 1SSUO8, is 8u okato th8 roaaitlorr -1 uouat of the judgmoat aa the amuat unpaid thenon, ~a 0-a tho shsrirf 00 t0k0 the a0- fondant and plaoo him in Jai; unii;h;ho u00iu-d au6 upa 8-h jua furthor ooot8 of aolloot 'I" ng tho soaio aro pia, or until the darenamt I8 other- ~180 lopylly 4lSahar8Sd.* tit1010 998, vomoaQ8 Aano$ataQ T8nr cod0 of CriPrFnal Proooduro, read0 S8 fOiiOW8l~ *:;ihon a adondant her been oonmittod t0 jail ia aOf!Uit Of th0 fiJP3 atI6 008t8 / ldJuOgo6 againat hi.@ tho further onforoo- aont of suoh ud&nd ohall bo ia aoaordanoo wl# tho pror i 81On8 of this CO402 btiOi.8 793 8Bd 196, ~OMOll'O mOt8t0d T0X08 cods of Crlahai proaoduro, prod40 for the 8oti8rS0tm or JudgPento la blsd8u.eanoroases by plaolng t&o oonvlatod derondant la the oouat7 wo r k h o ous o e, unty fa r l to., and m, by eongdlliryaald bsfW&lat to labor bt0. Artiolo ON, VSMOB’8 Annotated Tax88 C&O of CFd nai ~roooauro, 18 Sp- plioablo to Justfoo Courts,and duls rlth the satlsfaotlon of judwents in Juatioo Courts in criminal Caao8e xtlole 795, Vernon's Annotated loxas Cod8 o? SrfmFrul irdOehr0, reaC8 as r0ii0wS; *:ihen , by the juGgment of the olurt, a Jofsndaat 18 to bo lmprlaonod in JSll, S carti,Pie& co;,y of ouch jucgzent shall bs Yurflcient authority fclr the sheriff to plsoo auoh dofondant la jail." Artio1e 796, Yornon’o AMotatoQ Tom. cod. 0r crImiaA1 Proooauro, road. a. iOUOuoI .A oaplao ioouod for the arroot and 0011 ritoioaS of on0 ooavlotrd oi a riod*mmnor enaltl oi uhioh or aaf per8 thorooi b in jail.* lutfol. IO?, Vornua’o Anaot.tod Tom. Qodo of crlmlaal Proeoduro, roads a0 r0iw0t “A doratdult *ho ha. remhod ia jail the length ut tlmo roquIre.6 by tho jud&mont -11 b0 6100har&.& Tho lhorlfi oh8U rw turn tho oopy of the or the oapiar undo? ohioh the doion t wao lBpr1.oB.6, to tho proper oourt, rating how It was oxooutod.* Thfo dopaxtment h&o ropoatodly ruled and ahf3rlrro uo no% entitloa to r000 psrformod as outlined by tho irr etatutor, o-106, o-698, o-768, 0463, 0460, aa maay 0-r 0pia~0 0f thio aopartaeat. Opiaion Ro. O-850 or thir dopartmaa8 holds t&t a CoBrtablo ir ontitled to tho Ius Of $t,OO for 1wlly lxooutia( a valid warrantoi lrroot la a aiodeoioanur ~~80, luo hgoooo;oz: torod $ last the doioadmt 011 00nvi0tlon, Thio a0 ropoato fb riled howoror that a Oenotable IO not on0”Itlod to any rOOOror making $lloml lrfeoto. Opinion No. 0463 of thio dopartaukt holdo that a Conotablo lo not entitled to ohargo and oolleot a for or &SO ror taking a ng lp p r o r lng a b un6 lna nLo do mo a onoa rr ua 0 lo o o ho ecuaplioo with Artioio 873 and 3tiolo t77, VorBoBto AmotaSed Toxao Codo of crimI~1 Fruooduro of Texas; that a ooaaitssnt for whloh a poaoo oHIoor IO allowed a ioo of $1.00 IO for lxeouting a valid order of tho oourt, aftor oonrlot:on oi a dofondant, cIrsot:w tLat the dofondant bo plaood in jail and oonfinod t:Loro ~5atii th0 judgment or tho 0m-t is bati0ri0a and that a rol~aoo for whioh a raoo ofiloor IO allcrroi a fob 0 1 #LOO IO SOr ro- loaol~6 or a! lohargl~ a dofondoat fror the for00 aad offoot d Eonorablo E, A. Bodg.8, Pyo b a $~dgmon* reotralnlq U 0 tfi%oB itO. ~116~ of this doputmbn% holds tha$ only rhoro Eho hots Bow tlut the dofondant IO uoto4 of a Co~tablo at #o tlmo ho plwdr r ia 0 i0o h 0 OsQa k b lO lB titb 6 )b l rurthw hoi60 that rhon tho dorenndant Juotioo 0r the pear* and mama10 looe t0a b th0 Jwtloo %a paymeat e2 60rOawb rir0, th0 00~0 P able t not ltiu0a to a roio~oo r00. ;iO lROlOOO herwiSh 00piOO Oi OpiaiaO XOO. O-563, CW.lB9, 04104 ana 04437, whloh pars oa puootionr similar $0 tho qUO.tiOB Lnv0ivba hor0i.a. In rnoror to your first r;uootion you uo roopoot- hrlly ahired that it IO the opinion 0s thl(iea0puwm2t~ that; 1. Tho Ooaotablo 10 ontltlod to #&OO ror oaoh 10~1 arroot made. ii01 0 lR titiOta021 fO 0 e0r OTii%Og aU- l rooto, 2* Tho Oonotablo IO ontltlod to $1.00 ror lxooutlag oaoh raUd oommitaont la d.odanoanor oaoeor Tho oommitmont i~ouoo only after oontiotion 0s a 60rmdaat. 4ho looaritmont* or authority for iQUIooludat, whloh tho Donotablo lx6@~808 in mIodemoanor o8ooo where a poounlary fin0 has b8oa ad&ago& against a defendant, and whore tho dofondant IO prooont, IO a oortiflod oopg of bwh judgaioat, as outlined by ~.?tiolo 787, 0. C. P* xi in ouoh oaoo th4 dof~dant b not preoont, th0 moapla:i%horIsad and dsooribod In rrtloloo 780 and 743) c, C, P,, oupra, is tho lowimltumW uhlah tho Conotablo 0x0-’ outeo* 3hers tho juQzfaBt is imprisorsmnt in jail Artioieo 795 ana 796; c . a . P, lwka, apply and thr moocaftnen~R in suok aabeo wouli, be oithor a oortiffod oopy 0s tbo ju or a *oapiao*, clopendentupon th0 faotb involved thsro ?‘Tho n. Constable would exsouto the “OtmBltmMP br ploolng th0 defend- ant iz as dirooted ln the orbur; jail when thie was dono by virtue of a rail6 oomnltmont tho Conotablo would hwo oarnsd his for and bo ontltlod thoroto it, as and when, SSBIOwas ool- leotea. 3. The Coaotablr is entitled to tl.30 for takIn& ad a .proving defendant** bond In a mIsOoiw3anoroaoo prori606 9ape i 0 done in acooraanoo with law aa in OWIQ~IUIOO with ,ixtIol88 273 .Ind 277, Yernont8 Anaotatod Texas 0060 Of OririMl Proooauro. -. 7 . 824 BonwabU II, A, Hodgoo, Pago ? 4. The Coaatablo is not lntitlod to a reloaoo foe unlooo ho ii8 tho dorondmt ia his aotual and legal oustodr at the tins t&o doronaaa~ myo - . hlo rmo ana oooto or oat~of~oo saao by hyiin& it ou8 4 jail and tho Conotablo thot uad thorn ro1oaoro tho d0r0nam rrw tho for00 4md lr r 00 0rt a uagplurs rootraining hl.n. The t;sn g~oloa80m oortoplatso a. SUL rite ~4 0 lot@ rolo&oo and dioohargo iron t&o judgmoit rostralain& “y: t l defo nda d, 4ruo’Ung that this latlofaotorily moworo your Ia- Quiry, we are Vary truly 7ou-8 AT'XRHtT OW W TEXAS APPEOVEDOCT 24, 1940 a . ATTORNEY GZNERALOF Tms